Wordless Wednesday "XYZ" Style

Today we thought we would mix things up a bit and participate in the Wordless Wednesday Photo hop with Focused on the Magic.
Today's theme is XYZ. To say that finding pictures that started with these letters was difficult was an understatement but here is what we came up with.

 X is for eXcitement.  Looks like we were quite excited here. I guess we could have used Y for this picture for Young too. Look how young we are. This trip was actually in celebration of college graduation!

Y is for YUMMY! There aren't too many items at Disney that aren't yummy!

Z is for ZIPPY!  This photo was taken as I was finishing up Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K last November. I certainly was feeling very Zippy at that point!

That's it for this Wordless Wednesday. What Disney or vacation words/pictures would you come up with for the letters XYZ?

Don't forget our GIVEAWAY is still going on. Go Enter!    ~M


  1. This was TOUGH! could only come up with one... that's yellow. Am posting to your FB page.

  2. O my goodness! We racked our brains trying to think of something for Y and yellow is so simple! Can't believe we didn't think about posting something Yellow at Disney. Now, you have inspired me to go through our pics and find something yellow!

  3. I wanted to participate but couldn't come up with a single thing! Very creative, y'all!! Love all three! :D

  4. Hahaha, YUMMY is right! Is there ANYTHING better than dining at Disney...? ;)

  5. My yummy seems to be included in my WitW post. Oklahoma Joe's in Kansas City :-)

  6. Yummy is right! I love all the food at Disney! That picture of you at the Jingle Jungle 5k is awesome!

    1. Thanks Courtney! The Jingle Jungle 5K was a lot of fun. We got to run through Animal Kingdom.

  7. Love the photo's! Such cute dresses in your college grad picture!

    1. I loved that dress! Can you believe I still have that dress? Or at least I think I do. I'm gonna have to go check on that now!

  8. Hmm...maybe Z could be the Twilight ZONE Tower of Terror?

    1. Good thought! I don't have any pictures of that yet because I haven't ran it. Are you running TOT this year?

  9. Great pics, I love the Yummy pics ;-)

  10. You guys look so cute it your pictures!

  11. Very clever choices! I love your "X" which could also be a "Y" with Donald's arms up! You are too Zippy cute!! Thanks so much for sharing and for joining in the Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!!

  12. Love this post! Y'all look so cute in your photos!!

  13. Cute pics!! I was just thinking last night about all the yummy food at Disney. That would be my Y for sure!

  14. ooohh the Y pics are definitely my favorite! droooolll!!!
