5 Things We Shouldn't Have to Read on Facebook

Happy Friday gang!   We are linking up with the Friday 5 gals again and the theme is Things we want to do this Summer.  Well, we don't have any real concrete plans, and if you know us, we are kind of fly by the seat of our pants kind of gals. ( maybe that just means we wait till the last minute to really do anything...haha). So anyway we are taking the theme a little differently this week.

With that being said, we know a lot of people are gearing up for some special events.  This time of year, our Facebook feed gets flooded with pictures of vacations, weddings, graduations, etc, etc, so we thought we would put this fun post together.

Let us preface this post by saying that  Yes, everyone is entitled to post whatever they want to on their own Facebook page. If we find something we don't like or find something to be offensive we can always "Unfriend" them ( I've been told anyway). I haven't actually done that.  I personally have no reason to unfriend anyone on my FB list and I probably wouldn't know how to do it anyway!

But after talking to some of our friends who use Facebook more than we do, here are some of the posts they'd rather not see. I think it's quite comical (Probably just because I've never posted anything like these before). Maybe you'll agree. ( but please keep in mind, these are just for fun)

We wonder why people post these things........

1. Wishing your child a happy 1st birthday and telling them how they have brought so much joy into your life over the past year.
This is nice and all and we are glad that you are happy but your child does not read and will not be looking at this facebook post.

2. Wishing your spouse a happy anniversary and telling them that even though you've had your ups and downs, they are still the love of your life.

If you are happily married, aren't you living in the same house?  Go tell your spouse that in person. Why gush on facebook?

3. Inviting people to play games. ( or that so and so just got a high score at game xyz...)
   Do we really need to be invited to play Farmville or Candy Crush or whatever games are out there?  I like all my FB friends, but I will never be playing any of those games. Aint nobody got time for that!

4. Posting how much you miss the dead or writing a post to someone who has passed.
  I don't mean to be cruel about this one. We all have lost someone we love and it is VERY sad and our hearts do hurt. But instead of posting a letter to the deceased, (who will never be reading it), go pay your respects to that person or read a devotional.

5. When people post rude comments back and forth to each other or better yet, when people post random sentences that you know are probably meant for one specific person.

We've all seen these. The typical "If you cant say something to my face...." posts. Come on people. Don't fight on Facebook. Do you really need all your FB friends seeing your argument with someone?

Have you seen people post any thing like this? What are some things that you think people shouldn't post on facebook?

PS. Today is national Donut Day? I personally dislike donuts, do you?


  1. Well, I'm guilty of number 1 for my kids' birthdays. You're right, my kids don't actually read it, so it could seem silly. But I gush over my kids, I can't help it :) I think the whole banter between husbands and wives - telling how much they love each other on Facebook - is weird though. The kid birthday thing is cute, especially for Auntie Jane across the country, but the anniversary thing makes my eyes roll. Everyone's got there thing though, right? Lastly, I find mourning on Facebook very awkward.

  2. Agreed....Facebook (and all social media really) can be so juvenile and immature...But then I can't remember too well life without it so there's that too lol

  3. your post is super funny and I have often wondered all those things myself!!! and I agree- who has time to play games????? YIKES! Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm with you on posting rude comments back and forth-not necessary. #FridayFive Confessions of A Runner Mother

  5. I may be guilty of some of those a bit, but man do I dislike 50 invites for a new game. I love to game, don't do it that much, but when I do, it's not going to be on Facebook. Haha. And you cant forget the vague statements that if you ask about, they say they don't want to talk about it. Then why did you post that?!

    Of course, I'm not on Facebook too often anymore, so doesn't bother me much.

  6. I don't do FB, but this can apply to blogging, too, so I had to read your list to see if I've been offending folks! I kind of wish I didn't like donuts, but I do!

  7. I wish my cats happy birthday on facebook hahaha! In fact, back in the day, Christmas had his own myspace page- lol.

  8. Your post cracks me up! I'm so tired of all the Farmville and Candy Crush invitations, especially when I receive them over and over again from the same people. If I've already ignored your previous request, what makes you think I'll accept it the 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th....) time around?

  9. What?!? You don't like donuts??? Have you tried a hot Krispy Kreme donut? I pretty much hate all other donuts but a hot Krispy Kreme donut is just amazing. I agree on the overly gushy anniversary shoutouts. They kind of creep me out, but I'm more of a "funny" anniversary card person anyways. Now go find a Krispy Kreme and try one of their hot glazed donuts!

  10. I might be guilty of some of these! But I have to agree with the games. I can't take the games any more!!!

  11. I don't mind these except 3 and 5 (and I am pretty sure the game request apps just goes ahead and invites all your friends for you -- most of the time the people "sending" those candy crush invites don't even realize they are annoying all their friends) and I HAVE unfollowed people for multiple game requests - people I didn't know well anyway. p.s. donuts are gross ESPECIALLY Krispy Kreme.

  12. I haven't seen passive/aggressive fight posts in a while, but most of the people I know on FB have really kind of gotten over it and don't post like they used to. I get tired of political stuff. Even if I agree with it, the person who posts it generally has comments from friends who want to argue with it.

  13. The games drive me nuts! And the weird cryptic, passive-agressive posts. The rest of these I don't care too much about either way but those 2 bother me for some reason.

  14. Hate the rude comments and the Candy Crush and other game invitations are just plain stupid. Have a great weekend ladies!

  15. I actually like the birthday and anniversary posts, but I'm weird. ;o) HATE the games and totally not a fan of snarky people. But I'm really good at rolling my eyes and moving on...

  16. I'm guilty of #1, but I completely do it in a way of sharing the birthday pictures with my out of town friends and family. I am in complete agreement with you about the games, spouse anniversaries, and airing dirty laundry. I cannot stand getting game requests too! I just block them all.

  17. haha! That's funny because I agree with all of this!
    Game requests are the WORST!!! ... I found out though that FB does that sometime without you knowing it. I'm all paranoid now when I play a game that its going to hound my friends & I'm not even aware.

  18. I am seriously laughing because I have seen all of these things, in fact I believe I have seen each of these things at least once if not more just this week alone, LOL.
    People can do whatever they want on FB it doesn't bother me I'll skip it if I don't want to read it. But there is one thing that really shocks me that they post: When they are leaving town on vacation, how long they'll be gone. When I see comments like that, I really enjoy telling them (if I know them well) "thanks for letting me know, I am on my way to rob your house now." LOL. I mean really???

  19. Donuts are bad for you. LOL. With that said I have seen folks do all of the above. The big one that kills me is the passive aggressive posts directed at someone but they try to word it as if it is a general statement. Those crack me up. Also someone's father died and the same day he passed unexpectedly his daughter was on Facebook posting blow by blow. Felt really awkard.

  20. I am not a fan of the husband/wife gushing posts...I suspect that those who feel the need to publicize their "love" might be secretly having marital issues and this is their way of deflecting, or trying to prove that everything is awesome.

  21. The random "ask me what's going on posts" -- kind of like the passive aggressive crap only more enticing like "Thank goodness G is a doctor - that ER trip was much easier than it would've been". I used to know someone who would post that sort of random crap at least once a month...other mutual friends just stopped asking her what was going on!!

  22. I see a ton of these things too...and I don't get the passive aggressive stuff, but to each their own. I am not a donut person either...I can't remember the last time I ate one, it's been YEARS!

  23. I hate the game invitations! No, I don't want to play. Didn't you figure that out after the first 10 invitations got declined? And yeah, the fighting stuff is annoying, too haha. I am a big fan of donuts, but doubt that I will be celebrating the day.

  24. I was actually eating a donut while reading this and just spewed powdered sugar all over my computer screen when I got to the donut part

  25. i agree with the fb fights -- i don't think it's appropriate at all! oh and all those silly games - hate that!

  26. Oh my goodness, all of those things drive me crazy on facebook!

    I'm not in love with doughnuts, but I definitely don't turn them down.

  27. I don't mind the game stuff because I can just have it block all invites from that game so it doesn't come again. And I've played FB games in the past but I don't think I spammed my friends! :)

  28. I so agree about the couples that talk over Facebook....I mean don't you see that person every day at home? Idk, not my thing I guess lol

  29. I block every game I get a request from. Farmville, candy crush, birthdays. I block them all so I don't get sucked into the game.

  30. I couldn't agree more about the Facebook comments! Especially with those comments that are aimed for a specific person.

  31. Omg #3 and #5 I totally agree with. I wish people would stop sending me game requests - so annoying! And as for rude comments, those are the reason I avoid Facebook when it comes time for elections. Everyone likes to insult others for their political opinions and it gets really annoying!

  32. HA! These are great. I feel the exact same way. These all drive me CRAZY!
