A Peek in our Week

We had two very different weeks last week. I really got my workouts in while I took on some home/landscaping projects while Lacey went on vacation to a beautiful location (which I hope she tells us about later).

I know my week may sound pretty boring as I am writing this all down, but believe me, I certainly wasn't bored while I was doing it!
I spent a few days working on a little landscape project at my own house and then spent the rest of the week helping my parents on a bigger project. I can't wait till these projects are completed so I can post pictures.

(Baylee and Belle trying to stay out of our way while we worked)

As far as running, I got a few one mile runs in and two 3.1 mile runs in. It's been really hot here during the day so i've been waiting till night to do my runs. One night I didn't run untill 8:20 pm ( it was still light out) and even after I ran 3.1 miles it was still 85 degrees!

On Friday I decided to run earlier in the morning and it was actually a bit cooler. When I came home I push mowed our entire lawn and our neighbor's lawn (since they were on vacation and asked us to do it). Neither one of us has completely flat yards. I was about ready to die when I was done. I know I don't hydrate very well! I was feeling all accomplished that I got a run in and 2 lawns mowed and it was still eaarly in the day yet. Turns out I was so exhausted that I couldn't do anything else all day!

Later that night I did go to a running shoe seminar and I actually learned a lot. I'll share some things with you all later!

Did anyone else do a lot of yard work last week /weekend?


  1. Your pictures of Baylee and Belle bring back good memories, I had a dog Wolfe that looked very much like yours and enjoyed him for a great 17 years, dogs are great!!!!
    Actually I did do a little yard work, I put in flowers (finally) in my flower beads in the front yard:)
    Hope you get a few cooler days for running:)

    1. I am very happy to hear that your dog lived 17 glorious years! That gives me hope that our dogs will live a long life!

  2. I did not do any yard work this week but Matt mowed the lawn...lol. Lola thought it would be great to bark and run in circles while he did this. Great job on getting your runs in in the heat. I crash in the humidity and heat but it hasn't got that warm here in Nova Scotia yet.

    1. I vow to never complain about how hot it is because no matter what, I will always prefer it to cold temperatures!

  3. So jealous of Lacey's vacation! It sounds fabulous and I hope she shares a few photos :) I used to mow my yard after a run and after feeling like I might die, I quit that habit. Mowing the yard (especially a large yard) is hard work! -C

  4. I hope Lacey shares her vacation photos :) Yard work is exhausting, luckily, my husband does the majority of it haha. Love the pictures of the dogs :)

  5. We had to store our treadmill to sell our house so I've been running outside. It's very hot in South Florida so the earlier or later in the day the better. I try to take a small bottle of water with me and drink it half way on the route.

  6. Sounds like a busy week! Hearing about mowing lawns makes me grateful I live in maintenance-free in an apartment lol Though I do look forward to having my own backyard someday! The pups will be so happy to run around anytime of day!

  7. I love the pciture of Baylee and Belle!!!! <3
