*Training for a 10K is not a huge commitment like a half or full marathon.
* It's a smaller distance yet most races will still give you a nice sized medal and a tech shirt. ( We've only ever got cotton t-shirts for 5Ks)
* For some half marathons ( like Disney ones) you need to submit a proof of time from a 10K distance or longer.
The one bad thing about having the 10K as our favorite race distance is that 10K's are not very plentiful. Most races are either 5Ks or Half marathons. It can be hard to find a 10K to run. This can be quite frustrating if you are looking for a 10K to get a time to submit for a bigger race ( like Disney).
We've helped you out though. Here are several 10Ks that just might be worth running. We say it MIGHT be worth running because we haven't run all of these. Some are still on our list.
1. Wicked 10K, VA Beach
( We've talked about this race so many times so by now you probably know it is one of our favorites. It's a great course to PR at)
2. Runner's World 10K, Bethlehem PA
( This was another great race to run in the fall, very scenic ( with a few hills).
3. Disney Races (several of the Disney races have now include a 10K race)
4. The Hershey 10K, Hershey PA
( This one is on our bucket list for sure. This 10K is a Spring race so I'm not sure we are going to be able to do it this spring since our schedule is already full)
5. Rock n Roll Series - Some cities only ( Denver, Las Vegas, Montreal, Vancouver, San Antonio, Portland OR, and San Jose), The cities that offer the 10K distance may change for the next race season.
6. The Rocky Run 10K, Philadelphia PA
( This is a new one we recently found. Too bad it's the same weekend we are going to Vegas.)
7. Bolder Boulder 10K, Boulder Co
( If you want to be challenged by the elevation in Co, this might be a good one for you. Runner's World named this race as America's All Time Best 10K
8. Cooper River Bridge Run, Charleston SC
( My BFF lives in South Carolina. This looks like something we might want to do some Spring! This is claimed to be one of the largest 10K races in America.)
9.Ukropts Avenue Monument 1OK, Richmond VA
( Richmond is full of great races. I recently learned about this 10K. It' a part of a bigger race series they have there. USA Today claimed this among their 10 Great American Road Races.)
10. MCM Events, Washington DC
( There is a 10K associated with the Marine Corps Marathon in October and then there is also a 10K turkey trot in November)
If you've ever run a 10K, which one was your favorite?