Weekly Wrap...July 15

In an effort to make the most of my summer, I've been trying to keep myself busy.  I admit my mileage and my running is definitely not impressive (and sometimes I wonder if it's even worth mentioning on the weekly wrap) but I am reminding myself that I am not training for anything yet and that I am just running for fun. You all understand, right?  At least I'm being consistent with 3 runs per week.

So here's are some highlights from the week.

Run 1 (Tuesday)

I decided to start my run at the island and then cross the bridge into town. I haven't ran in town for a while because of the construction going on (we are getting new sidewalks, Yay!).  I did bring a hand held water bottle with me. I had this water bottle in the fridge overnight and it wasn't until I got to the island that I took a sip of it. Oh yuck! It tasted like onions.  We had previously made burgers and had the fixings (lettuce, tomatoes, onions), in the fridge and the smell must of made it's way to my bottle.  I ended up leaving the water bottle in the car. I figured I could get through at least 3 miles without it.

Turns out at 3 miles I was looking forward to ending at a park in town, sitting on a bench, and enjoying some water. But wait, I forgot, I didn't have water!

Luckily the kind employees at the subway across the street saved my day!  I will be a customer for life!

As I was walking through the park, I saw this! I did not know that was there! (Ray is my Pap if you didn't already know).  It was fun to walk around and see bricks dedicated to other people I knew from around town.

Afterwards I planned to foam roll but I tell you my dog is like a magnet to my yoga mat. Every time I roll it out she just HAS to be on it. This day I thought I would foam roll close to the pool so I could watch her swim but as soon as she saw the mat, she was out of the pool and on the mat!


Later at night I walked at the island with my sister and it was like animal kingdom down there.  We came face to face with a deer,  had a groundhog scamper in front of us, saw a possum, a skunk, and as I was leaving the island I saw a beautiful Pekin duck. Yes, I had to look up the name of the duck.

I saw one "sleeping" on the side of the road the other day and I thought it was so odd to see these kind of ducks out in the wild. Usually they are pets (my dad use to have one). Well, I saw this second Pekin Duck in the same area, so perhaps they are someone's pet who lives on that road.

Run 2 (Thursday)

I planned to do the same route as I did on Tuesday but it was just so hot that I could not make myself leave the island. I didn't want to run in town because I knew there would be very little shade.

Later that afternoon, My sister and I did some boating. This is my favorite summer activity and I am so glad we live close to the water.

Run 3 (Saturday)

I actually planned to do a long run on the rail trail today but I didn't get out the door as early as I had hoped and then got caught up in doing errands. I figured I'd run later when it cooled down. At 6 pm it was STILL 95 degrees!

I waited till 8 pm and went to the island to do a 2 miles loop.  It was a pleasant run and I saw 2 deer run in front of me. ( you can barely see one of them in the above pic) This doesn't happen often so it's still exciting to me when I see them.

Tell me something interesting that happened on your run this week?  -M

Thank you to Holly and Wendy for letting us share our week with them.


  1. What a great week! I'm glad that Subway was there to help when you needed water! Onion tasting water does not sound good at all!!

    1. No it was not! Actually I think it was more the taste of the spout on my water bottle more than the water.

  2. Sounds like a great week to me! I had to laugh at your description of the "napping" duck. That's what we used to tell our kids when they were little if we saw an animal by the side of the road! :)

    1. Oh yes, any animal on the side of the road is "napping".

  3. Sounds like a great week. HOW HOT? I was suffering in what they claimed was 73 degrees today. Oh and never knock running for fun rather than training. It's what I do most of the time and I'm reaching the conclusion that I prefer that TO racing. I am happy to go out for a long run without it needing to be part of a programme. Nothing wrong with that.

    Love your dog's obsession with your yoga mat! My cat really hates the spiky ball I roll my glutes on, he thinks it's some kind of enemy. Yet wherever he is when I get it out, he's THERE as soon as I'm on it!

    1. Haha sounds like your cat is intrigued with that ball!

  4. Cocoa loves when I roll out the yoga mat! She lays right in the middle of it. I may need to roll out 2 mats, one for me and one for her.

    I had Pekin ducks as my 4H project when I was a kid. My mom and I had to clip their wings so they wouldn't fly away and we cried because they started bleeding. I wouldn't make a very good farmer, would I?

    1. Oh no. My dad's duck got attacked by the neighbors dog, and then we took his partner to a local duck pond to live.

  5. I think you need to buy Baylee her own yoga mat. :-)

  6. Summer is the perfect time to pull back on logging miles and training. Lots of other fun activities to do

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful summer week, especially with the boating (wink). I'm glad Subway was nice enough to supply you with water. Your onion story reminds me of one of mine. Any time I put medicine in my travel bag, it takes strongly of soap. I'm simply not a fan of Dove Cool Moisture flavor. Thanks for linking!

  8. What a great week for you! You've done a great job at keeping yourself busy this summer.

    That's so funny about Baylee and the yoga mat. I hear the same thing from a lot of dog owners!

    1. It has been a great summer so far. Yea, I don't know why they are so intrigued with the mat.

  9. Runs for fun are the best because you can do whatever you want! And your dog is super cute!

  10. I won't even walk the dog if it's over 90F -- it's just too hot! The boating sounds perfect, though.

    1. I don't even walk Baylee in the summer cus its way too hot for her. I have to limit how long she even stays out at the pool because I don't want her to over heat.

  11. Oh dear, onion tasting water, yuck! Its funny how that can happen when you have other food nearby.

    Pekin Ducks...I had no idea! I just learned a new fun fact :)

  12. I'm seriously jealous of your island and the trail you run on. I'd be out there everyday (even though I"m not typically a daily runner).

    1. I LOVE the island and feel so blessed that it is near. It truly is a hidden gem.

  13. I think its great that you have been consistent with your runs, even if the the mileage isn't as high as you would like! That was so nice that Subway gave you something to drink.

  14. That's a pretty duck. We live on a small body of water and the other day I saw a large white bird flying up and down the expanse of it, dive bombing for fish. Turns out its a Caspian Tern. Who knew we had those around here?

    1. I had to look up Caspian Tern. That does not look like a nice bird...haha

  15. Puppies do love yoga- don't they!? Yay for great Subway employees!

  16. Ew, the water! I would never have been able to drink that either! That's so cool you saw your Pappy's brick. They put up veteran's banners in my hometown and my grandpa and all of his brothers and father have one. My grandpa's and my Uncle Jack's are right across the street from my parent's house. I park under it every time I go! I miss them.

    1. The bricks and flags are awesome ways to honor veterans from small towns. I love it!

  17. I know all about sticking to the shade. My run last Saturday was already quite warm by the time I got out, and I was in the shade as much as I could.

  18. My Mt. Rainier sighting was definitely the highlight of my week!

    3 hot miles without water? I couldn't do it. But tasting like onions? Yuck! And I love onions!

    Bandit seems drawn to me when I foam roll, but he's pretty easy to shoo away.

    1. Oooo, Seeing Mt Rainier would definitely be a highlight. How fun!

  19. Even though your mileage has not been what you wanted come out you're doing great! And you have an island-- wow! How amazing.

  20. I can't get into the mileage wars with people. We all do what's right for us. What an adorable foam rolling companion you have!

  21. I've definitely been planning my routes around shade recently! It's just too hot to be running in the sun. I love when I see deer on a run. It hasn't happened much recently, though I have been seeing lots of bunnies :)

    1. Look at us complaining about the sun. By December we'll be saying "Where is the sun"...haha

  22. How exciting that you found the engraved brick dedicated to your Pap! How many people can say that they've found a family momento while out on a run?!?

  23. I can't do yoga around any of our pets because the dog will lay on the mat and the cats will claw it (to literal pieces, as I've learned before...) So yoga happens in my room with the door shut!

    1. Yup, same thing happens when I roll it out in the house to do stretches. She's right there on it.

  24. Wow! I can't believe you saw all those animals!

    My pets do the same when I pull out mt mat. I'm actually thinking of getting a new one and pulling out the old one for them when I am stretching on the new one, LOL! I wonder if that would even work or they would still be drawn to me still!

    1. Haha, I'm thinking they'll still want to be with you!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.