Ultimate Coffee Date -July

                                   It's time for the Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco.

I was sick last month when I got my Starbucks reward for a free birthday drink but I didn't want to let it go to waste so I got a chocolate smoothie instead.

If we were having coffee (or smoothies), I'd probably want to reflect on last month. I like to look back and see what I've accomplished on my time off work this summer.

I of course spent the first three weeks of June training for my Triathlon.  I was sick for the first two weeks and for the last two weeks I had seven stitches in my shoulder. I didn't get them removed until 2 days before the race.  It was nothing serious but I was still worried about them tearing, so perhaps I didn't train as hard as I should have.  Regardless, I'm still proud of finishing my first tri.

If we were having coffee (or smoothies), I would tell you that I have not done a lot of running.  I would also tell you that I missed the Monumental Mile race I registered for.  (You can read about that HERE). I admit I was kind of bummed when I saw all the runners run by as I was walking to packet pick-up..

In place of running, I've been doing some work around the house. We "remodeled" our kitchen over the winter but this summer I removed wallpaper and began to paint. It's been fun redecorating.

If we were having coffee (or smoothies), I'd tell you about the books I've been reading. I've finished 4 this summer already.  Same Beach Next Year, The Flight Attended, Where We Belong, and All Summer Long. I admit I started 2 others but just couldn't get into them so gave them the boot.  I admit that perhaps I get a little impatient with books. I want them to hold my attention right away.

If we were having coffee (or smoothies), I'd tell you some things I'm looking forward to this month.  Our community is having a fireworks display tonight that is phenomenal! I always look forward to going to that. I'm also looking forward to vacation and some fun day trips (since I really didn't have time to do any in June). I'm looking forward to getting up early to run (since I didn't do that in June either).  Also, as far as blogging goes, I'm thinking of doing some more travel post. Some of those will be about Disney and I know that not everyone is into that so I will try to keep those posts on a we don't normally post.

Tell me about your recent books or something you're looking forward to. Have you read any of those books? -M


  1. I read The Flight Attendant and thought it was really good! The main character, tho! Hot mess!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Yes she was a hot mess. I enjoyed that book but I didn't quite understand all that Russian spy stuff. I still don't understand why that guy was murdered.

  3. I have been looking for some new summer books thanks for the ideas. I did not run too much in June either it's too hot! Thanks for joining us for coffee today!

    1. That's was my excuse for not running ALL of last summer...too hot!

  4. I'm finishing the Heroes of Olympus (YA) series now. Ready to start something new!

    1. Wow, a while series! How many books are in that series?

  5. I am really, really looking forward to my vacation. Of course I'm my usual hot mess getting ready for it. With a few extra appointments thrown in there -- oy!

    I definitely admire anyone that can compete in 3 sports in one day!

    1. I too am always a mess when getting ready for vacation!

  6. As you know, I have Chicago on tap in a couple of weeks...that's what I'm really looking forward to!!

    1. Unfortunately we've decided against Chicago. Would have loved to met up with you all though!

  7. I'm looking forward to Alaska :) I have my luggage tags and boarding documents printed off. Now I need to track the weather and figure out what to pack.

  8. Yay for lots of summer reading! I haven't been read-reading as much lately, but thank goodness for audiobooks while I'm walking to/from work! :P

    Enjoy those fireworks! :]

  9. Love your book picks! I like Chris Bojalian but he can be freaky, so sometimes I put his books off- they look like fun and fast reads though- summer is the perfect time for those!~ Hardly A Goddess

  10. I've been reading from the Amazon First selections (free for Prime members) and while they'v'e been OK, they haven't been fantastic. The Starbucks Birthday rewards didn't used to expire so quickly -- I think they only give you a few days now. Glad you found something to enjoy.

  11. I'll have to check out those books. I've recently been reading Cutting for Stone, it has really held my attention!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.