Weekly Wrap....June 17

This week I started on the swimming portion of my Tri training. All I have to say about that is What on earth was I thinking signing up for this triathlon? I know this is only a mini distance but this was tough on me! This is NOT my cup of tea. There were times where I thought about throwing in the towel but I will see this adventure through to the end. My mom seems to be doing well though.

So this week was ALL about the training. There was little time to focus on anything else, and really I was too exhausted to anyway.

                                                                  Here is how it all went.

Monday: 2 Mile Run, and then swim for an hour.  I came home and ended up showering and taking a nap I was so exhausted.

Tuesday: Swimming one hour. Again, I came home showered and then relaxed most of the day.

Wednesday:  Walk/run 2 Miles and then swim. I only swam for 45 minutes, I figured that extra 15 minutes wasn't going to make or break my swimming..lol.  When I came home, I knew I had to get out of my rut of laying down. Once I lay down, I'm done for. I knew I needed to accomplish something else so immediately after running I rode my bike for 5 miles. When I was done, I parked at a friend's house in town and parked my bike there so I could do a run.  Of course I started out slow, but honestly I thought I would have been much slower. I looked at my watch as I approached one mile and I surprisingly saw that I was still in the 9's! Overall, it took me 15 minutes to run a mile and a half. I'll take it. After riding bike, I thought I'd be a lot slower..lol

After doing this full brick workout today I was starting to gain a little confidence.

Thursday: By this time I was so over the swimming thing. I'm really trying to practice my techniques and the people at the YMCA pool are so helpful. I only swam for a half hour this day.  I did not go home and rest afterwards...lol.  I actually did some errands and house work.

Friday: I think this day was the best day of training. I simulated what it would be like to do the entire Tri. I only swam 8 laps this day.  I immediately rode 7 miles afterwards and then did the run portion. I surprised the heck out of myself when I saw that I was able to keep my pace at 9:48 for the running.   I think that's pretty good (for me) considering I swam and biked before hand.  I will say too that I had nice weather. It was not extremely hot and humid.

When I was finished with this brick workout I was of course tired but I was not exhausted to the point where I collapsed and shut down for the rest of the day. I think this workout gave me even more confidence that I CAN do this.

Saturday : I used this as a rest day.  We did some shopping today and I ended up buying a new bike helmet.

I plan to get one more swim in at  the lap pool and then if I do any more before race day it will just be in  my own pool. I just need to calm the heck down about the swimming portion. It's okay to take it slow. It is what it is!  -M

                          We will be linking up with Wendy and Holly for their Weekly Wrap! 


  1. It sounds like you are doing great! Swimming is so hard, and I couldnt imagine biking or running on the same day as swimming. And it sounds like you got in a lot of good workouts this week!

    1. Once I get on my bike I totally forget about how much I struggled in the water...Haha

  2. Swimming, as refreshing as it is while you're in the water, seems so much more tiring once you're finished - so I totally get your laying down afterward! But dang, you are really doing amazing with the complete workouts - you've totally got this tri!

    1. Thanks Shelley! Us like to think I have this but I guess I'll find out soon!

  3. You're on fire! Were you super hungry this week? How long is the swim, run, and bike portions of your tri?

    1. No,I wasn't extra hungry. Actually I was less hungry.probably because I was too tired to eat...lol. this is a mini tri so it is a bit less than a sprint.

  4. I totally get you on the swimming. The swim is the reason I don't do a triathlon. I am not interested in learning how to swim. Plus the transition makes me anxious. Sounds like you are doing well with it!

    1. The skin is the reason I was never interested in a tri but this is in a heated pool!

  5. Wow, that's impressive. I agree with Wendy re: the swim part of a triathlon. A duatholon does intrigue me as I used to love cycling. Kudos on a strong week

    1. The swim part seems to intimidate most people...me included.

  6. Wow, those are great workouts! Swimming is hard, and so tiring, for me and I can't even imagine swimming for an hour and then trying to run. I think all that you're doing is pretty badass, actually. I have major respect for triathletes. *fist bump*

  7. I admire you for taking on a tri! The swimming has me totally antsy about doing a tri someday, but that's the very reason I want to do one LOL (just not anytime soon) ;-)

    1. You would do so well at a tri and I think you would enjoy it since your workouts are normally pretty intense!

  8. I'm glad the people at the Y are helpful with form and everything. I just joined the Y and hope to start swimming soon. I can't imagine training for a tri - I'd be tired all the time!

  9. Sounds like you are doing really well with your training! The swimming is the hardest for lots of people. As it is the shortest part of the race, an hour of swimming sounds like a lot for a mini tri. Nice job on the brick. I have to get one in this week

    1. Yes swimming for an hour was way too long. I was trying to work on techniques. Once I got that down I just did a certain # of laps.

  10. Yay for swimming! I'm all about it these days, and have taken lessons at my local Y. Swimming is just so darn technical, especially compared to biking and swimming!

    It doesn't exhaust me, but leaves me with goggle marks that last forever :)

    Excited to follow your tri journey- you're doing great!

  11. It sounds like the first week of training was hard, but that you are seeing progress already! I'm sure it will all come together for the event.

    1. I'm actually in my third week 9f training. I just haven't been documenting it as closely as my other races.

  12. I'm with you on the swimming. I've done two triathlons but after that I really had no desire to swim anymore. My husband doesn't understand because he's come to love it so much. Good luck in your tri!

    1. Kudos to you and your triathlon husband. Do you think you'll ever do another?

  13. I really love to swim but haven't managed to squeeze it in yet ... but i do the breast, which I think is relatively easy, and usually I'm swimming sloooooowly.

    Good for you for pushing yourself outside your comfort zone! It almost always pays off. And at least you're not doing it by yourself.

    1. Yes, I am so thankful my mom is doing this with me. It will be a great accomplishment for her and well.

  14. Great job on the brick workouts! I get the being tired. When I trained for Tris, I swam at night after my supper settled. And then I'd sleep really good! Is the swim portion of your Tri going to be in open water or in a pool (sadly, we don't have those around here)? Thanks for linking!

    1. The swim portion is in a heated pool! That was the main reason I chose this one!

  15. I'm so impressed with your brick workouts, and keeping a good running pace at the end too! I've only done one triathlon (nearly 10 years ago), but I'd always swim at night after work and come home just exhausted.

    I think your thought process about the swim is spot on - you can waste a lot of energy in the water by trying to go too hard.

    1. During my last few swim sessions I've been focusing more on technique which I think makes me slower but in the long run it really doesnt... if that makes sense.

  16. Your training is so impressive. I have done exactly one tri. I swam and ran (of course) to prepare, but my bike training consisted of riding my bike to the corner and back after my hubby filled the tires with air. The bike part of the race was a disaster for me. Surprise!

    1. Oh no. What made it a disaster? I do not have a fast bike but at least I will be comfortable riding it!

  17. You are doing so well! I'm so happy for you! When is your Tri? Those bricks sounds like a great workout, but an exhausting one.

  18. Swimming is humbling. I like doing it in a pool, but I don't think I could do open water for a tri. When I first started swimming, I was exhausted too. Makes since though, since we use our entire body!

    1. I would never even consider an open water swim. No way!

  19. Kudos to you for a great week of training. Swimming is such a physically challenging activity, but it sounds like you're doing well with it. I have no doubt that you'll be well prepared for your tri.

    1. I feel prepared but like anything, you never know what race day will bring.

  20. It sounds like you're doing great with swimming! Definitely better than I'm doing...after only a half hour I'm so bored so I can't imagine doing a full hour multiple times a week. It's also fantastic that you simulated the full tri! I might try that out this week :)

    1. As far as the swimming, I'll say I'm getting through it but I wouldn't say in doing well..haha

  21. I haven't biked in years, and it's the swim portion that's keeping me away from triathlons. I know they're great for cross-training, but I don't exactly swim.

    1. I actually think the swimming is helping me with my runnung!

  22. Great week of workouts! I would be very nervous about the swimming part too.

    1. running! Hope it goes quickly so I can move on to the biking..lol

  23. awesome week and it looks like you are doing a great job with your training!

    1. Thank you! This training has definitely kept me busy!

  24. Looks like you are doing great with your training. I could never do the swimming. Have seen Phoebe run? That would be me swimming.

  25. I've never done a triathlon (I'm a terrible swimmer!) and I give you major props for getting out there and doing it. Marathon training is time consuming but I can't imagine having to fit in runs, swims and bikes! Keep up your hard work - it will pay off in the end!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.