One of those runs!

We all run daily and most of the time the runs are not memorable and not even worth talking about. But have you ever had a run that you just want to pat yourself on the back afterwards? The other day I slept for 10 hours and it was lovely. After working my 10-12 hour shift for three days straight, I needed to catch up on my sleep. I spent the day relaxing at the beach with some friends. That evening I planned to go for a run when my friend got off work.

1.We decided to change up our scenery and run at the oceanfront instead of the trails we have been doing lately.

2. The out and back total was around 6 miles. When we first started we had a pretty good pace going. Do you ever feel that pressure of keeping up your pace with someone you are running with because you know they are faster than you?

3. The first mile I looked at my Garmin and saw a pace that I am not used to running. However, I was feeling good and didn’t say anything to my friend. About half way into my run my friend asks, Why are we running so fast? I thought, wow he even noticed.

4. It’s so funny how he always seems to know his pace and even mileage and he NEVER wears a GPS watch.

5. It was soon time to turn around, and I thought for sure I’d be slowing down during the second half, but that was not the case. I felt just as good. We had perfect running weather (well for me) 70's with a slight ocean breeze.

The only thing that would have made it better was if we were able to run in a straight line instead of running around the tourists, but we have to get used to that now. Not sure if it was my sleep I needed, or the coffee I drank an hour before that gave me a little boost, but either way it felt great!

When we were finishing up he asked me if I was going to continue. See the route we run is just fewer than 6 miles. I don’t know what it is, but for some reason I need my watch to finish with an even number. Anyone else like that? So I run around the block one more time and finish with an even 6. I asked him to guess what our pace was and he was only 10 seconds off. I told him had this been a race, I would have PRd. I guess I can say this run was a speed workout. I should incorporate more speed work into my weekly workouts.

 Ever have a great run that makes you look forward to your next one? -L

We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5 where the theme is Fitness.


  1. I love those kinds of runs! Great pace! I am also amazed by people who are so in tune with their pace even without a gamin. Even if I don't look at mine and try to guess, I am still pretty far off.

    1. Oh same here. He is always on point. I don't get it.

  2. I just love those runs when everything clicks. I raced this last weekend, a 5 miler that I wanted to do in Under 50 minutes. I did 50 minutes and 22 seconds, but only because I stopped so my mom could take a picture !

    1. I'd say 50 mins in my book. Whose counting 22 sec? Great job!

  3. That was definitely a great run! I would add that to the speed work category and for me they are always fun!

    1. Yes I should since I never do speed work. It's always nice when you end up doing speed work unexpectedly.

  4. I love runs like that! One of the ways I got faster was running with women who were just enough faster than me that I had to push myself a bit.

    1. He definitely pushes me. I can tell I have gotten faster since running w him, even when I am running by myself now.

  5. Oh I love when I have a run like that! It's such a surprise and puts a huge smile on my face! Congrats!

    1. Yes it does. Makes you look forward to your next one.

  6. I love runs like that. Sometimes I have them right after a stinker of a run, so I go from being frustrated to being very happy.

    1. It always makes your appreciate the good ones after having a not so good one prior to that.

  7. Speedy run and it soulds like it was really fun!

  8. #2 YES! I love/hate running with my fast friends because it forces me to go fast but it also sucks. Haha.

  9. I LOVE when everything comes together and you just have a brilliant run!! Sometimes it feels effortless and then you look down and you're like WTF I'M FLYING!!

  10. Its runs like that that cover up for all the bad ones. Balance :)

  11. I always love and appreciate when I have a run like that!

  12. Yes, those runs rock! The pace feels effortless, the miles fly by. They're sort of rare for me, especially in this warmer weather. But when they come around they make it all worth it!

  13. Those are the runs that keeps us going - and holy moly, you and your friend ROCKED that run!!!

  14. Love those kind of runs! Great job!!! And I always have to round the miles up too! And if I'm close to a 5K or 10K...then I HAVE to run that lol!

    1. Exactly! You get it. Guess it's just the runner in us:)

  15. NIce pace! I love it when I run faster than I expect and feel good doing it. Makes me want to run again!

  16. Speedy! I think running by the ocean front definitely makes me want to go a little faster! I hope you have many more happy miles this summer!!

    1. I think so too. I always run much faster there then when we are running the trails.

  17. Those were some speedy miles that you ran! I use Strava to record my runs and sometimes it will tell me that I've completed a certain number of miles, but when I look at the total miles on the app afterwards, it will say .9 and not a full mile for my last mile. So I run a little extra so I don't look back at it and think that I gave up with only a tenth of a mile to go!

  18. I have had a few great runs that have wanted me to continue moving forward. :) It's usually after not having run for either a few days up to a week.

  19. Wow - that is an awesome run. And yes, my run always need to stop at an even number.

  20. Runs like that are the ones that keep us going :) There's always the hope that the next one will be as great. Way to go with the pace!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.