6 Ways to Prevent Blister

  While I was training for the Princess Half Marathon, I certainly developed my fair share of blisters. They were always in the same spot too, on the outside edge of my big toe and sometimes a little below my big toe where that curvey bone is. But is was funny because I didn't always get them and they weren't consistent with just long runs. They just happened so randomly.

 The first word of advice that any runner is probably given is DON'T WEAR COTTON SOCKS. You all know that by now, right? Well, in case you don't, you can read this short post as to why cotton socks are not a good idea.  This might be the cure all for some people but I have to tell you, even after wearing the non cotton socks, I was still getting blisters.

Here are some things that I have tried.  I did a combination of these things so it's hard to say for sure that you will never get a blister if you use  these items. But hey, they are worth a try.

1.   Injinji toe socks: I have tried these toe socks from Injinji. 

I know it looks as if my one foot is bigger than the other, but it's not.
I guess I just have a hard time standing straight!
These are also breathable, light weight, non cotton socks that are suppose to prevent blisters.  They felt good and I liked them. The problem was that I wasn't getting the blisters between my toes, so I didn't know if the separated  toes did help me there. These socks are very comfortable to run in though.

2.  Vaseline: According to Alexandra Heminsley, author of Running Like a Girl, putting Vaseline on your feet before you put your running socks on can prevent blisters as well.

3. I've tried this Blistop spray by Flexitol.
Spray it on your feet several minutes before you put your socks and shoes on. A word to the wise, do it in a well ventilated area. This stuff has a strong smell. ( It's not bad, it's just very strong, kind of like a mix of hairspray and medicine).  This stuff is also very cold, and it made my feet purple for a while ( because of how cold it was). It reminded me of that canned air you use to clean your keyboard off.

4. Blister Shield from 2Toms: 

This is a powder that you simply pour into your sock and shake it around before putting your sock on for a run.  This powder does not stain, it's water proof and it helps eliminate friction.

5. Sports Shield from 2Toms:
This is probably the most simple product. It is like a roll on deodorant. Roll it on any part of your body that is prone to blisters or even chafing.  This is perfect for if you know you will get blisters in the same exact part of your foot during a run. Just roll it on that part and you are good. This can also be used on arms and any other body part that is prone to chafing. This has no odor at all!

( Side note:  2 Toms have put together a great prize pack as one of the gifts for the Summer Run Scavenger Hunt)

  6: If you try all these things and you are still getting blisters, take a look at your shoes.  When I went to a local running store and told the associate that I was getting blisters on the sides of my big toes, she immediately knew that it was from slightly over pronating.  I'm pretty sure she hit the nail on the head right there.   This is where a shoe with a wide toe box is helpful. Hello Altras!

So for Princess Half Marathon I ran in my Altras and ended up with zero blisters on the sides of my toes! I was happy, although my toe next to the big toe was feeling a little tender. I noticed that my toe nail was raised. I had maroon nail polish on, so I couldn't quite tell if the nail was black in color. Because the nail was raised, it was pretty loose. I thought for sure that I was going to be losing my first toe nail. I didn't know if I should just pull it off, or wait for it to fall off. I didn't know how all this losing a toe nail stuff worked.  After further examination, I noticed that the reason the toes was raised, was because I was developed a blister underneath my toe nail!   I didn't even know that could happen.  It turns out that my Altras were the width I needed, but I didn't calculate correctly on the size. The result was my toes rubbing up against the front of the shoe.  Funny how this didn't bother me at all while I ran 13.1 miles.
I normally wear a size 6, but Altras run small, so I got a 6.5.   I now know that the shoes I am wearing for long distance running need to be a size larger.  I knew enough to order my next pair in a size 7.

Just in case you do end up developing a blister. I've found this Dr. Oz video to be helpful. http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/first-aid-blisters-pt-1
 I can't believe that one lady is walking with blisters like that.

Of course these tips can be used for anyone, not just runners. In fact, they are all great tips to remember the next time you'll be walking around a Disney Park all day!

DISCLAIMER: If you read my posts from earlier this month you know that I mentioned that I had huge blisters on my heals. I just want to let you know that I did not use any of these products before I set out on my walk that day because I didn't think I would actually get a blister from WALKING. I never had before. I know for a fact those blisters on my heels came from a new pair of shoe inserts that were rubbing up against the back of my foot.

Are you prone to developing blisters? What have you done that works?

Did you watch that video? What did you think?

Of course we still have the GIVEAWAY going on and also the RUNNING SCAVENGER HUNT ( with prizes) started this week. Be sure to check them both out.

* I was sent the 2Toms products to test out for free but all opinions are certainly my own.


  1. Thanks for the tips! I didn't know about the cotton socks thing until a couple months after I started running, oops! Thankfully no blisters yet but I'm sure it will happen as I increase my distances. I was planning on trying the Alexandra Heminsley vaseline tip once I get above the 10k distance. Have you tried the vaseline and did it help?

    1. I thought it was all about the socks ( not wearing cotton) but I admit I still got blisters. I have tried the Vaseline and sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't but those times I really think it was the shoes I was wearing that gave me the blisters.

  2. I LOVE Injinji socks. My little toes like to hide under my forth toes and find it helps my running. I get plagued with blisters when I consistently run more then 6 miles. I have been using Spenco 2nd Skin Squares covered by adhesive to keep them in place. I don't find them 100% effective though, but I doubt anything is. I may be trying different things as I start my WDW Marathon training this summer. Thanks for the tips!

    1. I don't wear the Injinji socks often, but when I did I felt fabulous and blister free!

  3. And it looks like Injinji is having a sale this weekend.

    1. This may encourage me to get another pair other than the gray and green ones which I am not really a fan of!

  4. OUCH! I had no idea you could get blisters underneath your toenail. I have never had a blister from walking or running before *knock on wood* but I will definitely be taking these tips to heart to help prevent them from ever happening!!

    1. I had no idea blisters under the toe nail where even possible, but its true!

  5. Great tips. I'm not a fan of iniji

  6. Post too soon - but I'll try the rest! Thanks!

    1. I thought the Injinji socks felt a little weird at first until you get use to them. I did like the material they were made out of and I didn't get blisters. Why didn't you like them?

  7. I didn't have any blisters training - until I got to PHM 2014 and WALKED the 5k with my mother! I thought at first that it was maybe the walking (so a different gait than I'm used to) or the humidity, but I've had problems ever since. I think it's punishment for skipping training runs during the polar vortex.

    I've already tried Body Glide and Run Goo on my feet, and had the running shop people check out my shoes and their fit. The last thing I tried was Swiftwick socks, which some people swear by, but they didn't do me any good, either. I have a pair of Wrightsocks to try next.

    1. Do you over pronate? That can contribute to blisters too. Let us know how the new socks work out for you.

  8. Each half marathon I have done I have lost my 2nd toe next to my big toe, but these last two I got blisters UNDER the toes. Now I Have had 3 different shoes all "fitted" to me and I am pretty sure I am just ready to tape those toes. I do not understand why it keeps happening!! Also.. I learned do not get a pedicure before a race, this exponentially increases blisters ;-)

    1. The day I wrote this post, I lost that same toe (nail) as you. I don't know why that happened since I've only done one long ish run in a long time. Maybe those blister had something to do with your socks?

  9. I had a terrible time with blisters last fall - I'd switched to a new, pair of running shoes - same size, style (even color, as if that mattered) but it was bad. I tried Body Glide; eventually I bought a new pair (same brand, different style) and ::knock on wood:: no blisters for the last few months. I'm interested in that powder you shake into your sock - might have to try that once we go into higher mileage in a couple months.

    1. If you are participating in the Scavenger hunt, that powder ( and glide) is one of the prizes!

  10. I love my injinji's! I wish I had discovered them sooner as I ended up with a nice blister in between my toes at wine & dine

    1. I like mine too. I wish I had a better color though...haha

  11. I wish I saw this before my last half marathon!!!!!
    I'm making note for the next!
    I didn't even know some of these products existed!!

    1. Yes, I hope you can use some of these and be blister free for your next race!

  12. I'll have to try some of these tips out. At my half marathon earlier in this month (as you know), I developed blisters early on in the race... which was weird, since I had done long runs in the same shoes and socks and didn't have any problems. The Body Glide obviously didn't stop the friction and pressure. For my half this weekend I tried some moleskin. The blisters weren't as bad, but they were still some there. I'm going to try out some new shoes at my local running store, but I think I'd like to give those Injinji toe socks a try along with some vaseline. Thanks for the tips!

    1. it is so funny how some things work at some times and other times they don't. I hope you find something that works for you too.

  13. I got two huge blisters on the outsides of both big toes during my 50 miler. THEY. WERE. HUGE. I did not know I had them until I took my shoes off at the end of the race. It's a good thing too, because once I took everything off they were really tender. I did prob the worse thing ever- popped them right away in the shower. OWWWWWW. I just couldn't stand them being there it grossed me out. It took so long for them to heal. It made sense I got blisters because my feet were getting wet, then dry, then wet again and we were running for almost 12 hours.

    1. I tried watching the video but my stomach started to churn and I had to stop!

    2. I am just like you and I have to pop them because I can't stand it..haha. But then they end up hurting afterwards. I always thought that popping them was bad until I watched that Dr. Oz video and he showed how to do it properly.

  14. I use to struggle pretty bad with blisters, once I switched to Injinji socks it totally cleared it up! I love my socks!

  15. This comment will probably upset some people, but I have never had a foot blister from running. I wear Experia socks by Thorlo and they are wonderful. Maybe I am just lucky, but I know many runners who have tried the socks at our recommendation and they work! No way was I watching that video....too squeamish! Sorry you experienced those awful blisters but hopefully you now have a plan.

  16. I always tell runners blisters are almost 100% preventable, and everyone just laughs at me:) but it's true. I rarely ever get them, even running for hours in pouring rain.
    Great tips!
    I have been using Vaseline for years, because my dad was an old school marathon runner who taught me the trick when I was first getting into distance running. It works fabulously, of course you have to be in the right socks too:) The best part is, you always have soft great looking feet anytime of year from doing it:) Great post!

    1. Sometimes Vaseline worked for me and sometimes it didn't.

  17. I GET blisters from Injinji socks. Every. Time. Since switching to Altra shoes, I have yet to get a blister, this is coming from the girl that pretty much had permanent blisters on my 4th and 5th toes, on both feet. I love Smart Wool socks. I don't use anything gels or creams either.

  18. These are great tips! I don't get too many blisters but when I do they are so painful!
    Karen @karenlovestorun

  19. I get a blister under my toenail (only on one, but it's always the same one and usually only after a long run/race). I think it comes from my foot shifting forward in my shoe and my toenail must push against my sock over and over again causing it to raise. The blister forms underneath from the toenail raising. I try to leave it alone, but I usually end up popping the blister (I know, totally bad) and then the toenail falls off shortly after. Gross, I know. ;) Putting a bandaid over the toenail helps.

  20. I've been super lucky (knock on wood) not to get blisters from running. I do occasionally get one from a new pair of work shoes, but wearing tech socks and well fitted shoes seem to do the trick for me.
