Not Your Average Wordless Wednesday!

So we decided to jump on the blogger bandwagon and do a Wordless Wednesday post but we wanted to add a little flair to it!  This is Wordless Wednesday the Disney Edition guessing game! Take a look at the following five photos and see if you can pin point the exact location of each one. Put your guess in the comment section.  Have fun!



So that was pretty easy!  How many did you get right?


  1. I believe the 2nd one is Port Orleans Riverside, and the last one is the new Little Mermaid ride at Magic Kingdom!

  2. 1. Grand Floridian
    2. Port Orleans Riverside
    3. Cinderella's Royal Table
    4. Starring Rolls Bakery or Main Street Confectioners (this is the only one I'm unsure on as all these counters look the same LOL)
    5. Under The Sea - Journey of The Little Mermaid

  3. ^^ already got them, but man.. every time i see a photo of the rooms at GF i wonder how people stand to stay in them with that wallpaper!

  4. Too late to leave my answers, but agree that the GF rooms look too dated to be any fun!

  5. Oh my, I don't ever remember the wall paper at the Grand Floridian looking so busy! Yes to Port Orleans Riverside and Cinderella's Royal Table, and that looks like Big Top Treats (I don't see a Carrot Cake Cookie) and absolutely the last is a scene from Under the Sea- Journey of the Little Mermaid. Phew! That was fun. :D

  6. The Grand Floridian, POR, Cinderella's RT,no idea but it looks good and Under the Sea. Thanks, that was fun:D

  7. Thank you all for playing along! The answers are:
    1. Grand Floridian Room ( never even noticed how busy that wallpaper was during my entire stay!)
    2. Boat dock at POR
    3. Cinderella's Royal Table
    4. Big Top Treats ( in the Bog Top Souvenirs in Fairytale Circus in the New Fantasyland)
    5. The Little Mermaid, Ariel's Undersea Adventure at Magic Kingdom
