What running has kept me from.......

There were about 101 things I was looking forward to doing over Thanksgiving break. These are things I normally don't have time to do between working, physical therapy, homework, and long runs.  Turns out, I didn't get to do any of them.  Womp Womp:(

But the good news is that we now have Christmas break to look forward to and I'm making my things to do list a priority. These things NEED to be done for my own personal well being and satisfaction!
Here are just a few.....

1. Get a hair cut - I should have done this months ago!

2. Do my nails ( both fingers and toes) - I don't care if this is a professional or a DIY job. Its just something I keep putting off because in the big scheme of things it doesn't seem that important.

3. Clean and organize the hall closet- Scott and I bring our work laptops home and just randomly place the bag on the floor (or on the furniture) in our house. I'd like to make a little organized system in the closet. We'll see how this ends up!

4. READ my magazine! Last year I DID NOT renew any of my magazine subscriptions because I just wasn't reading them. As luck would have it ( and I am SO grateful) I was gifted with several more subscriptions this year ( Runner's World, Women's Running, and Better Homes and Gardens). Truth be told, I have not read one of those magazines cover to cover. This holiday break I am determined to sit down with at least half of them!

5. Last is just general house work- I'd really like to clean our basement up too. We go through these phases where we keep it really nice and then eventually we keep transferring things we don't want from up stairs to down in the basement and eventually it has become a "catch all" room!

IF I somehow do not get these things done over Christmas break, I will definitely be working on them after I come back from the marathon. I am actually excited about how much FREE time I will have once the Marathon is OVER!

If anyone wants to volunteer to come help me with any of these tasks, you are welcomed to! -M

What has monopolized your time this year?

We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5.


  1. I don't even run that often and I am not great at doing any of these things either haha

    1. I keep thinking I will have so much more free time once training is over, but we'll see!

  2. This list sounds similar to my funemployment to do list. You always have such good ideas for organizing things so I'm eager to see what you do for your work bags and laptops. Adams bag goes on a chair in our den and I used to put mine on one of the 4 chairs at our kitchen table. Enjoy the break and I hope you check off a few things on your list! ;) -C

    1. I'm hoping the closet idea turns out as good in real life as it seems in my head

  3. Lol- I feel ya on these. I almost never paint my toes since they're always so busted up anyways!

    1. Yea, I was debating if maybe I should just wait till after the marathon to do that.

  4. Oh man you just reminded me I needed to wax my eyebrows like ten years ago. They are sooooo bad.

  5. I hair you LOL. I love get my hair cut and highlighted. Oh and my salon they do a little scalp massage that is the best.

  6. I thought about a mani-pedi for the holidays, but it didn't get done. I'm rough on my finger nails anyway and the polish starts chipping pretty quickly after a DIY mani.

  7. Ugh... I've been horrible about my hair and nails too. I'm hoping to get to that stuff this weekend. Good luck getting through your list!

  8. Wow this felt like reading my own personal list. I feel you!! I've been doing a run streak, too and even the mile days take time!

  9. Running took all of my time last year. I need to figure out a way to train smarter and have more time for things this year. My house is a wreck!

  10. If my hairdresser did not make my appointment as soon as I finish the current haircut I would never make it to the next! Like the list, I hope you get it all done! I know I have some de-cluttering to do!

  11. Even having to take a break frim running and exercise I still haven't gotten caught up on everything lol. However I am very proud of myself yesterday I tackled a project that needed to be done for almost a year now. So glad to have it done even if my back is paying for it ten fold today:( Good luck getting your list conquered :)

  12. I never thought to use running as an excuse for not doing laundry or cleaning the house but hey why not!?

  13. The height of training always interferes with so many things, especially keeping up with housework. Come to think of it though, I've been having trouble keeping up with housework with how tired I've been these past couple of weeks of pregnancy. I suppose it'll all eventually get done...

  14. I haven't done most of those things in a while either, and I was blaming marathon training, but now my race has been over for a month:) Maybe I'lll be productive over the holidays! I desperately need a haircut- it's been way too long!

  15. Running and blogging have kept me busy...and I have about 6 months worth of RW to read! Yikes!

  16. I also had to give up my magazine subscriptions (most of them) because I never had time to read them! There needs to be a few more hours in the day... :)

  17. My weekends have been filled with my crazy "alternate" training plan. I feel so far behind...just everywhere. I have a stack of Runners World that I haven't even flipped open, and don't really want to. Enjoy your Christmas break. I hope you get everything accomplished.

  18. The hair cut thing is a real problem for me. I haven't been since my son was 12 weeks old (he's 10 months now). I just can't dedicate a Saturday to getting my hair done.

  19. I've been horrible with my magazines! Stack of them piled up from the year.

  20. I like to read magazines while I eat my lunch :)

  21. haha, great post! running does allow us to procrastinate on real life things!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.