We're gonna Run The Year!

After the Disney Marathon and Goofy Challenge are over, we're not completely sure what 2016 holds for us as far as racing goes. We have officially signed up for one race and have a few more in the back of our minds. We may not race as much in 2016 but one thing is for sure, we are not giving up running. That's why I signed my sister and I up for RUN THE YEAR 2016.
Run The Year 2016 is a pledge to run a total of 2016 miles in the year 2016. Now I kind of wish my Ultra Marathon was just a few days later...haha. O well, maybe I'll do another one in 2016!  Anyway, don't feel intimidated by the miles because you don't have to do it alone. You can split it up with another runner (or two).  See the chart on the right to see how you can divide up the miles!
This isn't just another one of those Virtual Races.  I feel this is a way for us to stay accountable (I mean not get lazy) all year long. The Run The Year registration comes with a miles tracker, an online expo, training plans, and PRIZES!  That's right, drawings for prizes for 365 days! 
The Online Expo is not just an online store. It is actually an interactive expo. It looks really cool.
Be sure to check out the preview from the video that I posted below.
Oh, by the way, you don't have to actually RUN all these miles. It is open to walkers too!
 Holidays are always a busy time for everyone and you may have found yourself getting a little "off track" with your running or workouts. If you find that this is the case, why not bring in the New Year with a challenge to hold you accountable.  New Year, New You! 
In addition to the online Race Expo, access to a custom mileage tracker to log your miles and training plans, and prizes, the event also comes with  nutritional tips and inspiration and motivation through an online community.  However, the tech shirt and finisher's medal are not included in your registration fee. You may add this option if you wish.

I think this is a great way to bring in the New Year. Who wants to join? -L


  1. I'm thinking about running 2016 miles on my own - just 39 miles a week, right?! Sounds like a fun goal!

  2. What a really great idea! I love it! :)

  3. Such a fun idea!! My poor legs could never run every day sadly!!

    1. That's when you make up for a longer run on the wkend after taking a day off during the wk:)

  4. Oh, I hadn't heard about this challenge before! It sounds intimidating, even with a partner, but I guess that's what a good challenge should do :)

    1. You can have up to three people and it doesn't even have to be divided evenly. I think it is definitely doable w three.

  5. How cool!!! I love that this can bring you together with a different runner too!

    1. Yea it's great bc the other runner doesn't even have to run the same distance.

  6. that's such a cool endeavor to undertake, and i like that you can partner up with someone. maybe i'll see if my boyfriends wants to do this with me -- be a fun joint goal to tackle!

  7. Sounds fun! I suppose that means I would have to start tracking my mileage! I would definitely have to split it up with someone. 5+ miles per day is too much for these tired legs!

    1. I am terrible at tracking my mileage. That is one of my goals come the new yr. I just need to get a calender. I can't believe I didn't get one for xmas.

  8. I'd have to get a partner. I ran 800 miles this year (up from 550) and I thought that was pretty good. ha!

  9. this looks like so much fun! I have run a bit over 750 miles this year (which is a lot for me!) so I just need to convince a few of my friends to join in too!

    1. I usually avg about 100 a mth so this will definitely be a challenge for me.

  10. I like this idea... it is about the LONG goal on this one... good way to keep motivated

    1. Yes it really is. Whether you hit that goal or not. At least you are working towards something.

  11. What a fun challenge, I would imagine you already average over 40+ miles a week, so this might be a fun easy goal for you to achieve and keep track of during the year!!! Good luck!

    1. I was when I was training for my 50k but now that it's over, I don't feel the need to do that much. But I guess I will have to to be able to meet that goal.

  12. I just saw this challenge and was thinking of enlisting a few friends to help me out. Could not run that far in my own ever! Looks fun

    1. It's always more fun when you have friends to do It with.

  13. How fun! I'd love to do that, but I'm definitely not to a point where I can run that much mileage consistently throughout the year. Maybe run + bike + swim = 2,015 miles? I think that'd be doable!

  14. Sounds great! I set a goal of 2015 miles this year but then I got hurt and ran less than 1200. Not sure what my mileage for next year will look like but I just want to be able to stay consistent!

    1. Same here! Staying injury free is more important than logging more miles.

  15. I'm thinking of signing up for something similar. I always say I'm going to sign up for these things and then I don't finish. #lameexcuse

    Have fun!

    1. Haha same here. But I have it in writing now so now I have to!

  16. Oh, I love this idea! Wonder if I can get any of my friends to do it with me.

  17. This might be perfect for me because I only have one official race on my calendar so far!

    1. Since I have no current goals I'm working towards in 2016 that this may be a challenge to log that many miles

  18. That looks like a lot of miles but dang that is a lot of miles!!! I am hoping to get in 1000 miles for 2016, that would be huge for me :)

    1. I usually avg 100 a mth so this does sound like alot but not may be too bad if you have friends to split it up.

  19. I did this last year with a team, and we're going to do it again this year (assuming I ever actually sign up!).

  20. This sounds like a great program...I have to say running over 2,000 miles in 2016 seems like a huge leap from <800 miles in 2015, but I didn't know they had options to share the miles! Hmmm...

    1. That is a nice option when you can have friends help log the miles.

  21. This sounds very cool. THere's no way I'd want to run 2016 miles all on my own. Yay for teaming up!

    1. Haha. Yes it does. But it is a great idea. The virtual expo sounds cool.

  22. That's a lot of miles! I barely hit 500 this year haha!

  23. What a fantastic challenge! Would biking miles count? I am not in condition to run over 2,000 miles in a year - I didn't even reach 750 this year. But if I split it up with a partner and was allowed to use bike miles, maybe I'd be able to do it!?!?!?

    1. Idk if biking counts, but you log your on miles so count it if you want I guess. Biking would definitely help w the miles.

  24. I was part of a team for the challenge in 2015. We failed spectacularly! lol Good luck- I have no doubt you will hit it out of the park!

    1. Thanks for the confidence Patty! But it will still be a challenge for me.

  25. We did the 2015 miles in 2015 with Run the Edge this year. It is an awesome program. Totally helps you stay accountable and it's great for geeks like me who like to tally up their miles (I also do graphs! Yup I'm a geek!). Good luck and Happy New Year!

    1. Wow graphs? That is a little much for me, but hey whatever works. At least it is holding you accountable and that's all that matters:)

  26. Every little bit counts. 2,016 is alot of miles.

  27. I've been considering this but there is no way I could do that mileage on my own, nor would I want to. I need to find a buddy!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.