Weekly Wrap....Aug 21

It's the weekly wrap again with HoHoRuns and MisSippipiddlin!

So, I feel like over the past few weeks I've finally gotten on a good running schedule. Right now I'm doing Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays.  I run in the mornings so to beat the heat and humidity ( which on some days it really doesn't matter because it's still so stinking hot by 7am).

I've been running in town on Mondays and Wednesdays so I can practice for a local race that is coming up this fall.  I figure if I can run the exact course, why not?  These runs are short and are only 3.1 miles but I've been running them non stop.

Which by the way I have no idea why I am so proud of running 3 miles without stopping.  I started the Galloway run walk method when I started to have ITBS a few years back.  I didn't want to put too much strain on my IT band, so I would give myself a walk break every so often.   I know most people think that running non stop is an accomplishment and something to work towards ( which it can be for non injury prone runners), but  I need to ask myself am I just being stupid and reckless for even doing this?  Am I setting myself up for injury? I usually can make up the speed after my 20 second walk breaks anyway.

I usually try to run all my 5k races and then use the run/walk method for longer distances.  I feel like that's a fair compromise for my IT band, but we'll see!

On Fridays I head to the trails for my "Long Run".  This Friday my long run was only 5 miles. The run felt pretty good.  The Library is right around the corner from the trail so I go there afterwards.  As I was walking from my car to the library I had the worst pain on the outside of my left knee. I thought for sure I was feeling a problem come on. I went home and iced it immediately.

On Saturday I did end up running a 5K race that I was having my doubts about but it ended up going well.

So I've been feeling pretty good about how my running has been going lately and hopefully as the weather cools down I'll be able to increase those long runs.  I go back to work here in a few weeks so I know my schedule is going to have to change (mostly no runs in the morning), but I am hoping that I can still stick to some consistency -M


  1. Running the 5k race courses is going to do wonders for you on race day. I find I can really bust out a good time when I'm familiar with the course.

    I'm glad you're in a good groove right now! I love that feeling when everything seems to be falling into place.

    1. I have a PR from that course from a few years back. I'm hoping my practicing it will bring me close to that again this year!

  2. I can run 3 miles without stopping but I find that I am faster with walk breaks - go figure.

    1. That is something - am trying to figure out. I've been experimenting with runs where I walk and one where I don't walk but no one run is the same so I haven't come to a conclusion yet!

  3. I think the only way to even try to beat the heat these days is to run in the mornings. And even then its not much cooler! I have been taking walk breaks as I get back into running and I do think it helps me to keep good form throughout the run.

    1. I know, I'm sad my morning runs will be ending soon. At least during the week anyway!

  4. I am glad you have a nice schedule that works for you! I have yet to figure that out yet ever since giving up on my training. I have a hard time being consistent when I don't have a goal.

    1. Oh yea, when I'm not training for anything I have a very hard time being consistent. Sometimes it's nice to have a break though.

  5. Well done getting in a groove! That's the best! Keep it up! IT bands can be so frustrating. I've had issues with them and my achilles tendons, and they start talking if I don't regularly stretch/buff/roll them. All those things that, as runners, we know we are supposed to do, but somehow seem to fall of the "to do" list :) Congrats on a good 5k!

    1. I only get one good foam rolling session in a week. I really got to do more!

  6. Didn't I see that you placed in that 5k? Awesome!! Congratulations. You should be proud of any running, non-stop or otherwise. I know you've worked very hard to recover that ITB! You are right, those early morning runs feel so hot anyway because of that dew point. I'm not sure we are helping ourselves by running so early. Thanks for linking, Meranda!

  7. It's great when your running is in a groove! A lot of women in my MRTT group swear by run/walk intervals and they have great paces overall. It doesn't work for me because once I stop running, I'm DONE.

    1. I hear ya. When I was doing run walk for marathon training it was getting hard to pick up and run again after walking so often.

  8. I'm glad you are having some good runs! I'm happy to call 6 miles my long run these days! Hoping to go from 3 to 4 days/week again.

  9. I have never done a walk/run thing, though I do walk briefly through the water stations on long races (and usually seem to be able to make up the "lost" 5-10 seconds with that quick energy boost that comes from pausing). I have found, though, if I try to walk too frequently in a race, eventually I HAVE to keep walking because my calves seize up (which I know is because I have not trained with walk intervals LOL). Congrats on your 5K!!

  10. Being an injury prone runner myself, my thoughts are that you have to do what works for your body and no one knows your body better than you! I have been doing a few walk breaks this summer during my runs longer than 3 miles simply because it is so dang hot! I'm too stubborn to actually train the 'walk/run' method for say a half or full marathon but I have been beaten several times by ladies who were practicing that method, so I do know that it works! Keep it up...as long as you are moving and feeling good about it, that is all that matters! :)

  11. I wish I could get back in a running schedule. I figure once I'm truly into Fall weather, I'll get back at it. Now that I'm back from travels, I started using my lacrosse ball on my IT band and it hurt! I could tell I hadn't rolled and desperately needed to.

  12. Glad to hear that the 5k and running in general has been going well! I hope your knee is better after the icing.

  13. It definitely sounds like training is going well! I'm running 3 days in a week, unfortunately the mornings don't provide too much relief and I usually head out around 5:30 am haha!

  14. It's great getting back into a routine, I find it really helps me just get on with things knowing that it's Monday so it's a run day.

    Well done on running your 5k race and running well, even though you had doubts about it!

  15. I'm glad your 5K went well! I can't wait to hear more about it! I hope your knee didn't hurt again!

  16. No shame in walking breaks nor 5 miles being a long run! I hope your new work schedule goes smooth for you Meranda and I think in a few weeks all of us will be mixing things back up as the days get shorter! I really hate this time change thing!
    Oh congrats to you in your 5k, lady!!!

  17. I think running the course is a great idea--I do that too. Every bit of prep helps for a race. I hope that knee problem doesn't get worse but you're approaching this with a good attitude. Better to be safe than sorry! Great job on the 5k.

  18. Sounds like a great run schedule! Nice the knee pain was not an issue on your 5k! Congrats on a great race!

  19. I take walk breaks as well to drink even in races otherwise I don't consume as much fluids as I need. As many have mentioned you know your body best so if you feel great running 3 miles without stopping then you should be proud of that accomplishment.

  20. Hope your knee is doing well! I go back next week and hoping to find consistency as well!!!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.