February Forward

I don't mind saying "Good Bye" to January and "Hello" to February because there are always a few fun things to look forward to!

1. I look forward to creating fun Valentines treats!
I try to come up with fun Valentine cards each year ( to send to the grandparents), and we always have a ton of fun doing it!. Here is a sampling of what we have done for the past two years.

FYI: This card was from two years ago and my Pappy still has it hanging on his fridge! It always makes me smile when I see it!

2. I have a great friend who has a Birthday this month. I love shopping for her. She lives out of state so I kind of play a game with myself to see what gift I can get that I can easily send through the mail! I hope she likes what I have my eye on! I love sending ( and getting) mail!

3. What everyone is probably looking forward to this month: DISNEY PRINCESS HALF MARATHON WEEKEND!
We have everything taken care of at this point, resort, dining, magic bands, etc. All we have to do is pack and get there safely!

4.  Although all my Christmas stuff is put away by January first, I tend to keep some winter decorations out through January ( like snowman). But by February that stuff all gets put away. I am hopeful that Spring weather will be here soon!

5. I may be hoping too soon because yesterday we got some snow! I may have caught Baylee eating a few snowballs as I shoveled the driveway.

What are you looking forward to in February?  How many of you are resisting the urge to start packing already for Disney?
 Everyday I think about starting to pack ( then I remember that I must do laundry first!)

If you missed any posts from the Virtual Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend Blog Hop, You can read them HERE!  These ladies wrote some great ( informative) posts! Make sure to check them out!


  1. I am excited it's Feb because we're one month closer to winter being OVER!

  2. Resist the urge? Too late! LOL! I'm half packed and trying to resist living out of a suitcase for the next 17 days! Most of it was easy because it's warm weather clothes...of which we have NONE of that right now!

    1. Yea, I don't know how much longer I can hold out. I'm convinced I can get everything I need in my carry on and have been dying to try it out!

  3. I am looking forward to Valentines Day month! Haha. We have a really great meal planned and I can't wait to enjoy!

  4. Haha I love Baylee's kissing both Valentine!! Too adorable - I totally want to do that for my dogs now! :0)

    I am definitely excited February is here because it's my last month of marathon training!! Woohoo!

    1. I totally read it as "booth" the first time around. No worries! I think the brain picks up what the eyes overlook!

  5. Finally February! Yes!! Love your valentines cards, so adorable! I also tend to keep out a few "wintery" decorations throughout January. See you soon!!!

  6. Those valentines were so cute! And I'm excited about vicariously experiencing princess weekend through other bloggers :) I'm not going to make it this year but maybe one day. And I love hearing about all these exciting races from other people.

    1. Glad you are happy to read all about our races! You definitely will be getting an earful (or screenful) from all the bloggers during PHM weekend!

  7. I'm not a Valentine's Day fan, but it is nice to think I'm just a little closer to spring weather. I'm over this winter and want some warm weather again.

  8. I am most excited for my son's birthday this month. He will be turning two and I cannot wait to celebrate with our family and friends!

  9. Your cards are precious....I did card making when we lived overseas, but now I don't seem to have time...must be the house! Looking forward to Princess weekend and as a matter of fact, I am working on a race costume today. Can't wait!

    1. These cards are all done on the computer so it don't take me much time! Can't wait to see your costume! Are you running with your sister again?

    2. Yes, but she will be going for a good time in the half marathon and I will be just doing it as a training run. I have a feeling she may be going after another prize at Disney! :)

  10. OHHHH... your furbabies... I just want to kiss that yellow lab on the nose.
    Yep - I think I'll win the contest of Christmas decoration - our tree still stands :)

    1. I think the yellow lab is adorable but I am biased! There is a family downtown that still has their tree on the porch and I am still seeing a few pumpkins lying around too!

  11. OMG, I thought it was just me being excited and anal and wanting to pack now. But you are right, there is laundry and the every day things. I must be patient. Though that hasn't stopped me from putting things in a basket to start preparing, like my costume.

    1. Yup, I have things all set out. Just haven't officially put them in my suitcase!

  12. I can see why the card is still up for everyone to see - your dogs are so cute!

    1. Thanks Tina! I hope our readers don't get sick of looking at my pups!

  13. Is the event this weekend? How exciting!!! I think this month I'm looking forward to getting back a bit more balance in my life...also I spent a lot of money in January so I'm really trying to focus on being frugal. Now go get your laundry done so you can pack! :)

    1. I actually don't leave till the 19th. (so I have a few more days to get that laundry done..haha)

  14. I'm looking forward to getting some great runs in now that the weather can't stop me! Bring on all the snow you want February - I have a treadmill now! :)

    1. I hope you're having fun and getting some awesome runs in with that new TM!

  15. A few things:
    1. I love your Valentine's day cards!
    2. I love grandfathers - they are the best!
    3. I love getting and receiving mail as well :)

    1. OOPS - sending and receiving mail... lol!

    2. Funny, but I knew what you meant! Like I told Lauren earlier, the brain picks up what the eyes overlook!

  16. I generally look forward to February being over, because March is my birthday month!

    1. Yay! I hope you are planning something fun for March for yourself!

  17. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the valentine's day card!!!!!!! Haha!!! I may have to set up Elijah and Raven their own kissing booths! :) Too cute! Dogs kisses are the best.

  18. I'm definitely looking forward to Princess weekend, especially the informal meetups where I'm going to TRY to be social for a change!! And I'm excited about my costumes too. I am not excited about packing though, LOL!
