Friday Favorite Photo Dump- Orlando Version

In preparation for my new Blackberry tomorrow ( sorry i-phone users, I'm still a loyal fan of the Blackberry) I decided to clean up my memory card in my phone.  That was the inspiration of this "Photo Dump" post. I decided to keep it some what themed, so these are all photos from Orlando.

I was in love with this coat hook that was on our wall at Port Orleans. I made sure to hang my jacket and purse up on it every evening when we came back to the room.  I definitely need to find someone to make me one of these! Come to think of it, I should have checked how securely this thing was attached to the wall: JUST KIDDING!

This was my favorite thing from the Food and Wine Festival in Epcot! It is the Coconut Silk Ice Cream Ribbon from the China pavilion.  ( the thing on the side is a fortune cookie)
Isn't this bag too cute! Makes me want to "tweet" about it! I found this adorable bag in Epcot inside the Japan pavilion.
I have to admit, this picture was an accident. Have you ever accidentally taken a picture and then found it later while you were scrolling through? This was taken while we were waiting in line for Packet pick up to open up at ESPN Wide World Of Sports.  I love it because it looks as if the gal on the right just got an astonishing text!

I had to post another food picture!  This was my Dessert one evening at the Rainforest CafĂ©. It is Mango Sorbet.  If you are ever on the fence about ordering dessert next time you go to RFC, you should order this. It was amazing!

Last but not least, this was my favorite view. I'll post more about this later!
So when I heard there was a new Blackberry coming out the summer of 2013, I knew I had to look into because I LOVED my current Blackberry.  I  am an over analyzer and try to get all the information I can on things before I make a decision. So after 5 months of research and convincing myself that it was time for an upgrade, I finally did it. (Well, I think my husband was sick of hearing me debate over it so he just ordered it for me).  So now I say good bye to my little pink blackberry.
( I sure wish these new ones came in cool colors) I am certain the new Blackberry will take better pictures than this one though!
So tell me, what kind of phone do you have? Are you an i-phone lover?  A Droid users?


  1. Droid user here - I have the samsung galaxy and love it!

    I tried the silk ribbon sorbet too, mango flavored though; it was so yummy! And that girl's face looking at her phone is hilarious!

  2. My husband and sister both have the Galaxy and I love how big the screen is on that phone, but of course the size can be an issue as well because it is larger than my Blackberry!

  3. I'm an iPhone lover. :-) I only used a Blackberry for a little while and it was hand-me-down from my brother. It was pretty beat up and it would just shut off for no reason. Probably why I didn't like it very much. LOL. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yea, I probably wouldn't like Blackberry either if I didn't have a good first experience with it!

  4. LOVE me some photo dumps, especially Disney-related ones! :)

    1. And you know we Disney fans ALWAYS have tons of

  5. OMG, Shinzi Katoh's stuff is THE BEST. THE BEST.

    1. I'm assuming you are referring to the "Morning Tweets" bag? I am not familiar with her full line, but I did think that bag was cute!

  6. What time did yall get to the expo? The girl looks like she's mid-yawn and everyone has coffee.

    I want to switch from iphone but apple makes it so hard!

    1. We were in line for the expo before it opened ( I forget what time that would be, maybe 9:30 am?). I thought that girl could have been yawning

      I'd be curious to find out why you would want to switch out your i-phone. Seems like everyone loves theirs.

  7. I have an iPhone and love it. The wall hook in your room is really cute. Disney should market some of that stuff....untapped market for sure!

    1. I agree. There use to be a place on the web that sold furniture and fixtures from the Disney Hotels once they were refurbished. I wish it was still around!

  8. I love the pictures, that coat hook would make an amazing medal rack! I'm an iPhone addict, I just love mine!

    1. I never thought about that coat hook as a medal rack. Good idea, although we would have to add a few more hooks!
