Fall Fall Favorites Prompt - Play along!


This is an oldie but a goodie! I found this Fall Fun prompts a few years ago from my friend  Rebecca Jo and thought I would do an updated version! 

Feel free to play along.

1) Favorite Fall Sweet Treat?
Candy apple/caramel apple ( which I HAVE had already).

2) Red, Yellow or Green Apple?
I haven't had them in so long but I remember liking the yellow apples. 

3) Favorite Fall Sport to Play?
Seeing that I don't play any sports I'll have to say running.

4) Best Drink for Fall?
Vanilla Chai tea (or pumpkin Chia).  But I also like the Praline Frappe at Starbucks but last time I went, they didn't have it.

5) Favorite Fall Activity?
Running on the trail when it's still warm enough for shorts yet the leaves have changed colors and you can smell that crispness in the air. 

6) Must have Fall Purchase?
All the limited edition pumpkin flavored goodies!

7) Pumpkins: Pick your own or store bought?
Store bought, although my Pappy has a pumpkin patch that we can get pumpkins from. 

8) Real or Fake Pumpkin?
I like the fake ones so I can paint them different colors.

9) Favorite Halloween Costume?
I don't really do Halloween real big but one year Scott and I dressed up as a pilot and a Flight attendant for a Halloween party.  My costume was easy because I borrowed the flight attendant uniform from my sister. Scott wore a pilot's cap, glasses, and a blue sports coat with a pair of wings pinned on.  It was cute.

I'll be looking forward to dressing the dogs up this year!

10) College Football or NFL?
NFL, but for some reason we haven't really been loving it this year. Maybe when the weather gets colder and we are hibernating inside, we'll enjoy it! 

11) Fall or Halloween Decor?
I decorate with pumpkins and leaves and I will keep these things up until mid November (When I decorate for Christmas). I don't have any Scary Halloween decorations.

12) Raking Leaves or no Leaves to Rake?
We don't have to rake any leaves. We have pine needles that fall in our swimming pool and that's about it.

13) Favorite soup?
Not my favorite soup ever but my favorite soup for fall is a pumpkin squash from a cafe near my home. I also like Panera's Harvest Squash soup.

Image result for fall candles

14) Favorite Fall Candle Scent?
For fall I like all the warm food scents: Hazelnut, apple cider, pumpkin, etc. Until right now I did not know there was a Whoopie Pie candle. I may have to go look for that!

15) Love or Hate Pumpkin Spice?
Love it

16) Short Booties or Tall Boots?
although I have recently started wearing the shorter boots with dresses, something I never did before.

17) Favorite Halloween Candy?
Hmm,,,besides candy corn, is there really specific candy for Halloween?

18) PSL (Pumpkin Spice Latte): Yes or No?
Pumpkin Spice Frappe is more my thing

19) Hayride or Corn Maze?
I haven't done a hayride in forever ( would it be silly for an adult to do a hayride without kids?). However, I have done a corn maze the past couple of years.

20) Favorite Fall TV Show?
This year I haven't been watching much TV. I would say I am looking forward to watching the results on election night, but will they even be televised?  With them waiting for all the mail in ballots to come in, will there even be anything to share on November 3?  I have a feeling will be waiting until December for this one!...lol 

What are your fall favorite?   -M


  1. I agree wholeheartedly with your favorite fall activity! :) I can't say I share your fondness for pumpkin spice, though.

    My favorite Halloween costume of all time was when I worked at a restaurant associated with a bar and the bar had a dress-up Halloween party. Bill and I got green and purple leotards and tights and pinned on tons of green and purple balloons. We went as 2 bunches of grapes!

  2. Wonder woman of course! Real pumpkins and all kind of veggie soup. Snuggling by the fire. Fun!

  3. Love this. I may steal it.

    fresh baked apple pie, love pumpkin latte at Starbucks, cider donuts, last party I went to we dressed as parrotheads (Jimmy Buffet), no raking please, mazes, both boots depending on the outfit.

  4. Candy corn, fall squashes, real pumpkin, NO PSL and all the miles for me, please!

    1. I don't know too many people who like candy corn, but I like all the candy...lol

  5. LOL - I was like, I'll have to do this & then saw I already did. I need to look & see if my answers are still the same.

    1. I actually changed a few of my answers since last time I posted it!


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