Running Stories to Remember

One of the best things about going for an outdoor run is the adventure of it. When I say “adventure” I mean the stories that come from the run and boy did I have many over the years. To tell you the truth,
I never expect to have a story about an ordinary run in town or on the trails, but if you’ve been a reader of the blog over the years, you know that I always find a way to see the most interesting things.  I’ve missed that over the past few months. I’ve missed getting outside and I’ve missed all that adventure out there.

If you are new to this blog or you’ve missed some of these posts, I’d like to share them with you.

                                           The one about Running through a Horror Film.

                                     The one about Running through a real life murder mystery.

                               The one about Running through where a couple is…. ( ya know)

                                                The one about the violent drive by.

                                                 The one about the cat burglar.

Which of these runs did you remember (if any), If not, go ahead and read one, or two. They are ALL true!

After a much needed winter hiatus, I'm returning to running this spring. I know my running is going to go a little different this year but I wonder what I’ll see out there and what stories I’ll have to tell! 


  1. I don’t have nearly as many interesting stories. There were the couple of runs I almost got hit by lightning, unintentionally banditing a couple of races, running with deer . . . that’s about it!

    1. Well those sound interesting enough! When did you bandit some races? I dont remember that.

  2. Running is an amazing adventure! Glad you've decided to come back...

  3. As they say, “you can’t make this stuff up,” right? Always an adventure LOL

  4. All the best with your return to running. And now I can't get the "trail head" encounter images from a couple of summers ago out of my mind.

  5. You have had some running adventures! My current "drama" is not from running, but walking Scooby. Last weekend, at 7 am, I saw a neighbor painting one corner of her brick house with glossy white paint. It started raining shortly thereafter, and still only that one corner is painted. I will keep watching to see if she paints more this weekend, but can't figure out what she's up to. Maybe if she likes the look she'll hire a crew to paint the whole house?

    1. Hmmm, you've got a mystery on your hands. That's good motivation to take scooby walking so you can check out the progress.

  6. I never have any fun stories from my running adventures. I only run into squirrels and geese lol

  7. I've seen some crazy things, too! One crazy one was when my friend and I were doing an early track workout and we realized there were groups of men from two gangs on either side of the track. We took off but luckily there wasn't a fight or any violence that we heard of. City living!

  8. Cant wait to see what you RUN into this Spring.
    Enjoy getting back at it... & taking your sweet girl on her rides while you do :)

  9. Welcome back to running! I can't wait to read about future adventures. My running partner once came across a teenager who was being sought by the police. He had run away from home and his parents were frantic. We found him sleeping on the grass in a park and convinced him to use our cell phone to call his mom and let her know he was OK!

  10. Good for you, just don't forget to share and tell us your running stories.. Can't wait to hear it though.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.