Baylee and the Wag a Thon

Over the course of one week, I probably get 10 different pieces of mail asking me to make a donation to a certain cause. Donate to this, donate to that, where does it end? All of them seem to be worthy causes.  A few years ago I read an article in a magazine that mentioned how overwhelming it can be  when everyone under the sun is asking you to donate to their cause and it suggested picking a few causes that you feel passionate about and being faithful to those few.

Over the past few years, I have picked a few causes that I have stayed faithful to and it has made it easier for me to pass on other causes and not feel guilty about it. Perhaps the causes I pass on are ones YOU or someone else holds as their select few. So it all works out in the end, right?

Guiding Eyes For The Blind is one of the causes I faithfully make donations to through out the year.  Guiding Eyes For The Blind is an organization that raises guide dogs for the visually impaired.  When I first learned about Guiding Eyes, I read stories about how these Labradors were being used as guide dogs and how they were literally changing people's lives. I could not read through an entire newsletter without shedding a tear.   Our sight and how we view this beautiful world around us is such a precious gift. I can not even begin to imagine what it would be like to not be able to see.  That alone is a good enough reason to donate to this cause, however, there is more.  I know HOW MUCH my Labrador Baylee has enhanced my life and if I can help someone else feel the same sense of joy by having a Labrador (or other guide dog breed), than I want to do that!

For the month of May, Baylee and I will be participating in the Guiding Eyes Wag a Thon!  This means over the course of one month we need to log 26.2 miles.   As many of you know, Baylee is 12 years old and has heart issues so I won't be expecting her to log all 26.2 miles with me, but I am hoping she will be able to do at least 13.1 over the next few weeks to earn her part in the medal she will receive. By the way, that is not breaking the rules. Your dog does not have to log all the miles with you.

                                                             Baylee's Wag a thon page

I am probably the world's worst fundraiser because I absolutely hate asking people for money (even if I feel it is a worthy cause). I would much rather people just donate to a cause on their own than putting them on the spot (because come on, don't most of us feel put on the spot when someone asks us?),  so for that reason, I have covered the entire donation goal on my own.  See, I bet you thought I was going to ask you to donate didn't you?   However, I did include a link to our fundraising page because I know many of you are pet lovers and perhaps you might want more information on this cause and of course I'm sure Guiding Eyes wouldn't mind another donation or two from our page.

I have more fun information to share about this cause but I will save it for another day. Have you narrowed down a few favorite causes to donated to? Which ones are they? Another one I donate to is the Canine Cancer Foundation. #WeAreTheCure


  1. I try to donate to a few causes throughout the year but I don't have any specific ones that I donate to all the time. This sounds like a great event! I feel really awkward asking people for donations as well.

    1. Narrowing it down to what I donate to makes me feel better about passing on the other ones. Once in a while there is a "stray" cause that sneaks

  2. I'm like you--I hate asking people for money. I feel like every which way I turn, someone is asking me to donate something! But this sounds like a good cause and with running and dogs, it's near to your heart!

    1. Yes, this one has been near to my heart for many years.

  3. That's smart to narrow it down and focus on causes you are most passionate about. I feel like I'm hit up at the cash register for donations everywhere lately. Have fun logging those miles!

    1. I'm hoping this will motivate me to get some miles in next month!

  4. Yes there are constant requests for donations . I feel badly during holiday times when the salvation army people are outside the grocery store. I must go there 4x a week and there is no way I am donating every time I walk by. Having said that, I think that sounds like a great challenge for you and Bailey to do together

    1. Yes, I bet Baylee is looking forward to spending more time outdoors.

  5. I'm with you, while I cannot support every cause out there I do support a couple that are near and dear to me. Ronald McDonald House is one of them, and that's why I'm excited to run Chicago with RMHC again this year.

    I hope you and Baylee have fun doing this challenge together!

    1. I remember you talking about RMHC and that does sound like a good charity as well.

  6. I love the idea of selecting a few charities and being a faithful contributor. My donations seem to be somewhat willy-nilly. I donate to a local organization that runs a homeless shelter, our local food pantry and Meals on Wheels. When I taught,I used to donate to every cause that my students would ask me to - once. I donated only to the first student who asked.

    1. With So many people asking for donations these days, narrowing it down seems to work best.

  7. Compared to people asking for money to fund their travel across Europe (see this in Hong Kong all the time!), you are by far the least annoying ;) But seriously, I like the idea of finding a few charities and being loyal to them. Haven't heard of this one, so thanks for sharing with us!

    1. I can't believe people ask for money for personal stuff! I am assuming the funds they are asking for are for personal travel???

  8. That is a great cause - and what a great way to raise donations. I support our local animal shelter, the American Heart Association and Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals and a charity my friend started to provide homeless women with sanitary products called The Period Patch.

    1. That's great that you have a few you are consistant with!

  9. Working in youth ministry, I'm constantly being asked to donate to events & fund raisers for all my kids. It's tough to do them all... I'm sure you get that too!
    What a cute little fundraiser. & glad your sweet girl will be helping you along on this one!

    1. Just shared it on FB & Twitter too - so hope that helps :)

  10. I have never heard of the Wag-a-thon but I should sign up, especially now that I am running a little with Bandit again. And I know 26.2 over the course of a month -- for me, not him -- should be a piece of cake.

    I've already written some about charities & donations in next Fridays' post, actually. You think it's bad now? Just wait.

  11. I always feel like an ass at the store when they ask me to donate to something and I say no. We have a lot of dress down days here at school you have to donate for as well. I agree, it gets overwhelming and I would much rather donate to a select few. I donate monthly to Planned Parenthood and I have donated to RAINN and Paul donates to the Environmental Defense Fund.

    1. I've never heard of RAINN. I'll have to look that one up.

    2. It's for help for sexual assault. Sometimes I don't know how to help with certain issues other than use my big mouth, so I just throw money at it. But that's okay, some people need money.

  12. We have Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies in Arvada, and my family donates and helps them with their rescue efforts. We're going to a big fundraising gala in June for them.

  13. In my arts nonprofit field, development is a HUGE aspect but I always knew I would never feel comfortable asking for donations, even after taking several classes to learn about the psychology and how to make an ask. I always admire those who do take on those roles though - it's very impressive.
    I love when you find a cause that you're passionate about - it always shows when you truly care about the mission behind the money. Congratulations on meeting your goal - even if you met it yourself, it's still an accomplishment!

  14. Oh this sounds like a wonderful cause! There are so many organizations doing great work and it can definitely be overwhelming to decide which ones to support. Some of my favorites include the American Lung Association and Pennsylvania Animal Welfare Society.

  15. I have often felt the same way. For a while I was donating to so many causes that I lost count. Now I have two that I donate to monthly and then I do one-off donations a few times a year.

  16. That sounds like a great organization! The local animal shelter where we adopted Perry from is one of our regular places to donate to :) It makes me happy and they took such good care of him while he was there.

    1. That's nice that you have a connection with the place you donate too! That's special.

  17. As a fellow lab owner and lover, I can't think of a better cause to give money to and Bailee is a beautiful poster pup for the Wag a Thon!!

    1. I think it was most definitely the labs that got me interested in this organization.

  18. Iowa has a similar wellness program (Live Healthy Iowa), and every spring they have a 6-week challenge for participants and their dogs to log their miles together. Good luck to you and Baylee on the Wag a Thon ;-)

  19. The WagAThon sounds perfect for you and Baylee (such a sweet dog)! Good luck with the challenge and hopefully Baylee will be up for doing at least 13.1 miles with you. :)

  20. The Wag a thon sounds like a great challenge and for a great cause. Good luck to you and Bayee :)

  21. You fundraise like I do - I hate asking, so I just pay for something in full myself. What a good cause - have fun logging the miles with Baylee!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.