10 years ago

My how time has flown. I think we can all agree that time is going by way too fast. I thought it would be fun to take a look back at what everyone was doing 10 years ago and how things have changed (or stayed the same). I will admit that running a marathon or even a 5k wasn't even on my radar ten years ago!

10 years ago was of course 2005. Lets take a look back and see what we were up to back then.

1) In 2005 I was teaching Writing and Reading to High School kids. I never would have thought that 10 years later I would continue to be a teacher and have my own newspaper column and be a news correspondent.

2) In 2005 Scott and I spent a weeks vacation at Disney at the Grand Floridian resort. I remember debating whether or not I wanted to split our stay with a less expensive resort but I am SO glad I bit the bullet and we stayed there all week. It was

3) In 2005 My girl Baylee was born. She was born in November but we didn't get her until January 20th of 2006 (so that counts, right?). I couldn't imagine our lives without her! ( I should note that Baylee is our Labrador).

4) In 2005 I took my first trip to Seattle. I went with my parents to watch my cousin who was playing in the little league world series. I got to visit the Space Needle, the Underground, and Pike Place Market. I thought for sure this was a once in a lifetime trip but I ended up returning 6 years later when we visited for a few days before our Alaskan cruise.

5) Also in 2005 I took my first cruise with my sister. Regardless of how that trip started out and ended up, it was fabulous and has got me hooked on cruising.  We mentioned this cruise a few Fridays ago in our post "'A trip gone so wrong". If you missed that post, you should really take a moment and read it. I guarantee it will make you laugh and by the end you will be glad you weren't traveling with us...lol. I have since been on several cruises and will be going on another one in just a few days!

Oh, and a little background on this picture:  The day we arrived in Mexico we had big plans! We had on our straw hats and cute sun dresses. As soon as we walked off the boat it started to pour, I mean a tropical storm. We weren't going to let that ruin our day so we changed clothes and made our own fun. We had the best guacamole at a little restaurant, found a shop where we created our own jewelry, and of course ran into this photographer who convinced us to take this picture. You can't tell but I was scared to death. Birds aren't really my thing!  I am so glad that we have this photo from this day because it brings back so many fun memories!

What were YOU doing 10 years ago? -M

It's Friday, so that means we're linking up with the Friday 5 gals!


  1. Ah, Disney World! Everyone here goes there for vacation and I'm so jealous, haha. :] I went there once when I was 6, and would love to go back again sometime, so I'll actually remember everything! :P

    Cruises are a lot of fun! :] It's my parents' favorite way to travel, and when I get to go with them, I like getting to stuff my face + not having to pack up my stuff every day!

  2. Great picture of you both! This moment 10 years ago I was wrapping up a summer internship before starting my "REAL" job :)

  3. What an adorable picture of the two of you! Love it!

  4. WTG and not letting a tropical storm ruin your fun!

  5. Great post! Sounds like a great year for you!!

    I love looking back and reliving fun memories! :) In 2005, Jason and I started dating! The end of the year was spent with recovery efforts after Hurricane Rita...what a mess, but definitely made for some interesting memories!

  6. haha.. when I first saw the 'bird' pictures, I didn't actually SEE The birds - I thought you were swinging your arms dramatically, Broadway like :) haha

  7. It's amazing what does and doesn't change over 10 years. I don't think I can even remember 10 years ago haha. Oh yeah, I had just moved to this city and I started at uni (I was a "mature" student).

  8. Love that picture and love how pictures can bring back so many fun memories!

  9. Love that picture and learning more about you from ten years ago :)

  10. I went on a cruise to Cozumel about 12 years ago and we had the exact same experience with the pouring rain. We hunkered into a Fat Tuesdays and drank slushy drinks until it was time to board the ship again. so I can relate.

  11. How cute! In 2005 I married my 2nd husband, it was a big year! I will admit in 2005 I would have never thought of running a 5K much less training for a half! Things sure do change!

  12. Sounds like a big year for you. The Grand Floridian is an amazing experience. Though wont top a kid. ;-)

    Have a great weekend!

  13. LOVE the Grand Floridian! I've been trying to convince my husband we need to stay there. So far he's not taking the bait. But I will succeed!

  14. I love Seattle and Alaska and also do not like birds BUT your picture is super cute!! I need to go see what went so wrong on the cruise now!

  15. Always fun to look back isn't it? I wasn't a runner 10 years ago and never would have thought I would have started a chapter of a running group.

  16. I loved this post and it is so fun to read what everyone was up to 10 years ago. I swear those ten years went by in the blink of an eye!

  17. I was trying to come up with something interesting going on in 2005 because I still have the same job, hadn't started running, yet, and life was pretty much similar to now. Then I remembered I bought my house in 2005!

  18. I was graduating high school 10 years ago, and i also didn't ever think that I'd be a runner. I was in to the artsy stuff over the athletic stuff at the time!

  19. How wonderful that your first child was born in 2005. It's amazing how many things can change over the course of 10 years!

  20. So much fun looking back, isn't it ?

  21. That is a cute picture of you and your sis! :) I love reading about your relationship with each other.

    At the end of August, it will be 10 years since the day I met Paul! I don't even remember what life was like without him.

  22. Just discovered your blog and I LOVE IT already! I have a friend who is obsessed with Disney princesses. Can't wait to share this with her. I just followed your account on Instagram :)

  23. I had a bird like that growing up. A greater sulphur-crested cockatoo. Acutally, it was my stepfather's pwr and came (and then later went) with him. No big loss. I hated that bird. He'd squak all night and kick all of the wood shavings and food out of his cage onto the floor.
    What's a little rain on vacation? It's just part of the experience!

  24. 10 years ago I was living in England and having a great time touring and exploring on the weekends.

  25. Such a fun look back. I would love to go to Seattle.
    10 years ago I had just finished my first year of teaching and was working at summer school. I had also lived in Charleston for a year at that point.

  26. Great picture, love it!
    It's a lot of fun to look back at life. 10 years ago last summer I was just finishing up college, I quite a job to get over a really bad case of Epstein Barr because I couldn't stay away more than 20-30 minutes, LOL On the plus side, I hated the job so it was a win win:)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.