Peek In Our Week and a Dilema

Hey friends! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Lacey ran RnR Nashville yesterday and has made it home safely and I finished up our costumes for our next race.  There is something that has been weighing heavily on my mind lately. I have been thinking about this all week and pretty soon I am going to be running out of time to make my decision.

As you all know by now, I have been having terrible pain in my legs and have been diagnosed with lateral tendonitis and hip bursitis. To tell you the truth the hip bursitis is uncomfortable at times, but it doesn't hurt when I run. The tendonitis and IT band pain is what is giving me the most problems but I am going to PT and hopefully working on that. I tell you this because as you may know registration for Walt Disney World Marathon weekend is on Tuesday.  I'd like to participate but I know its probably not a smart idea to sign up for anymore races until I am healed. I asked my PT if he thought that my situation was something too serious that would keep me from running next January and he said he would like to think not.  But you know how that goes, no one can predict the future.

So now I wonder, should I sign up for a race and just hope that I get better in time to train properly?
I thought about signing up for one shorter distance race and one longer distance race with the intention of only running ONE of them.  If I was still injured in January, I would run the shorter race. If I was feeling good, I would give the longer race all that I had.  The only problem with this is that I wouldn't want to sign up for a race that I knew I wasn't going to run when I know there are others out there that would want to run it. That would just be wasteful and mean.

You might be wondering why I even want to run the WDW Marathon at all. Well, last year was my first year running it and as you know, I was injured and although I was okay with my time, I KNOW I can do better if I ran uninjured. I really want to prove that to myself. I have reached every race goal I have made for myself in every other distance except for the marathon.  I of course could take the year off and not train for it, but then I wonder if I will be laissez faire with my recovery since I am not training for anything.

But then again, I could miraculously be healed tomorrow and then two weeks before race day become injured again. No one can tell the future!    Any thoughts?  -M


  1. Ok, I"ll weigh in. January is a LONG time away. I'd sign up, and work on rehabbing that hip. You'll be fine.

  2. I agree with Wendy that you had alot of time to get prepared for the marathon. But I would also say that if you sign up its probably worth not running for a little bit now so you can heal faster and be ready to train in the fall.
    On the other hand, sometimes its nice to not have a timeline for recovery. Tough call!

    1. Yes, I don't plan on running much after Tinkerbell in May!

  3. It really sounds like you want to run it. I'd go ahead and sign up. Use it as the motivation to take lots of rehab time off before you start training again.

  4. if you do sign up I say take some time to get batter now so you can start really training hard in August. Maybe see a sports med chiro. Rest a lot. All that jazz.

    1. That would work well because I don't have anything planned till after August anyway!

  5. Tough decision! I agree with the others that the race is so far off and you have lots of time to recover. If you do sign up, could you take a break from running completely and o cross training until you're healed? Also, I don't know if it's allowed, but could you sign up now and then sell your bib if you're unable to do the race?

  6. You should totally sign up for it!! After Tink, take the summer off or run minimally. You don't have to start training till August and that will give you the motivation to conitnue with your PT and get things working again. Plus I want to see you guys again. :) You should sign up for the 10k and Marathon and run both. The 10k is a good shack out run before the big event.

  7. It's a tough decision indeed! I've been in the same situation a few times this past year. I've missed a few big races that I know someone else would have wanted to run. Can you defer if you sign up and can't do it? I've also had that tendonitis before. If you rest it, it does heal pretty quickly. Good luck

    1. Yea, deferment is allowed if it is with in a certain time frame I believe.

  8. Sign up - you need the "carrot" of something to keep focused on as you recover! Besides, Disney has such a generous time period, that you could end up walking most/all of it if you absolutely had to.

    1. That is true but I REALLY don't want to have to walk it. My goal is to do this one HEALTHY. I do NOT want a repeat of last year.

  9. I'd sign up. But you may need to take some serious time off of running to heal - do you have time to do that, or are you signed up for a lot of races over the next six months?

    1. Nope, no races for me all summer. I am signed up to do RnR VA Beach in September but I can easily just bump down to the 5K and I will be fine with that. But than on the other hand I think if I can't run 13.1 miles by September, do I really have any business doing a marathon in January?????

    2. September to January is an entire training even if you were starting from zero mileage, I think you could safely build up to it.

  10. I think so. I need to look at the training schedule and see if it is different than the "Goofy" one I did last year. That one started in July.

  11. Oh man... tendonitis BITES!!! That's what is wrong with my shoulder!!! ... it comes & goes & the ache is so intense.

    That's the thing... you can feel great up until the day before of a race... so go for everything you want... SEIZE THE DAY... but seize it smartly ;)

  12. I say sign up but really take the time to heal's still far away!

  13. I would say sign up for what you think you can handle. So maybe the 10k and marathon? or just goofy? you definitely have time to recover after Tink

  14. If you decide to sign up (tomorrow!!!) - You have a good base and you will have recovery time to train.

    If you decide not to - that is ok as well. WDW 2017 will still be there for you. The thing with hip issues is that it influences IT bands, so they might be related.

    Whatever you decide - know that you made the right decision for YOU.

  15. That's what I hate about rD races! You have to know so early and deferring is difficult! You do have a lot of time do if marathon weekend is your primary focus, I'd work toward that and maybe lay off doing a bunch of other races. Best of luck to you!

  16. i'd do it. sign up and then defer if you need too! january is MONTHS away! :)

  17. I wouldn't sign up for another race until I was healed because it just adds to the pressure to get better quickly, which you can't control. But if you do register, I hope you heal quickly and have a great race day!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.