Items you'll want for cold weather running.....

Happy Friday Folks!  The theme for the Friday 5 this week is Cold Weather Running Tips.  We have been extremely lucky that it has been quite mild in our neck of the woods lately. However, I hear all that will change this weekend. I hear it will be cold! It's a good thing we are on our way to Las Vegas!  I'm hoping it's not cold there. We went to Vegas a few years ago in November ( this same weekend) and it was freezing!  It has been quite a dilemma figuring out how to pack!

So anyway, here are some tips on cold weather running.

First piece of advice:  Don't do it.  I kid. I know not everyone has a treadmill at their home or access to a gym. So in that case here are some of my favorite things to help keep warm on those cold runs.

#1. I wouldn't have been able to get through some of my runs last winter with out my Under Armour Cold Gear hood. I've seen similar ones but they were made of fleece or heavier material. Plus, this is the only one I could find that wasn't black. I felt that if I ran around town in a black hood like this that people might think I was a burglar..haha.

#2 Another piece of essential gear for me were some fleece lined leggings that I found. I'm pretty sure they aren't specifically for running. I found them at a clothing boutique in town. They are polyester and not cotton and they work great.  I will ditch my compression pants and wear these on cold days.

3. My Running Gaiter is another thing that I love. Mine is a pretty purple C9 by Champion one.  ( True story: I actually wear this in the summer too. Whenever we ride in the convertible, I wear it over my head so my hair doesn't blow all over) My husband thinks I look like a goof but I think it looks 1950's fab. Although it is meant for around the neck, mine is stretchy enough that I can pull it up over my head when I run. I like using this on windy days. I would show you a picture, but of course I look like a goofball! Hey, what you need to do to stay warm.

4. Right now I am using my knit gloves from but I am hoping to get a pair of running gloves that have the touch screen tip on the fingers so I can access my electronics ( like my ipod) when I run without having to take my gloves off.  The whole touch screen thing isn't something that I normally think about ( and you might not either) until I'm out in the cold and want to hit the next track on my ipod. I did get a pair of those touch screen gloves for Christmas last year but they were dressy gloves and not very warm at all.

5 ( Final Tip) I admit, a snowy run can be fun. I did a few of those last year and it was peaceful, almost like running through a winter wonderland. Just make sure you  are running on paths and sidewalks that are cleared. You don't want to run over any unexpected ice hiding underneath that fine layer of snow.

Don't forget we are coming up on the last few days to enter the GIVEAWAY and sign up for the HOLIDAY CARD SWAP.

What gloves do you wear to run in?   ~M


  1. I have about 3 different pairs of running gloves that I wear to run..all are different thicknesses so I wear them in different temperatures. I think my light ones are from Brooks and my medium ones are saucony, but I can't remember what kind they heavy ones are!

    1. I will have to check them out! I have seen very thick ones and then thin ones. I need to get that middle version!

  2. Snowy runs are fun and peaceful! I had a few of those last year and really enjoyed it :)
    Karen @karenlovestorun

    1. I have to say I kind of enjoyed them too. We did a Christmas virtual race last year in the snow!

  3. I really need to invest in some of those items...I still need some thicker tights, and when the when comes my face needs protection! I'll have to check out C9 at Target for some gear!

  4. Glad to hear the Cold Gear works, I've wanted to try it. I have multiple pairs of gloves. Like Mizuno's Breath Thermo. Just bought some Nathan gloves with a mitt you pull over and have heard that the Saucony in the same style is really warm.

    1. The kind with the mitten pull over sounds like it might be a good option. Then I would still have my fingers free when I need them!

  5. Finding a pair of fleece lined leggings is on my to do list. I just bought some gloves from ON that have the touchscreen fingers, nice to have as throwaways if I need them (they were 50% for $1 or $2).

    1. I will have to pick a pair of those up next time I pass an ON. Thanks for the tip!

  6. Never done a snowy run, but I do have two pair of running gloves that I love. Hopefully, you will find a great pair too!

  7. Last year from Target I bought some $1-2 touch screen gloves and a knit running hat that I like, but it doesn't get too cold here in SE TX. The day I bought those was the day they had the credit card breach. Not so good!

    1. I was just at Target last night and forgot to look! Next time!

  8. Great list. I'm looking for some good gloves for running, something not too bulky, and the touch screen ability would be nice. I have a pair that work with touch screen and are warm enough, but not sure how well they would really work for running.

  9. This is a good reminder but I need to find some fleece lined pants or something similar for cold runs. Sadly, I think there might be a lot of them this winter.

  10. I'm in the market for a new pair of gloves, and with this cold blast, I'm doing to REI this weekend. I've seen their selection online, and they have a number of gloves that are touch screen compatible.

  11. I love your first piece of advice, lol. I'm not a fan of the cold, and did almost all of my running on the treadmill last winter. I'm really going to try to push myself outside of my comfort zone this year.

  12. I have a pair of windstopper gloves, but they still aren't warm enough for me, so I layer a cheapie pair of knit gloves (from Target) inside. Layering is key for me in the cold weather, but the hardest part is taking that first step outside - BRRRRRRR!!!

  13. I just got a pair of fleece lined leggings from Athleta - they're awesome.

    I am on a hunt for gloves I will actually wear. I don't know why, but most gloves drive me crazy so I just go without. I'm thinking about trying to find some mittens instead.

  14. I am blessed that it is usually not that cold here. We may hit 30 some mornings, but we warm up to 40/50 pretty quick.

  15. I always wanted to know how runners make it during the winter up north. Happy FL is not like this.

  16. Meranda, I just bought some of the gloves you mentioned at my local running store last night; they are Zensah brand (makers of compression socks, sleeves, etc.) and I LOVE them! Lots of reflective details, too! These are great tips, thanks so much for sharing!

  17. You are brave to run in the cold. My neighbour do also. She runs marathon and said that even in winter she wants to run. I love walking and even go when it's -25C outside. Have a great w-end!

  18. I will definitely be sharing this with some of my runner friends!

  19. Your posts have been making me laugh lately! "First piece of advice: Don't do it." and then the black hood story. Ha ha! I actually wear Lululemon gloves (surprise surprise) that have the fabric on the finger end thumb to use a phone...even though I never carry my phone or anything when I run, ha ha! This year I think I want to try mittens so I can keep my hands in fists to keep them warmer.

  20. I have a pair of northface gloves that surprisingly are NOT warm at all. A new pair is on my xmas list!

  21. Good tips! I just got a cute pair of gloves from Lulu today. I forgot the details of that card swap so I am hoping you will be sending out an email to remind!

  22. I love fleece lined leggings. I want to wear thrm all winter long, just because.

  23. I LOVE my Nathan running gloves. They have the touch screen tips, plus a wind shield you can pull over the fingers and flashing lights on the backs too keep me visible at night!

  24. Great tips! I've been avoiding running outside lately since it's cold but I'll have to look into these items and see if they make me brave enough to run outside. :)

  25. I need to invest in a good pair of gloves. I honestly have "throw away" gloves that I have bought at other running expos. They seem to serve the purpose but I know I need better ones!

  26. I have yet to find a pair of gloves that I really like, and it is annoying to have to take them off to fiddle with the ipod. I didn't realize they made gloves with special tips... hasn't made its way to France yet ? I will check it out !

  27. I really need to invest in a gaiter – they're not too expensive, and last year my neck got so cold while running! I have a few of those mockneck and funnel-neck shirts, but the cold air definitely still makes its way in.

  28. I have gloves that also have a hood for the fingers--mittens! My thumbs still get cold tho....

  29. Have I mentioned lately that I am so glad I live in Florida. I just cannot imagine... My belly got all red because it was 63 degrees and windy when I ran today. I am not made for the cold!

  30. I definitely need to buy a gaiter this year!!!

  31. Great list! I like to run with a bandana around my mouth, for some reason it makes me laugh because I feel like an old school robber running from the crime, LOL Okay I say that because once someone saw me out running and told me later that I dressed like I might have just robbed a place and was running away, LOL, and it stuck!

  32. Great tips! I am SO not looking forward to running in the cold. Last year I just stopped running once it got colder, but I am determined to push through this year, I just have to be more prepared.

  33. That hood looks amazing - I need to get one of those! I have a gaiter that works well, but I think something like pictured above will work even better for the colder days. I wear a pair of Saucony running gloves that are the fingers, but then have a neon yellow mitten part that goes over for extra warmth and visibility.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.