5 Simple Stretches for Runners ( IT Band and Hamstring)

 The theme this week is about injuries and since I've had a lot of those lately, I'll share some of the stretches I've been doing.  I seems to be getting better now so I am crossing my fingers I don't have any more injuries!

The fitness activity that I have been doing lots of lately is stretching! Since two of my favorite stretches ( Bridges and Clam Shells) were ones that were shared with me through another blog, I thought I would pay it forward and share some of the stretches that I have been doing in PT with you all in hopes that maybe it will help someone else.

 My sister and I put together this brief tutorial of 5 stretches to help with IT band pain.

1. Calf Stretches: put hands on wall or other straight surface. Bend on leg while pushing back with the other. Make sure the foot on the leg you are pushing back with is slightly turned inward. You'll be able to feel the stretch more that way. Hold this stance for 10 seconds and then switch legs.
2. Seated Hamstring Stretch: You can't tell in this picture but I have 3 pound weights strapped to my ankles ( You can use which ever weight feels right to you). You'll want to sit on a hard surfaced chair. Put a pillow under the leg you will be stretching. Arch your back as you grip the underneath part of the chair ( this is very important in feeling the resistance as you stretch). Lift the leg up until your knee is straight and then for a bit more stretch, flex your toes up. Do this 10X with each leg. Don't forget to move the pillow under the leg you are stretching.

3. This one is called Power Position: This is all you do. Hold this position for 15 seconds and do 6 sets of them. The key here is to actually make sure your feet are pointing straight ahead while you do it. I am a slight pronator so you will notice that my right foot is slightly flared out. I'm working on this!

4. Single Leg Stand: Bend right leg. Extend left leg to back and lift off the ground. The key here is to not let the knee of your bent leg  extend past your toes. Also the leg that is coming off the floor should stay straight. It should not cross behind you.  Stick this position for 15 seconds. Then switch legs. Do this 4x.
5. Cross Leg Rotation:  Start in the position as pictured in the first picture.  Keeping your foot on your knee and your shoulders still straight and on the floor, slowly rotate your leg until your right foot touches the floor ( picture 2). Hold this position for 10 seconds.  Do this 10X with each leg.

These are just a few of the stretches I have been doing for my pain. The key is to build strength in your upper legs as well.  Hopefully those of you who are suffering from knee pain or tight hamstrings can try a few of these.  Even if you are not in pain, it is a very good idea to add these to your running routine.

Let me know if you've tried any of these stretches/exercises or if there are any that you do that you think I should add to my routine!


  1. Thanks for the great list! I always use the calf stretch but it's good to shake up your routine every once in a while, I'll have to add some of these in.


  2. Thanks for the detailed descriptions. I'd been doing the calf stretch but didn't know about the turning the leg in a bit. It's hard to get details from just photos sometimes so I really appreciate the details

    1. Yea, I was hoping that the pictures would help. It is hard to describe!

  3. You have introduced me to some new stretches! I usually do the same ones, including the pigeon pose and others (don't know alot of the names) Yoga might help with your injury M....have you tried it? Hope you are feeling better too!

    1. Yes, I have done some yoga! I really enjoy the yoga using the xfinity resistance bands!

  4. These are some great ideas! The last one looks really good. I love getting in good stretches, especially with yoga!

  5. Ooh, thanks for these! My IT band has been especially frisky lately, so I can't wait to give these a try!

  6. I've pulled back on my IT band stretches because I can't feel some of them anymore. I hope that's good and means things are loosening up. I still need to focus on hamstrings and will try the seated hamstring stretch.

  7. I do most of these stretches on a daily basis. The feel so good for the body even if the IT band is not hurting that day :)

  8. I will be trying some of these for my hamstring! I already do a few of them, but some of these are new to me!

    1. I remembered you having some tight hamstrings! I hope these help!

  9. I try those seated hamstring stretches at my desk all the time... & remember how everything is connected... all the way up to the neck.. & how tight I am! OUCH!

  10. I am always looking for ways to stretch my hamstrings! They are always so tight! Thanks for the suggestions!

    1. The seated stretch using the weights is a great one for the hamstrings!

  11. These are great stretches. I need to remember to incorporate stretching more often. Thanks!

  12. #5 is my all time favorite stretch!

    1. I was worried about including that one because I wasn't sure if people would understand it by the pictures..lol

  13. Wonderful stretches! I don't run but often have troubles with my IT band. Will give these a try! Thank you

  14. Love these stretches! The cross leg rotation has been very helpful to me. Thanks for sharing!! I've never tried the power position, I'll have to add that one to my routine!

  15. I've never tried these except the calf stretches. I need to incorporate the hamstring stretching more. Thanks for sharing. #tgif

  16. Thanks for the pics! I feel like sometimes even with diagrams some stretches can be confusing, but having the actual pictures really helps. I've been an IT band victim before so I'm always looking for stretches that will help me avoid having it happen again!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. I agree just descriptions can be confusing.

  17. I'm loving all these stretches this week! So important for us runners. I like how these are active stretches, which I need more of. Thanks for sharing! I will have to try these.

  18. THANK YOU for these stretches! I am looking for some new ones! I can't wait to try them!!! :) :)

  19. I'm definitely going to have to try these out! I struggle with intermittent knee and IT band pain. Thanks for posting these :)

  20. Great list! I've got strength imbalances between my legs which causes me to have all kinds of issues with my right leg. I bet some of these would help a lot! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Thanks for sharing these stretches! I"m always wondering how to stretch my IT band correctly. I really need to stretch and roll more. :S

  22. Great post! I've never seen a couple of these before....definitely going to add them to my stretching routine.

  23. Thanks for sharing this! Good to get some new stretches to try besides my fav pigeon pose :)

  24. Thanks for linking up with us! ITBS is such a nasty injury, these are great stretches to try!

  25. That power position looks like a great one for the legs. I'll have to try that.

    Thanks for joining April, Patty, and I for the linkup!

  26. What a great post! Love all the pictures! It really helps to visualize these things.
