Running and Trains

So this is a short little story I want to share with you guys earlier this fall and then it just got pushed to the side.

Well, there have been a lot of stories about trains this fall.  You may have seen on the news about the  train crash that happened in New Jersey, or perhaps you saw (or read) about the train that disrupted the Lehigh Valley Marathon in September.


Oh, if you haven't heard about that, let me fill you in.  The Lehigh Valley marathon is "unofficially" the Runners World  marathon because Barty Yasso helps organize it and a lot of Runner's World people run it.  A lot of people who run it are trying to qualify for Boston because it's such a flat and fast course.  The marathon route crosses a set of train tracks but Marathon personnel, and Norfolk Southern ( the train company) always communicate when the race will be held and they agree that all train services will be halted at that time.

Well, apparently someone at Norfolk Southern did not get the memo because sure enough as runners headed towards the track they had to wait for a train to pass.  Can you imagine trying to PR or BQ at this marathon and having to stop and wait for a train????  Needless to say there were some very unhappy runners.  This made national news and they even talked about it on Good Morning America. I can't find the GMA video but you can watch this one from one of the runners.

So my PT and I were talking about this incident a few days after it happened and he shared a funny story with me.  He told me about a time he was training for a marathon. He was in the military at the time and was stationed in South Dakota.  He was out on a training run but had to make it back to the base to start his shift. He also was stopped by a train and there was no other route he could take to get back. The train was moving slowly and it was very long.  After waiting about 10 minutes, he worried that he would be late ( and you know you can not be late when you work on the military base). So anyway, he just decided to run through the cars. they were going slow enough that he though he could do it. He ran along with the train for a few moments and then he made the jump.  It was a success and he made it to the other side uninjured.

EXCEPT.....waiting on the other side of the track for the train to pass was a police car.  The officer saw what my PT had done and he fined him for violation at a railroad crossing.

I got a little chuckle out his story and I thought maybe you would too.   Enjoy your day folks! -M

                                        P.S Don't forget to sign up for the Holiday Card Swap!

We are linking this one up with the gals from TOTR.


  1. I did see the news about that marathon. Somewhere. I know I wouldn't be happy -- even if you're not trying to PR, waiting that long makes it hard to get started again!

    I had a cousin (that I didn't know) that was killed by a train. Never really got the full story. So I have to say I wasn't terribly amused by the PT's tale -- even with a slow moving train, that's pretty dumb. :(

    1. Oh wow,sorry to hear about your cousin. Was he also trying to jump through the cars or was it a different kind of accident. I agree with you that it was a dumb move on the part of my PT. I'd never do something like that but then again i'm far from being a risk taker!

  2. Oh wow! that really sucks for him!! I don't even know what to say about jumping into a moving train! Did he make it to work on time?

  3. Wow, what a story to tell! I wonder if the cop saw the entire thing, or just caught the tail end of it.

    1. The cop was sitting on the other side waiting to cross the train tracks as well so i'm sure he saw him cutting through.

  4. Wow! That would be so scary...I don't have the guts to do that!

  5. Oh my gosh - I hadnt heard of that.
    First of all - your friend is CRAZYYYYY - that is so dangerous!!!!!
    I cant imagine the train stopping the runners. As a slow runner, I would love it though - give me time to catch up :) haha

    1. Those runners were really upset and I know some of them even tried to get their finish times adjusted.

  6. What a crazy story! Your poor PT!!

  7. I would have been mortified if a police officer saw me do that! YEARS ago, I got stuck on the wrong side of the tracks on my morning run. The train was moving so slow and I waited forever... and then the train just STOPPED. I didn't want to go through the cars because I was afraid it would start moving again, so I ended up having to run 2 miles out of my way as fast as I could to get back home and make it to work in time for a faculty meeting!

    I was supposed to run that marathon and I was going to be attempting a PR and BQ. I would have not been able to get over that. Those poor runners.

    1. I was thinking of you when I first heard about this at the VIA marathon and thought about how mad you would have been since you wanted to BQ!

  8. Yea, I would never attempt that, that's for sure!

  9. This happened in Columbus Indiana at a marathon a couple of years ago. I ran the half and wasn't affected by it but the marathoners were and they did the same thing.....tried to find a place to jump through the cars. Crazy!!!!

  10. We had a train go through when doing the American Odyssey relay and had to wait about 20 min with one half of our team on the other side of the train!

  11. Wow what a crazy story. My son loves trains. Maybe I can get him to run if their is a train crossing in the pathway.

  12. I saw that story about the marathoners and while I kind of chuckled about it, I understood the marathoners' disappointment. It sucks when you've trained so hard (pun completely intended) and you get stopped by a train!

  13. It makes me think of when we would get stuck behind trains when we were in Charlottesville. There was a way to cut the tracks (especially if you were going to frat parties) but you could get stuck for 20 mins, so you had to pick wisely!

  14. crazy story! That is something you don't expect!

  15. Busted! But, seriously, that is dangerous.

  16. Oh no!!!! I think only runners who race would really understand what a big deal this was. That stinks!!!

  17. I hadn't seen the reports of that race. OMG, poor runners since Boston is soooo strict.

  18. At the risk of sounding like an old lady - oh my gosh that sounds so dangerous! Funny because it all turned out though. I would be so mad if a train delayed my race - even without trying for a BQ!

  19. Oh man, that sounds scary! I'm glad he made it with no problem but that's bad luck that there happened to be a cop on the other side.

  20. Both of those stories are crazy! Your PT is brave. No matter how slow a train was going, no way would I jump through it!

  21. That's funny, sounds like something you'd see in a movie, LOL
    I forget you guys have trains like that back east, we don't have those out here. We have trams but you could never run through them and any time someone tries a stunt like that here they get killed, so glad your PT timed it safely! Great story!

  22. Now that's a crazy story! At least he cleared the leap! I did hear about the train messing up that marathon, I know I would have been so upset if it messed up my time, especially considering all those months of training!

  23. Ack! That's so dangerous!!!!

    And if I were gunning for a BQ on that course I would have been so mad...

  24. I heard about that train causing some folks to miss their BQs! That would have been the most frustrating experience, EVER, especially after weeks and months of training. GRRRRRR.

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at your PT's story of being caught by the cops jumping through the trains. It's the classic tale of unintended consequences, right? =D

  25. Hadn't heard of the train incident but if I were looking for a BQ I would have been pretty darn mad.

  26. Oh my gosh if you were trying to PR and had to sit and wait for a train. Ackkkkk....

  27. At least your PT made it safely across lol. But I would not want to be stopped by a train during a race. That is terrible for those trying to BQ.

  28. All my non-running friends were fascinated by the marathon story. I had to explain the whole BQ situation so it made more sense to them. And wow, you PT is brave!

  29. That would totally suck to get stuck waiting for a train during a race. I'll never BQ, but how do you start running again after standing around???


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.