What I'll be doing in the Blizzard!

As you know, we are suppose to be getting one heck of a snow storm this weekend here on the East coast.  The supposed intensity of the storm in our area has changed from the beginning of the week when we were forecasted to get 4-8 inches. Later in the week it went to 2-4, and as of last night I heard 1-5.  The storm will effect areas from Virginia to New York with the bulk of the storm hitting our friends in D.C!

I've read that this could be the next big Blizzard in the DC/NY area since the Blizzard of 1888, where they got over 3 feet of snow and with the 60 mile winds the drifts were as tall as 50 feet! WOW!

I've also read that all this snow could set coastal flood levels which isn't good either.

I heard on the radio last night that 50 million people will be effected by this storm.

I sure hope everyone is prepared. I just went to the grocery store last night and stocked up (not actually because of the storm, I needed groceries anyway)!

So will I be running in the snow?  I actually have some very good memories of some great runs in the snow and as much as I would love to run in this winter wonderland I have a feeling actually driving to my favorite trail might prove to be dangerous. We will see.

I have to say that life has been busy lately and I wouldn't mind a weekend snowed in.  I've already planned out what I'd like to do.

1. I see myself sitting on my comfy couch exploring a little Pinterest.  Winter is a time for comfort foods and I'd love to find some new recipes to make them a little healthier.

2. Scott bought me a fancy sewing machine last summer from the Home Shopping Network (yes those HSN ladies are very convincing...lol) and I plan to put it to use. I have a few sewing projects I'd like to work on.

3. Next week starts a new semester at school so I'll be preparing syllabi and putting together lesson plans.  I'm also taking an online course so I'll have some school work of my own to work on as well.

4. I cleaned my closet out last weekend and now have a large suitcase and two and a half heaping laundry baskets full of clothes I no longer need. Most of them are in great shape and still have the tags on them. I may see if I can try to sell some of them on Ebay.

5. I'd like to put my kitchen to use.  I bought some ingredients to make some home made soups.  I'd like to make a batch of food for Baylee too. I don't meal plan for myself but I do for Baylee. She's on a special diet and I'm hoping to get in the time to process her fruits and veggies a boil her chicken.

I sincerely hope that I get the time to do all these things. 
If you will be snowed in this weekend what do you plan on doing?  -M

                                         We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5.


  1. My mom used to make special food for our dog when I was growing up. It smelled horrible but Missy loved it. What we do for dogs! Our Lulu is on a prescription diet but she does get blueberries and carrots every day! Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy those projects. I have some sewing I need to do, but I always find myself doing something else.

    1. She is on prescription dog food and I don't think she likes it very much. She prefers when I prepare her meals!

  2. Stay safe in the storm! I have seen loads of photos of people panic buying food, so I hope you have managed to get some yourself.

  3. I'm right in the path of this storm. We are supposed to get at least a foot and I cannot wait!! Plans to make some chili, nap, unpack, laundry, nap, clean my living room, nap, and most importantly, cuddle with the kittens. I've missed them so. I'm so excited!

    1. Oh I bet you will be taking quite a few naps with those kitties of yours. Enjoy!

  4. My son in NC is getting ice right now, but snow is supposed to be coming. I'm just glad he, like you, can stay home during this mess. Enjoy your time - sounds like you've got a lot of good projects on deck. Stay safe and warm!!

  5. yep bracing for the blizzard here in VA. I wish I knew how to sew seems like a nice relaxing thing to do. Enjoy the snow

  6. A blizzard is a perfect time to stay inside and do things like that. I plan to run, but I still hope to knock off a lot from my to-do list too. Good luck and stay warm!

  7. I get really antsy when I can't get outside, but planning indoor things does help. Hang in there and I hope it's not as bad as the panic is making it seem. I never liked that, no matter where I live. They hype it and hype it.

    1. We aren't suppose to get it as bad as other areas so it will probably be just another snowfall for us (I think)!

  8. I wrote a very similar Friday 5 post! This storm sounds like it will be crazy so I guess it's on everyone's mind in this area. Your plans sound great, hope you guys stay safe and warm

    1. I don't think we will get as much as your area but I still plan on staying indoors!

  9. I always make grand plans. And then sit on my biscuit as usual.

    1. I'm afraid that is exactly what will happen this weekend..lol.

  10. Making soup during a snow storm sounds so homey. :) We are supposed to get 8-12 inches here. My weekend is going to be fun. I have a new 1,000 piece puzzle a friend from school is letting my borrow. I also have several books checked out of the library. AND I am picking up so donuts on the way home from work. ;)

    1. Puzzles sound like a great way to spend a snow day!
      I have 2 soups that I am hoping to prepare this weekend!

  11. I am currently 100% snowed in! Looks like 8+ inches and still going....
    I've been working on comments and reply's for the blog :-)

    1. Hope you have lots of indoor activities planned (or lots of movies). Stay warm!

  12. I am currently 100% snowed in! Looks like 8+ inches and still going....
    I've been working on comments and reply's for the blog :-)

  13. We had a preview inch of snow the other day which was fun to run in. Our 18-24" will not be as easy to do so. Not sure what I'll do about my run streak, as I have no treadmill, haha.

    1. Hmm, that could be tricky! I guess you could run around your house????

  14. Stay safe and warm! All of your plans sound divine!! Enjoy! :)

  15. I like running in the snow, but I'm not sure I'd plan anything long during a blizzard. Enjoy the snow! Stay warm :)

    1. Some of my favorite runs have been in the snow but not Blizzards!

  16. Enjoy your winter storm! I love a great winter storm, there is just something beautiful about it!
    Hope you do get time to do all your indoor plans. New sewing machine that is awesome! I have a little sewing to do myself, to catch up on a project I promised I would fix for my niece:)
    If you do get to go out in it, have fun playing in the fresh powder!!!

    1. I do think a fresh snow storm is beautiful but then it turns to slop when everyone starts driving in it...lol

  17. You're using your time wisely!! I have some recommendation letters to write (I'm a teacher) and some reading to do before my last semester of grad school starts. Have I started? No, not quite...but apparently I will have time :) Stay safe and warm! Stopping by from the link up!


  18. Good luck in the blizzard! If you've only got 1-5 inches you will have perfect running snow - 3 feet, not so much. I hope most of it misses you and that you have a relaxing weekend!

  19. Hope you stay safe and warm! I just did the same with my closet and put a bunch on eBay. It's crazy what people will buy!

    1. I keep saying I will do that but keep putting it off!

  20. I'll be coloring, knitting, on the treadmill & of course, loving on my fur babies :) Snow days on the weekend are kinda like a vacation :)

    Good for you taking the time to make that special diet for your Baylee... that's one dedicated momma!

  21. I got my long run in today so I plan on napping, relaxing and drinking wine :)

  22. My house is going to be awfully clean after this weekend! I ran before it started to snow and have all the essentials so I'm pretty set. Looking forward to catching up on blogging and just being warm and toasty inside (provided power stays!)

  23. I hope to catch up on blogging, reading and maybe some cleaning.

  24. We've gotten 12 inches of snow so far! I've been facebookin, catching up on blog reading, and reading books. Laaaaazy! We made a lot of soups too. :) stay cozy!!

  25. Don't you just feel like Little House on the Prairie? Stay safe!

  26. I had lentil soup this week on a chilly evening and then a vanilla latte. Warm foods are the best on cold days!

  27. Hope you have a safe weekend! Cold here but no snow :) It is nice to have a weekend just to catch up things- sweet! Enjoy it and stay warm!

  28. Oh my gosh, I can't believe you have snow!! It's dry here in Texas :) Enjoy all your time in though!

  29. Shoveling. There is so much shoveling to be done that I'm about to give up. There's nowhere to even put the snow anymore haha.

  30. I feel like snowy weather on weekends makes the perfect excuse to get your kitchen some use! Hope you are handling the storm well!!

  31. Sounds like a good blizzard to do list ! No snow here in France, but I grew up in Maine... and would love a blizzard once in a while. Great childhood memories.

  32. I hope you are nice and safe! Enjoy some baking :)

  33. I made some soup from my Runner's World cookbook this weekend--perfect snow day activity! I'm also a big fan of organizing on snow days. Not sure why snow days inspire cleaning. Good job getting that closet cleaned out! :-)

  34. Being stuck in a blizzard is a completely foreign concept to me since I live in Phoenix. Sounds like you have some fun stuff planned, though!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.