Who says they are "GOOD" Medals?

Earlier this summer I saw an example of a DIY race medal display and I knew I wanted to do that for my mom. She had a smaller display from Gone For Run and it was quickly getting filled so then she started hanging the medals off of her jewelry hanger.

run Disney race medals

I bought the decorative curtain rod that I thought would match the furniture in her room and then promptly went over to her house to hang it up as a surprise. Since I would need to use some power tools, I enlisted some help from my dad.  After measuring (a few times) and hanging up the display, it was time to but the medals on.

As I pick up the medals to display them on the rack, my dad says "Now make sure you put the good ones up front".
 I looked at him and said "Dad, they are ALL good ones".
He says to me "Well, I just mean the ones that took more effort to earn".
I look at him again and said "Dad, they all took some effort".
He says to me "Well, you know what I mean".

Of course he tried to talk his way out of that situation and of course I continued to give him a hard time even if I did know what he meant, but really, how could I determine that one medal earned was any better than any other medal. Whether it was a PR, a first race, a challenge medal, a coast to coast, or just one that took a lot to get through, they were EACH special in their own right.

1. We remember the Run For the Dream race in Williamsburg, VA as the hottest race to date but my mom really rocked that race and even helped push me through it.

2. The Runner's World 10K was her first official 10K  and she really did well. She was a guest with me at the Runner's World festival and we really had a great time. The Wicked 10k  in VA Beach was a PR race for both her and I and a time we used to submit for some of our Disney races.

3.The Princess Half race will always be special because it was her first half marathon and a year later she did her first Glass Slipper Challenge. The Pixie Dust Challenge was her first set of Disneyland races and of course earning the Coast to Coast medal is just special in it's own right!

4. The April Fools race is special because it had always been a fun mother /daughter weekend at the beach

5. My mom was my partner the year we ran the RnR Virgnia Beach Relay and then RnR Las Vegas was were she PR-ed her half marathon time.

So of course I tell my dad, "Dad, they are all GOOD medals"!

Do you have a memory associate with each medal you've earned?

We are linking up with the gals from the Friday 5 where the theme is about Race Swag!


  1. They are definitely all "good medals" :) But I do like to put the ones that look nicer in front, along with my marathon ones. I still need to hang my medal display that I got for Christmas!

  2. Absolutely! I've earned every one of those medals. And looking at them brings back lots of memories!

  3. Yes! Every race has a story. I love that medal hanger idea. I've been looking for something that could sit on a shelf, but haven't found it yet.

  4. Seeing as I have only run 3 races, they are all memorable to me, but I am sure that will change as I start doing more.

  5. Definitely agree with you, but for me the ones that are displayed in the front are the better looking ones. Some races give out really neat looking medals (especially the pittsburgh marathon) and others are pretty ugly in my opinion..so those go in the back. Maybe that's what your dad meant? I do agree that all medals take effort to earn though!

  6. I couldn't agree more! All good and each one represents a different time along your journey! LI've the race rod! :)

  7. I couldn't agree more! All good and each one represents a different time along your journey! LI've the race rod! :)

  8. I love all my medals and have good memories, even through the strife. I hang them up left to right as they were earned.

  9. What a cute medal display! I have mine on a wall by my bed and I love to think about each race. They are all good medals. <3

  10. I think the best thing about medals is that you do have a memory tied to each one. It's a fun way to be able to look back and remember specific races.

  11. I agree! They're all a symbol of effort and therefore all good ones :) I think all my medals have great memories associated with them.

  12. All my medals have some awesome memories associated with them, but the one i'm definitely most proud of is my one and only half marathon medal from the NYC half. I also got a medal for a 5k that is my current PR, and it's a nice reminder of my progress!

  13. What a great idea for a medal display! I know I have my favorites, but all of them are good in the memories associated with each race (even the bad races).

  14. I love what you told your dad. It's true, they are all good ones and they all take effort to obtain! I love the medal hanger. Mine is also a DIY job. :)

  15. YEP!!!! They are ALL good medals to me. They each have their own story, don't they? All ones of struggle or accomplishment! All an example of how amazing you are :)

  16. Oh yes, so many memories - each medal holds a special place because it was hard earned! My Houston marathon half medal always reminds me of my injury and overcoming that obstacle (but I still hide it because I was supposed to run the full and couldn't)! LOL The Disney medals are my favorite, especially Goofy! :)

  17. Every medal is special because of the memories associated with them. Your response to your dad was spot on: all of the medals are the good ones. :)

  18. They are all good, but I would probably hang them the order they were earned. I'm weird like that. It helps me remember things more accurately too. I received 2 new racks for Christmas and have not hung them. I need to work on my display!

  19. I don't know, my marathon medal is right now my favorite, and probably will be for a long time if not ever. Even after completing Dopey or any other marathon. But you are right, I walk by my hall of medals and look at each one and can remember the effort I put in for them. They are all special. I can't wait for you to see my hall of medals!

  20. yes I do and I agree they are all great medals!

  21. My first tri race is pen the medal with the most emotion tied to it. The RnR medal from Vegas is the coolest one. You have a lot!!

  22. aww...you are right - they are all good medals. my marathon medals each carry so many memories for me!

  23. They are all good medals. That's what I love about "collected" things. The medals all have a story with them from that race. I have some of the most random stuff from college, but I can look at you and it reminds me of a story that I can tell of what happened surrounding that seemingly random item. It's amazing what that little medal can tell you.

  24. Some of my medals are prettier and/or bigger than others, so I like those to be up front, I suppose. I bought a hat/coat rack stand and just hang them all on that.

  25. So I agree with both of you. A medal for a 5k or a 10k doesn't mean as much as my marathon medals. MArathon training takes blood, sweat and tears and I feel like are definitely earned. But I understand where you are coming from as well!

  26. Haha whoops, foot in mouth from your dad! I arrange my medals/trophies in terms of size. What's funny is that my biggest trophy is from the competition which meant the least to me. But they are all special and should be celebrated!

  27. Absolutely! I have some that mean more to me but every single medal I have has specific race memories (and training memories!!).

  28. Lol! It's like kids: you really can't pick a favorite. They are all different but you love them all the same.

  29. Yep, every medal has a different memory.

  30. Love looking back over the medals and remembering the prep, the morning, the evening after! All worth it!

  31. I also have my favourite medals...but I agree, they all take hard work and effort to earn!

  32. Totally with you! ALL of my medals took effort. That being said, not gonna lie, I always make sure my Dopey medal is front and center. :) Because if there was ever one race that took a little bit of "extra" effort, that would be the one! ;)

  33. They are ALL good medals! I do get where your dad is coming from, at one point I did move certain marathon medals in front of others and as I ran out of room I have put away a lot of medals and ribbons in boxes. But I find I switch them around too, like you said each medal is tied to lots of memories. I once told someone I remember vivid details of each one of my 26.2 miles so I can look at each one of my medals and recall a specific memory!
    A funny short story. A close friend of mine has a medal display cabnet for the whole family in a room. She's been picky on what she puts into it and has told her kids though the years it's only for things you have one or placed first in it. One of the last times she was putting one of her marathon finisher medals into it, her daughter asked after if she could put one of her dance ribbons in it. Mom said, no, remember this display is just for special first place items, the rest go in our memory books and boxes. Her daughter turned to her and said. But mom, you put your marathon medals in it and you didn't come in first, you just finished the race.
    Bottom line, mom let her daughter put the dance ribbon in the display and had to re-think it's true purpose, LOL I love that story, I think of it anytime I see things of achievement now:)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.