Choose Your Path

We haven't been posting on Wednesdays due to the fact that there hasn't been a lot of running activity going on, but now that I'm getting back into it I hope to get back to telling stories from my runs!

On Saturday I did my first outdoor run of the year.  It was a perfect day to chose for my first run outside. It appears that our deep freeze has passed and we were blessed with a sunny day with blue skies and temps in the 50's. Perfect for running!

The plan was that I was going to drive my parents to a basketball game at our local university and then drive myself to the rail trail which which was near by. My plan was to run only the part of the path that was near the fitness center because that part was paved and it's highly used so I thought for sure it would be clear of snow.

I dropped my parents of at the game and then headed to my trail.

Turns out, this is what it looked like. I was shocked.  I thought for sure the snow would have been removed or at least melted by now.

I turned around and decided that I would go back to the university (since their paths were clear) and do my run there.

A little blurry, but this sign on the university campus says "Choose Your Path", I thought that was appropriate for today's run!

Don't let the snow fool you. It was a beautiful run. I felt a little silly because I was quite over dressed. Every runner I passed was wearing shorts.  I did not need this head warmer either, but since I was running among the "public"  (not on my trail), I would have been embarrassed to take it off because I know my hair was ALL over the place.

I wanted to get in 4 miles but my Garmin was giving me the Low Battery warning so I managed to get in three miles of complete running. I stopped it at 3 miles and then just walked the rest of the way back to my car.  I was A-Okay with this since it was my first non treadmill run of the year.

By the time I got back to my car, it was already half time at the basketball game. I was gonna grab a quick drink and then head home to shower before picking my parents back up but I decided I did not want to rush.

I ended up hanging out at one of my favorite places, Barnes and Nobel.  I seriously could waste a ton of time in a book store. Our Barnes and Nobel here is actually three stories (haha, no pun intended)!

I had just enough time to browse the sale books they had out, make a purchase, and grab a drink.  I wasn't sitting in the cafe too long leafing through my new book, before I got word that the game was soon over and I had to go pick my parents up. 

What a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon! -M


  1. Sounds to me like a perfect Saturday! What a pretty place to run.

  2. This sounds so relaxing! I love book stores. I'm glad there are STILL book stores. Although not thanks to me... I have been buying books off amazon and avoiding stores. :(

    1. I did my part and bought a book. It was a sale book but it was a purchase none the less!

  3. I like to run through college campuses too. I don't know about shorts with snow on the ground :)

    1. Definitely an odd combination but It was warm enough for them.

  4. 3 stories? I'd never leave that bookstore, pack a lunch & stay all day, haha
    You know I'm always overdressed for a run. I'd be disappointed if i wasn't haha

  5. Yes, that time of the year of snow covered paths!! But you had the college to offer you a different path, did you see anything interesting?

    I love bookstores! I could get lost in them. My Barnes and Noble has a starbucks and they sell cheesecake, I could almost live there!

    1. Since there were sporting events going on on Saturday there were a lot of people walking around campus but I didn't see anything too interesting.

      Our Barnes and Nobel has a starbucks too! Oh, I met 2 Golden retrievers on my walk back from the book stores. That was probably the most interesting thing I saw...haha

  6. How weird, to have the temps in the 50s and still see that much snow everywhere! Glad you had such a fantastic outdoor run. :)

    1. Yes it was weird. I don't know about the running path, but all the other snow melted by the next day. I wonder if it was because it was so thick from never being plowed and then I'm sure it had turned into ice at some point.

  7. Its crazy when there is still snow after its been warm for awhile! Glad you found a place to run.

  8. Most of our bike paths look like the first pic. No one plows or shovels them.

    So I have to resort to the one around the university here. It's fine but after awhile, it gets boring.

    I am so ready for spring.

  9. Ill never forget standing at the start to a half marathon & my iPod died. I literally said, lets go home. I was like, no way can I do it without, luckily the hubs was there to entertain me the whole way


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.