February Runfessions!


Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. It's that time again to join Marcia for our monthly Runfessions!

I Runfess that I didn't exactly plan on it, but I guess I've taken a hiatus from outdoor running this winter. I haven't ran outside since before Christmas and since Spring is just right around the corner, I say why even push myself to do so...lol.  Let's just make it a solid "break" for the season!

Why do I need an "Amazon day?" And random purchases you might like

 Oh the weather outside is frightful, but Amazon is so delightful. Since we have all the time, buy it Prime, buy Prime, buy it Prime........( So I thought)! 

I Love You Winter!

 Summer will ALWAYS be my favorite season. In fact, the hotter the weather, the better!  There use to be a time when I absolutely hated winter. I hated being cold, but I think when I started running outdoors ( about 10 or 11 years ago), all that has changed.  I still don't like being cold, but I've learned to manage it a little better (and with some warmer clothes)! 

January in Review

 I'm not going to lie. we all know that I'm not actually going to write one sentence per day, because I'm not that clever to have recorded one memorable thing each day in January. So I'll just do a recap of each week. Thanks to Rebecca Jo for the link up!

Heck, I won't even call them highlights, because really, there wasn't much to highlight in January, just another month in the life of a pandemic!