The theme of this Friday 5 is "Things in my gym bag". I have to be honest, I don't have a gym bag because with my crazy schedule of flying all the time, I don't go to the gym. But shhhhh don't tell anybody. When I have some longer overnights at work, I do try to go to the fitness center. So for now I will share 5 things that I always carry in my roller board!
Gps- I am so happy that it has finally been nice everywhere I go for work. I have been getting better runs in with this beautiful weather. As long as I have my gps I know the distance I am going, even if it is up and down industrial roads. Sometimes I luck out and find a great running path near our hotel.
Ipod- This one I know can go both ways, but for me I need my ipod when I go for a run. When I do run with friends I never wear it, but when I am traveling I am also running solo so my ipod is a must.
Ipad- As much as I love going outside for my runs sometimes there is inclimate weather and I am not able to. That's where my Ipad comes in handy. I can take it to the gym with me and prop it up on the treadmill, watch a tv episode I have downloaded, and before you know it, my run is finished. I also have great workout videos downloaded that I can do right in my hotel room.
The stick- As much as I love my foam roller it is not packing friendly. So I pack the next best thing, The Stick. After my workout I use this and I don't feel as sore the next day at work. I know many people have questioned this and YES, the Stick can go in your carry on luggage!
Resistance bands- There are so many great strength moves you can do with these bands. And they are so easy to pack. It's another great workout you can do right in your hotel room.
There is no excuse you can't get a great workout in while traveling. Do you pack any of these things while traveling?