
Thoughts from the Gym

As most of you know, I've been pretty dedicated to going to the gym at my PT office. And you may also remember me saying how I am one of the younger patients there. Since I've been going there for a while now, I wanted to continue to share with you some more of my thoughts about the gym (and the people there).

1. I notice that everyone else at the gym carries around a blue chart with them. On the chart it says which machines they should be working on, how many reps, and how much weight. I've been going

 here for months and never got a blue chart. Perhaps they think I am young enough to remember what I am suppose to do?

2. I totally understand why people grunt while lifting weights. I try really hard not too. Sometimes I hold my breath so I don't make an unnecessary noise!

3. I find it funny that the elderly folks come to the gym just to socialize. They aren't even dressed to work out. They have a few chairs by the window and they

sit there and eat snacks. I saw a box of donuts sitting there the other day. One lady even sits and does her check book.

4. Speaking of the older folks, there are a few ladies that actually do come to work on the equipment (their little blue chart in hand, of course). And they show up wearing their khakis and blouses with their Nikes.  I think "Now you went to the effort to put sneakers on, why don't you want to put comfortable clothes on".

5. The exercise bike that I use sits next to the PT assistance desk. We always talk while I ride the bike. The sad part is that I am always doing hill workouts on the bike so my breathing is always labored and I can barely get a complete sentence out.  This assistant must think that I am an idiot or that I don't communicate very

What thoughts would you have? -M

We are linking up with the gals from the friday 5


  1. Lol, love your thoughts on your gym! It seems to be an interesting gym for socializing elder folks that don't like to wear comfortable clothes. :)

  2. Gym crowds are always very interesting! I don't think I would want to talk with anyone while on the bike- especially if I was working that hard!

  3. When I visit my mother at the retirement community where she lives, I see much of what you are describing at the gym where she lives. No food, but the people do actually workout and sometimes they are not in the types of clothing we wear to the gym. I think maybe they only want to dress once for the day! I also realize they do not sweat like we do, which is something to look forward too when we get to 80 or 90 years old!

    1. Yea, there is definitely not a lot of sweating going on. It is nice to watch them interact!

  4. #4 is interesting! I bet they don't want to wear spandex!

  5. I haven't been in a gym in years, I miss it sometimes, but really prefer working out at home. It was always fun people watching though! That is funny about the blue charts.

    1. I have mostly all the same equipment at home but I just can't seem to get motivated here. Also I liking having my PT near by in case I have questions.

  6. Our gym is full of older people too and they just sit around having a chat. It's great if they are there to workout and socialise, but they mostly just talk.

  7. These are great! Back when I worked at a gym, 11-1 was social hour for the Silver Sneakers club. We had several older members who would literally just go get coffee and then come stand and talk to us at the front desk for an hour haha.

  8. I think you need a blue chart!! You might be missing something good 😄

  9. I wonder why you didn't get a chart! And that's funny that some of the people who up and don't even pretend to work out. Maybe there aren't other places to socialize in the area?

    1. Ha, there are other places to socialize and this definitely isn't the worst place they could go. Most of the older folks socialize at McDonald's around the block!

  10. Lol! I love your thoughts! And seriously...donuts in a gym??? Isn't there a rule somewhere that those aren't allowed??!!! And you need to ask about that blue chart girl!

    1. The boxes are usually empty by the time I get there so I never actually see people eating

  11. I have noticed the same thing too over the years. Some elderly are in gym clothes but most aren't. I think it's great though that they're working out too.

  12. aw, how cute that they just come for the social aspect! :)

  13. This is hilarious...get that girl a blue chart! And I love the socializing ladies..Dan's grandma just started doing this haha! She will lift for like 5 minutes and then socialize for 55 minutes :)

  14. So funny that the gym is the 'hangout' for the elderly. I'll have to remember that in the future :) haha

  15. I love that you are working out with a bunch of seniors! They must not sweat (or put out enough effort to break a sweat) because why else would they workout in their regular clothes? I have a feeling that the "old folks" at the gym, 20 or 30 years from now, will be a different breed, who actually will exercise.

    1. I have a feeling you are right. I am going to bet that most of them started going there for PT like I did and just never left.

  16. Aw I love seeing what old people wear to the gym. You described the way some of the dress perfectly. :)

  17. Ha! I had a fitness center membership at a community college near me years ago and it was always full of senior citizens. They would show up in all sorts of attire and wander around aimlessly. They definitely used it for the social aspect.

  18. OMG! I Love how candid this list is. Made me smile.

  19. That's funny. When I go to PT they givevme a red file to take with me into the gym orthooedic hospital I go and find a table in the red area and sit and wait for the PT. Then hand my file to the PT when I am bored I look through it. It just has all their notes and comparison stuff from previous tests to see if what I am doing is improving or not.
    I wonder if your right and the blue thing is just a list on what to do and they figure you already know:) Next time you go ask them why you don't get to carry a blue chart around:)
    Old people at The PT are funny at mine the same people go every morning. Its sad the PT say they come in do half the work or less and won't go home and do any thing so they will never heal. They just come to pretend they are trying so they can justify complaining that they will never heal:)
    lol about the checkbook lady I mean if your PT appts are like mine thats $200 each visit so what a waste to spend the money and do nothing:)
    At my parents gym (its not a PT office gym) but from 4am until 7am its all mostly 50-80 year olds and I know they all workout because they all try to outdo each other lol.. Guess PT places arejust different :)

  20. LOL! I would be thinking how badly I'd want to go outside for a run....

  21. Too funny, especially with those that run in khakis. You should start carrying around your own chart, but in like pink or orange or something. But then have it be something completely unrelated or off the wall.

  22. That's funny that the older ladies come to socialize. At my old gym, there were some pretty hardcore older ladies in there all the time to work out. It's impressive!

  23. This is hilarious! I remember my grandma wore khaki slacks and a blouse everywhere she went too:) The fact that some go there to eat or socialize is just too funny! I feel guilty even thinking about food at the gym, lol!

  24. I enjoying hearing about the old folk at PT. Sounds like a pretty cool hang out for them! ;)

  25. I remember in college tons of people carried around clipboard with a chart - I never did. I should have asked!

  26. "...their little blue chart in hand, of course" Just the thought of cute old women & men makes me smile and go aweeee :)

  27. Haha, I think that is hilarious that the old people just hang out! That will be us someday!!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.