
This my friends is one thing I can't run without, can you?

As runners, it seems as though we have or own version of "would you rather". Would you rather run a hilly route on a cool day or a flat fast route on a scorching hot day? Would you rather PR or have the most fun race of your life? Things like that. 

Well when it comes to running equipment, I don't like to play that game. I like to have everything I need. However, if someone were to ask me if I would rather have my ipod or my Garmin I'd have to say this......................

 I didn't ever think I could run without music but in ACTUALITY, I have done ALL my Disney races (except Tower of Terror) without my own music. (Perhaps that is why TOT was one of best races). But anyway, Yes, I think music definitely makes my runs go better, but I've realized that I don't need it to have a good run.

On the other hand, I am totally dependent on my Garmin. I know I need to lessen this attachment and run more on feel, but since I've starting running intervals again, I need that constant beeping to keep me on track.  I am addicted to my Garmin like some runners are addicted to running selfies (yes, you know those runners). They are the runners that need that selfie for their #Proof that their run really happened. Like them, I need the #Proof of my Garmin (although the Garmin is just for me. I don't make a habit of posting the results on social media).  If my Garmin dies mid run, I actually feel like giving up. Because after all what's the point of finishing the run if I can not collect any data from it and see how I did? I say this with a bit of sarcasm, but it is true that I feel totally defeated if my Garmin dies and I can not see my progress (or lack there of).  -M

Is there one thing you "must have" on your runs? Do you need the #Proof?

We are linking up with the ladies from TOTR.


  1. My pod casts! I would rather have those than my Garmin buuuuuut Garmin is definitely second. No, hair tie is second, then Garmin. :)

  2. I'm 100% with you on the Garmin! If it's dead mid-week, I usually switch to runkeeper on my phone, but I prefer my Garmin above all!

  3. Yep I can't run without my Garmin either. At least not while I am actually training. If I were just running for fun maybe I could do it, but I feel like I need to know how far and how fast I ran!

  4. I always run with my phone! I use it for music and there were a couple times when I forgot my garmin and was able to go back to using runkeeper on the phone. Of course, ideally I'd like to have both :)

  5. Music, absolutely. I have my iPhone as my iPod so I have both music and phone with me at all times. I've always psyched myself out when I'm running without music.

  6. I can't workout without music at all. I just find it so boring otherwise. I need something upbeat to keep me going.

  7. I have to run with my Garmin, but coming in a close second would be a running buddy. Rarely do I run solo.

  8. I have to have my phone and Garmin! To think I didn't own a Garmin less than six months ago, what would I have done???

  9. I've with you for both the Garmin and the music. There's something about running with music that helps me to get into the zone.

  10. I don't require music or a Garmin. What I NEED is water. I have friends who'll go up to 10 like camels. I like water for anything more than 3.

    1. I'm like your friend. I've done 13.1 miles before without water. I am really bad a hydrating!

  11. I'm a confessed Selfie Runner :) haha... I still need Proof for myself to know this old girl is out there moving it :)

  12. I used to be the same way about running with music but now I'm all about the group runs sans tunes haha. The energy is electric when you're listening to what's going on around you!

  13. I always run with music as well. Even if it's just one ear, it's my crutch to have the tunes pumping in my ear.

  14. I absolutely must have my Garmin and my running skirt! And...yes....I totally need that selfie #proof!

  15. I ran out the door without my Garmin on Sunday before my long run and felt lost without it! Luckily I was running with someone who had theirs, but I still like looking down at mine just to see how far I've gone and how much longer I have left in my run.

  16. I like to have my IPhone with me. Music, sure, but it's also a security blanket for me.

  17. A few years ago, I probably would have said my iPod or some form of music, but I've trained myself to run without it now, so it's more of a luxury. Honestly, the one thing I need for a good run is some nice, cool weather.

  18. I'm gonna say Garmin as well. Outsidr of a Disney race though I've never tried running without music. Would be ver interesting to try.

  19. So in our MRTT group-if there is no photo "proof" your run didn't happen LOl Yup one of those for sure

  20. Before I got my Garmin, I used my phone to track my runs but now that I have my Garmin, I love it and hate going for a run without it (hence why treadmill runs are now a challenge). But I do still bring my phone in case I need it for an emergency

  21. I feel the same way about my Garmin. If it's not recorded there, it didn't happen. I've only run a couple of races without music because my shuffle didn't charge or whatnot. They were short races thankfully, because I ended up singing to myself.

  22. I had to learn to run without my Garmin and music when the battery died on them. Not fun the first time that happens! I'm wearing a regular watch for my 55k- can't stand not knowing the time!

  23. I can't run without my Garmin...not because I am a slave to the numbers though! My coach looks at my workouts online and can offer comments based on HR, pacing and how I thought they went. I also like to have a record of the routes I run and how long they take. It can help with planning!

  24. YES YES YES YES YES. I HAVE to have my Garmin or some kind of tracking/timing device when I'm running. I'm militant about logging my miles and which shoes I ran them in, so to have a run where I don't know these things would be torturous. I've heard it said that "things which get tracked are things that make progress" (or something along those lines) and I couldn't agree more.

    It took me a while to learn how to run without music, but now I've gotten used to it. I try to use music as a mental boost now to help me get through the final few miles of a tough run!

  25. I love having the proof my Garmin gives me!!! His name is Vinnie and he helps keep me on track...LOL

  26. Ummmm... yeaaaah!!!! I need the #proof, too! Because if Garmin didn't record it, it didn't happen. Every runner knows that. Duh. ;)~

  27. I can't run without music if I'm alone. I could probably run without it at a race, but otherwise, it really helps me get out of my head.

  28. great shoes for my huge feet and pants that don't chub rub

  29. I have no problem leaving Garmin at home if I've planned it, but I freak out if I plan to use it and it doesn't work LOL.

    Besides my running skirts, the only thing that goes on is my phone.

  30. Definitely the garmin!! I wish I could live without it, but I just can't.

  31. Haha, I'm totally with you! Is it wrong that it doesn't feel like a "real" run if I don't have it?! These days, my running skirts are a MUST, and I definitely could not...COULD without music! I've tried it a few times, and it was HORRIBLE. So the iPod is definitely my MUST HAVE ITEM on every. single. run!

  32. Definitely the phone. I've been okay forgetting my Garmin.

  33. I get tempted to give up on a run too when I don't have anything tracking it. I'm okay with a Garmin, but I need the phone or FitBit or something to make it feel like it "counts". :)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.