
Do You Remember When?

The other weekend my sister and I went to a Murder Mystery Weekend and the theme was Back in Time which made us reminisce about things that happened to us in past.

If you are a frequent reader on our blog and have been following us since the beginning you will remember that one of our first blogs we posted was my Disney Princess half marathon in 2012. However, that was not my first half marathon. My first half marathon was the Lehigh Valley in 2007. I never posted anything about this race before, because it was so long ago and I didn't remember much about it. I don't even have a picture of me afterwards!

Although I do remember certain things which I will share with you now.

I was still living at my parent's house in P.A. working at the airport and one of the ladies I worked with told me she was running it. This would be her first one too. I thought to myself well why couldn't I do this. Now I was a runner is High School, or should I say sprinter. I never thought I would run distance but this was on a bucket list of mine, so I was going to run this! After all I was pretty consistent running my usual 5 mile loop. What's another 8?
Now I will admit, I did not train for this (if you've read my other posts about races, I know you're shocked right?) I think the most I did was a 7.5 mile run one time. Not only did I not follow a training plan, I did not train with proper nutrition and fluids during my run. A GU? What the heck is that?
The evening before the race I met my friend at her house and she drove us to Lehigh Valley. We went to Panera Bread for dinner because she liked that restaurant. I didn't think anything of the restaurant and why we didn't go to an Italian place for pasta to carb up. After all, the bread that is made for our sandwiches has carbs. I probably got a half sandwich and soup for dinner, because it was cheap. I don't even remember going to an Expo, which I know we had to because we had to pick up our race packet and bib. I guess it wasn't too memorable.
The morning of the race I got up in plenty of time to eat breakfast which was a bagel with peanut butter I believe. I didn't have a pre race ritual before my runs so I'm assuming I ate whatever my friend brought us for the morning.
I don't even remember what hotel we stayed at, but I do remember it was close enough to the starting line so we did not have to take a shuttle. The race did not start super early like some do, which was another nice addition. The race was in April and we lucked out with a beautiful day without any rain. 

Now getting to my outfit. I did not train in any specific outfit. Pretty much whatever was clean, I wore. Not only did I run in anything, I wore cotton socks! Apparently no one told me back then that that was a bad idea. So race morning my outfit was a dark green ribbed tank top(aka wife beater) and fleece pants. C'mon fleece pants for a marathon? No one told me that wasn't a good idea. I guess even if my friend was thinking that, it was too late because it was the only outfit I brought. Not only was I wearing that, but both my sports bra and socks were cotton! But I have to say, regardless of my outfit I was wearing, I was comfortable the whole time and did not chafe, nor have blisters on my feet. I guess I really did luck out!
During the race, I didn't take any nutrition nor even stop for water. I didn't even run with my ipod. I would not even think about running a race today without my ipod. And yes I did have one back then, but I thought to myself I'd be too busy singing along to it, that I wouldn't be focused on the race. Today, I still find myself singing along to my ipod, but I feel like that gives my the push to continue.
I ran the whole time during the race, I thought if I stopped at all, I wouldn't be able to continue running. I finished the race in 2:04 for my first half marathon. Afterwards, I felt good, and proud of my accomplishment, but didn't think I would want to do it ever again! It wasn't until I moved to Virginia the summer of 2011 that I joined a running group and did my next half marathon, which was the Disney Princess 2012.
Like said, I didn't even get a picture of myself finishing the race with my medal. I didn't have camera phone back then.

But I still have the bear that all finishers received along with my medal, so that's what I took a picture of recently.
 After the race, my friend wasn't feeling very well so we left right away. I was hoping to stay and enjoy the festivities. I even saw a tent that was giving free massages! After I saw that, I thought all races offered that at the end. Boy was I wrong! 
I remember coming home from the race that day and going to my grandparent's house for lunch, which we did every Sunday. I told my family- aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins of what I did earlier that morning. Now I'm not one to gloat in accomplishments, but felt this was something to be proud of, but it didn't phase anyone. Everyone just said good job. Ok I guess that was it. It's not like I could have posted it on facebook or twitter. Social media was almost non existent for me back then. Even my sister, who I think of as my biggest cheerleader, didn't make a big deal of it. Before I wrote this post I talked to her about that, and she said she really didn't remember. The one person that did understand was my uncle, he had run several marathons, and later qualified for Boston. But unfortunately he became injured while training and never got to attend.

So now you know my experience during my first half marathon. You know that saying, If I knew then what I know now? I would have done things a bit different. 

What experiences have you been through that you think you would have done differently?


  1. you probably did well because you did not stress about it to much- that is the biggest thing I think is to be able to relax and enjoy it!

    1. Yes, I totally agree. I did not have anything to stress out about!

  2. Holy wow, you ran a 2:04 in high school for your first half? That is awesome! I had no idea they even made cotton sports bras. Seems counter-productive lol!

    1. Thanks, it was three years after high school. Yea the bra didn't even have any padding. The "good" sports bras were just too expensive. Now, I know that they are definitely worth the money!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm convinced the reason why I had so many blisters in high school was because I wore cotton socks. Cotton socks and yes, cotton sports bras, or whatever those Champion bras were made of. When I was training for Princess 2012, I listened to everything runners told me. No more stubbornness to get me in trouble.

    1. I never got blisters in high school, maybe because I was a sprinter. Never thought anything of cotton socks until I started in my running group and began to run long distances. And it was my running buddies that told me that's why I was getting blisters. I immediately went to the local running store to get better socks!

  5. Isn't it funny how we look back on certain things and think what was I thinking?? All kidding aside you sure rocked that the first half marathon, whether you realized it at the time or not!

    1. Thanks! Yea, I thought I did well too for my first half marathon, so even after the race I didn't think anything of my outfit. It wasn't until years later that I got "good" running gear.

  6. That is too funny, what an awesome time for an untrained half marathon!! Your race outfit must have turned a few runner's heads! ;)

    1. Thanks! I really didn't think anyone was looking at me any different. Then again, how would I know because I wasn't paying attention to anyone else while running.

  7. I need to do a whole blog post on my first race & what I know then to now... night & day...
    its how we all learn I suppose.

    1. Yes it is! Hard to believe when you think back what you've learned through the years!

  8. 2:04 for your first half marathon? SPEEDY! Wow. I can't believe that!! I've run 3 half marathons with training and haven't gotten that time...although I"m getting closer ;)

    1. Yea it was! Back then I didn't even know if that was a good time or not. My goal was just to finish! Good luck on setting your PR! You will do it!

  9. So funny! My first race EVER was a local half marathon back in 1997. I was woefully undertrained and had no idea about fueling or fluids or carb loading. And the only course "entertainment" was some roadkill on the side of the road. No medals. No fanfare. I actually don't know what my time is (I have NO idea!) because it was so long ago it's not online anymore... Great job and really great time!

  10. Thanks! It's funny the things you remember during your first one. Glad to see races have come a long way since then!

  11. What a great story!! It cracks me up how we all ran our first race...I have laughed with many other running friends about how we all committed the cardinal sins at our first races. My how times have changed! Love that you have a cute bear for your first race. :) -C

  12. Ahh yes...that dreaded saying "If I knew then what I know now." :) I believe everyone has that. There's so many things that I wish I knew when I first started running. But you know, back then I barely "liked" running. Now I love it! :) I don't think I'd change a thing.
