
Coffee Talk


Welcome to another edition of  Coffee Talk, a time when we can get off topic and share what's been going on in life. 

If we were having coffee, this is what I would share.

Looking back on the month of May we kept pretty busy. We got to spend a lot of time with family so we really appreciated that. 

What we did:

We started off  seeing a Storm Trooper on May the 4th!

That weekend we went to a local park for a concert and the new puppy Lilly got to go on a train ride.

The next day was my mom and my nana's birthday so we went out for lunch to a really nice Inn and got to sit out on the patio. We did have a "Sunday drive", went out for ice cream, and just enjoyed telling stories and spending time together. Nana a is 93!

Did you see that Sybie was on a Billboard? May was National Pet month and Lamar advertising was running a campaign #lamarlovespets. Sybie's Billboard was on International drive greeting people as they entered Disney! 

The next weekend was Mother's day. Ever since 2020 my sister and I would host a Tea party for Mother's day. What started out as a way to celebrate during Covid, because most venues were closed, turned into a fun tradition we have now done every year since! 

The following weekend I spent preparing the pool, planting flowers and just getting  my house "Summer ready".

Soon it was Memorial Day. We had some picnics, did some boating, and took a little hike around the island where we were surprised to see a horse.  

We've seen a horse there a time or two before, but it's not often.


Lacey had a trip to Portugal this month. She's been sharing some of it on IG. Look for a blog post in the coming weeks.

What I read:

My book choices for the month were both by Danielle Steel and they were so good. The Whittiers was about how a diverse group of brothers and sisters handle a tragedy that hit their family and The Neighbors was about an earthquake hitting a prestigious California neighborhood.  I'd recommend both. I also started another one by Danielle Steel called Suspects but I just can't get into it. I've put it to the side and may not finish it. 

And finally, if we were having coffee I would tell you about the birds! A bird decided to build a nest underneath our second story deck. It's high up between the beams. It's certainly safe from predators but I don't think mama bird built the nest large enough because her babies keep falling out. Every day I've been putting one or two back in the nest. ( I'm wearing gloves).  I'm using a ladder, but I can't really see the nest so I don't know if I am putting them back in properly or even if I'm dropping them on top of the other little birds.  In total 6 of them have fallen out at different times. ( Maybe some of them have fallen multiple times, I don't know).  We've had to "bury" 2 of them that we could not save. When they fall, they hit a concrete patio so I'm very surprised that any of them survived.

This situation has been heartbreaking and frustrating. I am on edge every time I look over the deck to see if one more birds has fallen out. I need to always assess the situation before I open the gate to let the dogs out because I know what will happen!  Last night I actually came up with a plan. I tucked a cardboard box under the rafters to catch any of the little birds that might fall. There are still multiple ways for the momma bird to get into the nest. I have not looked inside the box to see if any of them fell yet. 

And that wraps up my month of May!

Have you ever had a situation with birds?

Have you ever heard the phrase " Go for a Sunday drive"?

Till next time!  -M

                    We are linking up with CoCo and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date.


  1. Sybie is a celebrity! I'm just amazed at what a good girl she is. Cocoa would no way cooperate with any of the things that Sybie does!

    Looks like a busy month for both of you. My youngest son went to Portugal in the spring with his rugby team. He loved it!

    1. Sybie Is such a blessing. glad she is so obedient!

  2. Sybie on a billboard!! No way! That is so cool!

    Your Mother’s Day brunch looks amazing!

    I think we ordered take-out. ;-)

    1. The Mother's day brunch has become a favorite tradition!

  3. Sounds like lots of great events to celebrate this month! Hope you had fun in Portugal-we are headed to Italy next month

  4. It's funny that you mention it, because "going for a drive" used to be a fun thing to do. I think times have changed a lot- now driving is more stressful and it seems like a waste of gas. Ah, the good old days!
    That situation with the birds is terrible! I like your solution- I hope it helps.
    Your Mother's Day tea looks incredible!

    1. It's nice to go for a drive once in a while. I think it was more about spending time together

  5. How cool is that Sybie got a billboard.
    Love that Mother's Day tradition.
    When I was akid we would "go for a Sunday drive." Not much else to do.

  6. Happy birthday to your nana!

    We have birds that nest in our front light year after year, and another that nests under the deck. Luckily we don't usually see any dead baby birds; that would be heartbreaking. :(

    Sybie's a star!

    1. Thank you. We are so lucky to be able to celebrate with her. Yes, I called Sybie my star!

  7. Look at Sybie! Such a gorgeous girl! Love the idea of a Mother's Day tea. I do not love most birds, to the idea of a "bird situation" is pretty terrifying. thank you for trying to save the babies.

    1. The situation with the birds has been consuming me! I need to block off under the deck when they leave so other nests do not get built

  8. what a great May! so your mom and nana share a birthday? They are both adorbs!!

    LOVE Sybie's billboard!!

    never had a bird situation, except one time long long ago when one of my cats caught a bird and brought it into our house. The bird was still hanging on to life though and tried to fly away releasing feathers everywhere!! My mother had a complete meltdown (she doesn't like birds much!). It's lovely that you are trying to save these baby birds.

  9. Sybie on a billboard - how fun!

    Looks like you had a fun-filled May!

  10. Lilly is such a cutie. <3

    I've never read any of Danielle Steel's books but I've heard good things! Will be adding those to my to-read list! :]

  11. Happy birthday to your Nana! Love that the tea party has become a tradition. So fun! Sybie is just the best Disney ambassador. So cute and look at Lilly! That is crazy about the birds. Poor things. Good on you for trying to help.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.