
Bodyflow Training with LesMills

If you have been following me for  any amount of time, you may know that in addition to my flight attendant job, I also get to teach Group Fitness classes on my "days off". For over ten years I have been teaching Lesmills Body Pump and RPM(cycle).

If you are familiar with any Lesmills programs you know they are intense.  In my opinion they are more intense work outs than any free style classes( maybe I'm bias).

Years ago I told myself
that I would never attend another Lesmills training because the two that I did were so much hard work to pass and receive the certification.  The reason that it is so intense is you have to go through a whole weekend of a training, not just an online training. After training, you take what you have learned back to your gym and practice teaching classes. After you familiarize with the music and choreography you must record yourself and send in a video, which you  are evaluated on. You only receive the certification if the assessors believe you meet all the requirements.

But things changed the other month when I found out that there was a training that was taking place in my hometown. In the past I had to travel and get a hotel room (which was an extra expense).  Not only was the training in my hometown there was a need for more Instructors to teach Body Flow at my gym. A win win! For those of you that do not know what Body Flow is, it is a combination of Tai Chi, Yoga, and Pilates.  

Now the difference between a  Lesmills class and a freestyle class is that each quarterly there is a new release that comes out and we have to learn the music and choreography that goes along with it.  And yes, we must pay for it in order to keep our certification active.

Two weeks prior to the training we received all the material and the track we were suppose to present on day one. Then we were given feedback on what we could do to better the track.  Once we got a pass for the training, we still needed to learn all the tracks to perform for our members at the gym and then once after feeling comfortable teaching for several weeks we have to send in a video.

The weekend was pretty intense and I couldn't tell you how many times we did the full release and practiced our one track. Well I did pass training, but now comes the hard part of recording myself and critiquing what I need to work on. Luckily there is another instructor that went through the same training so we will be helping each other. 

Since I am a big runner, I believe this will also help with me taking the time to stretch, which is another reason why I chose this class to teach.

I will be sure to update you all on my Body Flow certification. Until then, wish me luck! -L


  1. Good for you & good luck! Obviously i’m a big fan of both Yoga & Pilates & definitely feel they are good for runners!

    1. Thanks. Yes, this will be a great compliment to my running.

  2. I've never heard of Les Mills but it sounds intense! Good luck on the training!

  3. This is exciting!! What a great compliment to running!

  4. That is a huge commitment, but I guess they need to ensure the quality of the instructors. It's great that you have someone local you can trade the videotaping with. You'll be great!

    1. Yes a lot of commitment that's why I was a bit hesitant to sign up for it. But I'm sure
      I will not regret it.

  5. I've always wanted to try the Les Mills body pump classes because I've heard nothing but good things about them!

  6. Good luck! This sounds like a great addition to your training and seems like you can practice on the road!

    1. That is the one good thing about this class, no equipment is needed.

  7. The combination of Tai chi yoga and Pilates sounds really interesting!

    1. It is a lot of fun! It keeps it exciting because you are always doing different moves.

  8. I've only heard of Les Mills from reading your blog but it sounds intense!

  9. I had no idea instructor certification requirements were so stringent for the Les Mills classes. OI love, love, love Body Flow and Body Pump! Just did BP this morning!

    1. Yes they are. That's why all the instructors are great and the classes are more intense than other freestyle ones.

  10. I've never taken a LesMills class, but have heard they are hard!

  11. best of luck!! I LOVE BodyPump and RPM and do both at least 1x a week at my gym as my cross training. I tried Bodybalance but found it really challenging as I don't really know yoga or pilates (well pilates now, a tiny bit). BodyFlow sounds also challenging!! We don't have BodyFlow yet - I'm curious if/when we will get it. A friend of mine is pre-certified (well what do you call it when you pass the first part?) and I think has to do her video still to become fully certified for BodyPump so I've heard all about how intense and nervewracking the certification is!

    You will be great though - it seems like it's kind of meant to be!

  12. Thanks! Yes if you pass Initial Training you are able to go back to your gym and start teaching classes to prepare to send your video. It is then when the assessor decides if you met all the criteria to pass and receive your certification!

  13. Awesome post
    As a fitness blogger can you tell me how you
    become a fitness instructor

  14. Congrats on passing and good luck with the next step! I’ve only tried body flow once but I think I need to give it another try.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.