
Weekly Wrap....September 2


Since August is "officially" the last month of summer, I thought it would just fly by but really I think it was just the right amount of time.

This last week of August I was pretty exhausted. With preparing for back to school and all I did not feel like running in the heat this week. I really do think just being in the heat (not even running) can make you exhausted. Do you agree?

With that being said, I did get a run in on Sunday to participate in the Miles for Mollie movement. The story about Mollie first appeared on the news while we were in Florida. I watched it on the Hotel TV and have been following it ever since. I obviously did not know her, but  continued to be saddened about the situation.

When I was done with this run I checked my stats and saw that each mile was faster than the last. I was not trying to do that but was surprised because that hasn't happened in a very long time.

During the week there was a lot of THIS ^ going on!  I am so blessed that Baylee is such an obedient dog. There was a time I got off that raft for a while and she continued to float all by herself.

Friday morning I decided to head out for a run. It was raining but I went anyway because I didn't know if it was going to clear up or not.  I decided to just take it easy and run by feel. I wasn't really pushing the pace but was shocked after the first mile when I looked at my watch and saw how good I was doing. I hadn't seen numbers like that in a while. I glanced down again at Mile 2 and saw I was still doing well. My just go with the flow run now turned into Okay, let's keep this pace up.  I ran hard for the rest of the course. I finished the 3.1 miles and then found myself practically vomiting over top of a water drain in the parking lot. Okay maybe that was TMI, but low and behold my watch again showed that each mile was faster than the previous one. That's not what I was going for but I'll call it a win.

The rain didn't really bother me and I'm glad I went out early because when it did stop raining it got very humid.

Saturday was like the quickest day ever. I got up early to run 3.1 miles at the park and while I was there they were setting up for the dog festival.  I came home and ate breakfast, showered, and then my family and I took Belle there. Although Baylee is a wonderful dog, she tends to get a bit anxious at events like this (and you know she has a heart problem) so she stayed home.  There was a doggie dash (but we did not participate because Belle can't really run), lots of vendors, a petting zoo, and a Priest that gave each of the dogs a blessing. When he came to Belle, he said "I bet you are a pampered dog"!  It was a really nice time and we met a breeder whom we may use for our future puppies.

Afterwards, we went to the bike shop, we bought another bike, and another bike rack.  After that we biked on the rails to trail almost 7 miles.  The day just went by so fast. I'm looking forward to relaxing another few days before starting back to school again.

Hows the weather near you, still hot?  When you run, is your first half mile faster than your last half mile or vice versa?   Any Labor day plans?  I hope to spend some time at the beach -M

                        Thank you to Holly and Wendy for letting us share our week with them!


  1. The heat is definitely tiring, even when you're not running it in! I usually start out my runs slower and end them faster, My first mile is always the slowest!

  2. I do agree, yesterday went by quite quickly. I ended up going to bed early too since i'd been up early for my run. I was shocked when it was 6 and time to start making dinner.

  3. Yes the heat and humidity this past week was just crazy! It definitely didn't motivate me to do anything outside so I had a lot of gym workouts and treadmill runs.

  4. The heat, humidity, and rain has been taking a toll on all of us here in the Midwest. I'm sad because summer is almost over and I had hoped we'd get back out on the lake again...

  5. Running progressively fast miles like that feels awesome! I sometimes can pull it off, other times not (today was one of the NOT days at my race LOL). We have had so much heavy humidity in recent weeks, with hardly any substantial breaks. It's all a part of summer, but still. UGH.

  6. I always call my first mile my "Kenyan Mile" because it's exactly the opposite...SUPER slow. But then my body warms up and loosens up and running starts to feel normal again. The heat and humidity even here in the North (Minneapolis) has been tough this week though!

    Great week for you and love all the dog pics :)

  7. The heat and humidity is still in full summer strength in Georgia, and it was considerably worse in Houston, where I was for a conference this week. Great week for you and those progressively faster miles in your workout!

  8. Oh goodness Baylee is precious! Look how sweet she is! Yes, the heat is really wearing on me. It made August seem unusually long. I'm ready for cooler weather anytime now.

  9. The heat has most certainly taken its toll on all of us, and has definitely made me extra tired. I opted for a nap while little man napped yesterday because I was so tired. At the time, that nap seemed like a much better idea than a workout.

  10. I bet blessing all the puppies is one of the priest's favorite days of the year!!!!!

  11. Baylee could teach my dogs a few things about enjoying the pool! Only one of my dogs will get on a float that he knows he won't get wet on (it's more like a chair). I agree about the heat. This last week had be not even wanting to be outside for anything. Hopefully we'll both get some cooler weather soon! Thanks for linking!

  12. Ha - I was just being cross with Bart Yasso's book I'm reading, as he advocates to "run till you **&&^" but there you were pushing it and enjoying it so I guess it's OK sometimes! Well done on a good week. And yes on the being in the heat being exhausting in itself - esp at night.

  13. I have a route that I tend to run each mile faster, but that's because of how the hills go.
    Gosh, you did pack in a lot of fun on Saturday! Who got to ride the new bike?

  14. That first mile is always so...ugh! The heat has been exhausting. I feel like I could go to bed at 8 pm every single night.

  15. I love the dog photos! The dog festival sounds pretty fun. The first mile is almost always super slow for me. It seems like my body just needs some time to get going.

  16. Your dogs are so cute! Glad you had fun this weekend! I haven't heard of Mollie, so I had to google it - that's horrible and so very sad.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.