
The Summer DONE List

This weekend we will be visiting some fall festivals that two of our neighboring communities will be hosting. I take this as the reality check that even though it it still feels like summer, that summer is indeed over!

This made me want to look back over my "Summer To Do List" and see how many things I actually did do (besides running).

This list was generated from a previous blog post I wrote earlier this summer.

1. Go to a baseball game -Nope, not even a little league game

2. Watch Fireworks- I did make it out to a few 4th of July Fireworks shows and as an added bonus got to see the Disney Fireworks too!

3. Go to the horse races- I did not do this one but I did get to ride a horse, so that's better!

4. Go to the beach -Did this one. I feel so fortunate that going to the beach for us can be just a day trip if we want it to.

5. Go boating - We went out on the little boat a few times, but I did not get to go out on our big boat at all this summer.

6. Do some day activities with friends - I did a few (including meeting up with Megan) but I definitely should have made the time to do more.

7. Remove wallpaper in  my house - Got this done and I even painted it too. I thought I was going to put new wallpaper up but I never found any that I was in love with.

8. Swim with the dogs -Done!

9. Go golfing - I went to the driving range once but other than that, it was too hot to get anyone to golf with me.

10. Read some books!  I actually complete 8 Books! Some I enjoyed better than others but they all had "Summer" as their common theme. I'm hoping to find a few "Fall themed" books for this season.

Of course I did plenty of things that were not on my list too like amusements parks with my family, bike rides, hiking, parades  and I finally starting selling some clothes on Posh Mark!  I've actually sold two items so far! 

I always worry if I used my time wisely over the summer. I did do a few things for school but I also feel like I had a good balance of  family time, travel, relaxation, and "getting things done". 

What do you feel your greatest accomplishment was this summer?  Do you want to talk about any of these books? I love talking books!  -M


  1. Sounds like a great summer & I love the photo of you & Baylee!

    This summer was so horrible weather-wise that we barely got to hike at home. :(

    But racing went well, several races with friends, a great vacation.

    Hope Florence doesn't effect you too much!

  2. Looks great on balance! I didn't get to the beach at all this summer unless you count the lakefront in Chicago (while running) - that was a fail. I did swim a few times. It was a fun summer but it FLEW by!

    1. You cant live on the East Coast and NOT go to the beach here! I bet running on the Chicago lake front is beautiful!

  3. Wow you read a lot of books. I did not get to the beach, but I had an amazing vacation at Yellowstone, so I'll be content with that. :-)

    1. I listened to them too! Is that cheating???? Yellowstone looked like a great trip!

  4. Its clear that you had a great summer and made a ton of great memories. Your post reminds me about my Summer Bucket List. I should maybe look back at it and see how many items I was able to check off.

    1. Yea, I guess this was kind of a bucket list. It was a pretty low key summer though.

  5. You had a busy and productive summer! Glad you got into Poshmark-I've sold a ton of stuff. I am ready to go through my closet and get some fall stuff up on there

    1. I've been loving Poshmark. Thanks for introducing me to it! So far I've spent all my profit though!

  6. I didn't get to a baseball game either! We go to at least one Cubs game every summer but for this year we couldn't get it together!!

    I also wanted to replace the carpet in my house but that didn't happen either. Where does the time go?

    1. Just when you think you have all summer to do stuff...BAM it's gone!

  7. Sounded like a great summer! That's lots of reading! I am jealous lol My fall 'resolution' is to read more!

  8. I'd say you did a great job with your list! I worry about using my free time wisely and efficiently as well since I have so little. I am always worried I could have fit this in or enjoyed that more but then I realize the time is over. I can't go back and change what I did so I better be happy with it. LOL Can't worry about what you can't fix right?! Anyway have a great weekend and now lets start the fall must do lists.

  9. I havent read any of those books. But funny you say you're looking for fall books. I was at the library yesterday & almost checked out a Elin Hilderbrand book but then was like, Nah, its not summer beachy weather :) haha
    Good job on all the summer goals!!!!

  10. My reading stalled out this summer. I am currently reading 3 books at once (not at the same time!) and I am not in love with any of them. We did go to a baseball game, though. we traveled with friends to see a Phillies vs. Pirates game in Pittsburgh. The views from the stadium are beautiful!

  11. The summer was strange, but I learned how to grill and I went to Alaska. The grilling was put on hold with my gum graft recovery, and I'm looking forward to more grilling next year.

  12. I would consider getting wallpaper down a major accomplishment - that is one of the worst home improvement jobs to do!

  13. What a great summer. You got so many things done. Wallpaper is the worst ever. I hate mine's still up in many rooms.

    I did go to the horse races, a tennis tournament, to the lake, saw fireworks, read many books, played some tennis.

    I would like loved to go to the beach and on a vacation.

  14. I want to find someone who looks at me the way Baylee looks like you. :) <3

  15. What a fun and ACTION-PACKED summer you had! You got so much done. I am way behind on my reading - had wanted to read 12 this year (I figured one a month sound reasonable) but I have only managed 3 so far and it's September!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.