
Weekly Wrap...On two wheels.

As I mentioned on Friday, This past week was all about biking in preparation for our upcoming Triathlon (my mom is doing the tri with me).

Of course our biking would not be without incident.  We started out slow and biked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

We did 10 miles on Tuesday and the highlight of that ride was seeing a deer coming right out on to the bike path. We stopped as to not frighten him.  There is a small woodsy area along the path and the deer continued to run along there (in the same direction we were going).  We noticed that it was starting to panic because he was being blocked by a chain link fence that was also running parallel to the trail (in the same direction we were going).  We wondered how in the world he even got to where he was. Did he jump that fence at one point?  It wasn't a fawn, but he wasn't very big either.

We were now panicking ourselves (for the dear's safety).  We were worried that he was going to run through the upcoming intersection and get hit by a car. We decided to go ahead and ride down to the intersection so we could watch for cars should the deer decide to keep running.   Luckily, we got to a part where the fence stopped and he was able to run into a field.

On Thursday things started out uneventful. We didn't see any more deer. Our plan was to only ride 7 miles this day.  For some reason this ride seemed harder than the 10 mile ride earlier. I think it felt that way because it was much warmer out and we were really picking up our speed since we didn't have any distractions.  After the turn around point, things started to get a little easier and we were even speedier. My mom was going at a good pace so I told her to just keep going, don't wait for me.

I could see my mom about 1/4 mile ahead of me and I tried to keep up with her.  Finally when I caught up with her she was off her bike.  I slowed down and got off my bike as well and just started laughing. "What happened" I said. Apparently she was riding like a bat out of hell and her seat blew off!

We just stood there laughing so hard. People these are NOT old bikes either. This should not have happened but it did. SEE NOW WOULD HAVE BEEN A GOOD TIME FOR HER TO HAVE TOOLS IN THAT BIKE POUCH INSTEAD OF A COUPON AND A MAGNIFYING GLASS. And I even told her as such.

Thankfully a cute young man stopped to see if we were okay.  We gathered up all the pieces that flew off and he told us what was wrong. Thankfully there was a bike shop less than a mile up the trail. He left my mom ride his bike and he rode my mom's bike without a seat on it (and held the seat in his hand until we got there).  Turns out that it just needed a new screw or two. For one dollar, we were able to buy the screws and have it repaired.  Thank goodness no one was hurt through all this.  And thank goodness that Mr. cutie was there.  (funny side story: Mr. Cutie's mom runs the swim shop were I just visited the day before to purchase my swim cap). Small world, huh?

So yea, this is turning out to be more of an adventure than I bargained for.

On Saturday, we took my bike to that same bike shop and had a new speedometer and a kickstand put on.  Because there were no incidents, Saturday's  8 mile ride was our speediest one yet! However, when we finished we realized how filthy our bikes (and ourselves) have become. I guess by being so speedy we really kicked up a lot of dust on this trail! 

This week we are adding the swimming into our routine. I can't wait to see how that goes! -M

Thanks to Wendy and Holly for letting us share our weekly workouts with them.


  1. That's just crazy that your mom's seat flew off! I've never heard of such a thing. You're lucky that cyclist was so nice. I haven't had the best of luck with cyclists stopping to help when I'm stranded.

  2. Wow...a fly away bike seat LOL That is crazy...sounds like something that would happen to me ;-)

  3. Well I’ve never heard of a seat flying off!! Tools are essential on the bike bc you never know

  4. Good for you for getting out on the bikes! Sounds like there were lots of adventures this week. How crazy that your mom's seat came off. I'm glad she was ok!

    1. Yea, it seemed funny at the time but it could have been a lot worse.

  5. OMG, the seat flying off is just hilarious! I'm sure it really wasn't at the time, but to read about it it is.

    We saw some deer on our run yesterday. This path is quite close to the city, but I see deer there quite frequently. Weird.

    1. It was funny at the time but then when we thought about it later we realized how hurt she could habe been.

  6. what an adventure :) Glad someone was willing to stop and help you out!

    I would have stressed about that dear too...Hitting a dear is super traumatic and dangerous for both glad that wasn't the case.

    Interesting week for you!

    1. Oh I know! I did NOT want to get to the intersection and see him her hit.

  7. Oh that's funny! I'm glad your mom wasn't hurt. Check the screws next time before you go out riding. Now I think I know why people spend so much time checking their bikes.

    1. Yes, we will now be double checking our bike seats!

  8. I love that you and your mom are going to do a tri together! It’s hilarious she had a magnifying glass and coupons in her repair pouch. I have all the necessary things. I wouldn’t be able to use them. LOL. Glad you had someone come to the rescue! Thanks for linking.

    1. I think she will be reconsidering what she puts in her pouch from now on.

  9. That is hilarious! You are a good story teller, whether it is the runs or bike rides. I am extremely disappointed there are no pictures of Mr. Cutie.

    1. Thank you Megan! Seems like I always have a story to tell! You can see just the back of Mr. Cutie in the picture above. He's wearing the orange backpack.

  10. That is really crazy about that bicycle seat! And LOL at the coupon and the magnifying glass! Seriously, I actually laughed out loud. That would totally be a corkscrew because you never know when a bottle of wine is going to need to be opened. HA!

    And that was really nice of that guy to help you two get to the bicycle shop! Stories like that make my heart so happy. :)

    1. The coupon was actually a coupon for a Redbox movie since she often rides by the

      Yes it is nice to hear others helping those in need. We were definitely in need that day!

  11. That is funny or may be scary. Glad your mom was Ok.

    So excited to hear how the tri goes.

  12. I just had to laugh - I remember the contents of your mum's pouch very clearly so I thought the same thing as you! Can't even imagine a set flying off. That must have been scary! Thank goodness for good samaritans like Mr Cutie - that was really sweet of him to help out like that. Let the adventure continue!

  13. Wow, Thursday's ride was certainly eventful! I'm glad that everyone was okay.

  14. That bike ride was certainly interesting, wasn't it? How nice of that man to stop and help you and your mom out. There are some good people left in this world, which is quite refreshing.

  15. DYING. You and your mom sure have the adventures together!! Did she put some tools in her bag after that?

  16. I've never heard of a bike seat blowing off! That sounds like it could be painful - glad everyone was ok (and that someone happened along to help).

  17. OMG I would have freaked right out! THat's insane!

    I really need to take one of those bike mechanics type clinics. It would do me a world of good.

    I love that your mom is doing a tri with you. That's about the coolest thing ever.

  18. Okay wait: Her seat just blew off? LOLOLOL! Thank heavens she wasn't hurt but I'll bet you two will be laughing about that incident for years to come! Thank heavens for Mr. Cutie to the rescue! LOL!

  19. Okay this is too funny! Are you sure your names aren't Thelma and Louise???? Lol I've been rescued by a cyclist before when I had a flat tire ...however he was far from a Mr. Cutie and had his middle aged belly stuffed into a Cookie Monster cycling shirt! Lol

    Can't wait to hear all about your swimming escapades!

  20. I've never heard of a seat blowing off of a bike, that's wild! Glad everyone was okay and that your rescuer was cute! ;)

  21. Wow so crazy your mom's seat came off! So glad that Mr. Cutie came by to help out. :) I always enjoy seeing deer whenever I'm out and about. So cool to see.

  22. That is wild that your mom's seat came off during the ride... that Mr. Cutie sure was really nice and helpful!

  23. Wow! Can't believe that happened to your mom! Glad she didn't get hurt or anything. Always great to see wildlife when you least expect it too. Hopefully the deer made it back to wherever it was going safely.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.