
Update...I May have FOMO

After having a full week of traveling, I was happy to have a few days off. Why is it your days off go by so much faster than your work days?

 On my first full day off it rained all day so I did Body Pump and ran on the treadmill. The next day I did my own version of a Tri.

 I wasn’t planning to do it, it just happened to work out that way. 

My sister had asked me to go to the gym with her and our mom for an open swim to train for their upcoming tri.  Since I teach at the gym I have a free membership but never opt to go swimming.  I taught spin class earlier in the morning but then had enough time to go home, change, and have a snack before heading to the other gym to meet her there.  

I haven’t gone actual lap swimming in ever. Heck I think the last time I did that was when I was on the swim team in Elementary school.  Once I got back in to the water, it seemed to all come back to me and I surprised myself with my swimming. I prefer doing the breast stroke because I find it the easiest.  The open swim lasted for 2 hours. However, after an hour of pretty much non-stop swimming, we were done! 

Usually after spin class I still go for a short run but since I opted to swim right after, I was still determined to get my run in. Luckily the temperature wasn’t too warm since it was still early in the day. I downloaded a podcast, Martinis and Murders (my new favorite) and set out for my run. I thought this run would be a bit challenging after spin and swimming, but I felt just fine and finished with 4 miles. So after my day of doing all 3 activities and feeling quite an accomplishment, I am starting to get FOMO for this tri coming up. Unfortunately I am working that weekend, or I would have probably signed up for the event. 

The following day I was back at work, but it wasn’too bad.  It was appreciation day and these were there. 

Of course I had to splurge on a cake batter donut. I may or may not have also had a bagel as wellLuckily I was done by 1pm this day.  I wanted to go for a run but I was so tired from getting up early that I needed a nap first. 

 I eventually got around for my run (I should have just gotten it out of the way right when I got home earlier) Boy was this one a struggle.  In addition from being tired, my legs were really sore. I must have been feeling the after effects of my swimming from the day before.  Even with the soreness and being slow, I still managed to get in 7 miles. 

After indulging a bit earlier in the day, I knew I wanted to eat a healthy dinner so I made a grocery haul and I got a bunch of goodies to make a salad and some fresh fruit.   That was my extent of my workouts for the week. 

What is your favorite stroke to swim? Which one do you find the easiest?  -L


  1. I love to swim, but I forget to do it. I just do freestyle. The pool at my gym is relatively empty now, since a lot of the serious swimmers are swimming outside. I am going to Body Pump this morning, but I don't want to run since I have a trail half tomorrow. Maybe I will go for a swim. Your training always amazes me! You have a great training regimen. By the way, I had to look up FOMO in the Urban Dictionary! :)

    1. Thanks. I do what I can. But all the traveling lately it has been a challenge. I have heard FOMO on another blog and have really liked that analogy. And yes it is real!

  2. I wish I liked to swim! My rheumatologist told me at my last visit that she wished that too...

    1. I still wouldn't say I liked it but it is a nice change to do at times.

  3. Too bad you're busy on tri day. Sounds like it'd be fun for you! I can't breast stroke to save my life. I learned freestyle and that's usually what I do...except when I'm panicked and need to backstroke. I'm a hopeless case.

    1. I hate that you have to turn your head during the freestyle and I get water in my ears.

  4. I am totally with you on the breast stroke. It's always been my favorite & usually what I do.

    Well of course your legs were tired the next day! Good job getting in 7 miles!

    1. Thanks! I'm surprised I got seven miles in. Even thou it was a slow seven.

  5. It sounds like you should do the tri too! I also haven't done serious swimming in ages. I'd probably start with breast but practice crawl too.

  6. No FOMO for me. I hate to swim. If pressured, it's freestyle and if tired, sid stroke.

    I don't enjoy biking either.

    I think I'll stick to running. I barely have enough time to get my runs in.

    1. I always said I'd rather do an ultra than a tri but now I am thinking otherwise after my taste of that.

  7. I don't really like any stroke! I swim a decent freestyle but I'm scared of group starts at tris! It would be cool if you could do the tri with your mom!

    I'll check out that podcast!

    1. It is very intriguing. I like that it is all based on true stories as well.

  8. I'm definitely not a swimmer. Can I choose the dog paddle? I like hot tubs after a good race, does that count?

    1. I think that would definitely be the reward. Hot tub and a glass of wine, yes please!

  9. Well done on your unintentional tri!! I am such a poor swimmer but the stroke I find better than others is breast stroke.

  10. Though I am not a swimmer, I like you speaking about swimming. Eating snacks after swimming gives a real satisfaction.

    1. I was starving after my run since I didn't eat right after my swim.

  11. I like to do the sidestroke, or kick with a kickboard. Can you tell I'm not a swimmer? LOL

    1. Haha. Swimming isn't for everyone. And I wouldn't call myself a swimmer either but it was a nice change.

  12. Whenever we have a staff appreciation day, we get donuts too! :) I think that's just standard for all jobs because you can't go wrong with donuts! Maybe Meranda and your mom will enjoy the tri and do another one with you!? I was on swim team growing up. I enjoy breast as well because it is the easiest, but when I swim for a workout (which happen like, once a year!) I do freestyle.

    1. I guess we will see how this Tri goes for them first before committing to another one. But now I do have that idea in my head.

  13. Sounds like you will do great when you do a Tri! I usually warmup with breast stroke and use freestyle as my workout. The pool here is revving up for summer swim lessons and is about to get very busy :/ It will be harder to get a lane.

    1. That is one good thing about our gym. It is never busy so getting a lane is never a problem,

  14. Wow that’s a great workout! I love that you managed to fit all three workouts into one day! The appreciation day sounds fun too!

    1. I didn't like it sitting in front of me all day....too tempting.

  15. My favorite swimming stroke is relaxing on a boat LOL I would need some major lessons when/if I (eventually) attempt a tri.

  16. I really struggle with swimming! I am so impressed that after all these years you were able to just jump back in the pool and swim for an hour. Sounds like you should consider doing a tri at some point!

  17. I like breast stroke as well. I'll have to check out that podcast, I'm always looking for new ones.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.