
What REALLY happened!

On New Years Eve I was browsing some old blog posts from last January to see what I was writing about at that time.  I wrote a post about what I was looking forward to doing/intended to do in 2017.  I thought it would be fun to recap those intentions and let you all know what REALLY happened!

1. Intention- Have a better relationship with my treadmill.
What Really Happened- I bought a subscription to the ifit program on my treadmill. It really is the neatest thing but I only ended up using it a handful of times and didn't use it all after March. I really do prefer running outside. It is a bit of an expense and I certainly didn't get my monies worth out of it in 2017 but I'm thinking of giving it another go round in 2018.

2. Intention- Start a book club with my sister.
What Really Happened - We read one book the entire year and to tell you the truth, it was a book I already read so I actually cheated and listened to it on audio book on my way to and from work. We'll try this again in 2018!

3. Intention- Paint the den.
What Really Happened-  This room is very large with vaulted ceilings. I've painted it twice myself since we lived here so this time I paid a professional to do it. I really wanted it painted blue but couldn't find the right shade so at literally the last minute I panicked and chose a neutral color.  The room turned out to be a success.

4.Intention- Get a Puppy
What Really Happened- Well this was more Scott's intention than it was mine. I just can't bear to bring another dog into the house right now because although it could be a good thing for Baylee, it could also stress her out too. Not to mention things are so easy with Baylee. She listens well, she travels well, and I can take her shopping and stuff. What will happen when I have two dogs? The puppy will always have to stay home because I can not take TWO dogs into Starbucks. That will get us kicked out for sure! But really, I like having all my attention on Baylee. I would feel bad having to divide my time among her and another.

5. Fitness Related

Intention-Run some new to me races.
What Really Happened- I did run 3 new local races ( The Monumental Mile, The Color Run, and the Monster Mash) and several out of town races as well.

Intention- Run some Big City Races.
What Really Happened- Well, I did cross two cities off my list, NYC and Baltimore. I would call this a success!

Intention- I wanted to try doing a bike race. Not to race it, but just to finish.
What Really Happened- Not a darn thing. I rode my bike on the trail a few times and that was it.

What were some things you didn't end up doing?  -M


  1. My treadmill has an ifit (that we will have the pay for the subscription) and Im curious to see if Ill use it. Im sure in the beginning I will use it more because its new, but we will see as the year goes on. It sounds like you did pretty well with your intentions for the year!

    1. I have a few days left on my subscription this year so i'm hoping to get some use out of it and if I can, maybe i'll resubscribe but it is SO expensive!

  2. I can totally relate on the treadmill ting! I truly am grateful to have one at home, but I really despise actually using it.

  3. I wanted to learn Spanish and I did work on it for several months. I got pretty good at it! But over the summer I slacked... and now I don't remember much. :( I'm glad you paid someone to paint. We painted when we moved in but we vowed that if we ever paint again we will hire someone!

    1. I actually started learning Spanish too through DuoLingo but than I just got busy and stopped. After paying for the professionals, I vowed I would never hire anyone again and would paint it myself. However I do realize that this was a very large room and some of the cost was for them to repair the beams.

  4. Well, like they say as long as your intentiontions were good right?! lol I have never herd of wheat ifit. I don't blame you for wanting to run outside instead. and I don't blame you for paying someone to paint! I hate painting

  5. It is fun to look back and see what was important to you a year ago and how that may or may not have changed. Will those be your goals for this year too?

    1. I do want to continue to add some "big city" races to my list.

  6. I didn't use iFit when I had it either. Part of that though is that I'm too short for the screen on my treadmill and found it hard to watch. So, I just put my ipad on instead now.

    Hope you have a great 2018!

    1. Yes, I use my ipad too. I recently got a laptop that converts to a tablet and that has an even bigger screen so I am anxious to get that hooked up too!

  7. Such a great post! I love the honesty! I've been thinking of this myself so I'll have to do the same with my 2017 goals. Best of luck for a successful 2018!

  8. Many times we have the best intentions of doing things but then life happens. At least you tried. I love to read and would love to start a book club!

    1. The things I didn't do (get a puppy) were things I probably really didn't want to do

  9. It sounds like you accomplished quite a bit of what you set out to do last January. I'd say that 2017 was a successful year for you!

  10. That's great that you guys are going to give the book club another try this year and that the den turned out well!

  11. The weather right now is perfect for using the treadmill, so I'm sure you will get your money's worth out of it this year!

    You did pretty awesome with your intentions.

  12. Oh boy. I'm sure this outcome is so common for many of us. Other than weightloss, I don't even remember what intentions I might have set for 2017. Time to go and check!

  13. You did great with your intentions (and I like you didn't call them goals or resolutions!). Two dogs require a lot more planning and logistics than one. Although my second one really filled the need of a companion/plaything for my first.

  14. Love that you call them intentions instead of resolutions! And I like the idea of a book club, my mom just retired and I gave her a bunch of books I read over the summer, but we should read some together. Have a great weekend!

  15. I don't mind the treadmill much, but I do prefer to be outside. The weather is looking good tomorrow, so I'll have to see what my plans are. Can I run outside, or do I have to do a run early, when it's still in the 20s?

  16. I had hoped to read more last year too and it just didn't happen - it's one of my goals for this year. I need some good book suggestions.

    Two dogs would be a significant commitment - we got a puppy last year and I had forgotten how much time and energy they require!

    Have a great weekend and thanks for the link-up!

  17. What a great post! I agree with you on not getting the puppy while you still have Baylee; we'd love to get a dachshund puppy, but can't do that to would break his heart to not be number one to us.

  18. I was perfectly content with just Lola. It was soooooooo much easier. But Mr. Judy wasn't, and after a few months, Lola was getting depressed, too. She really loves other dogs. Especially male dogs, or so it seems (she could care less if they try to hump her, although whenever someone tries it, they are told to stop -- never happens very often).

    It was a long road, but in the end, it was good for her. But knock on wood, she has no health problems right now.

    And yes, it's also definitely harder doing things with two dogs vs a single dog (for instance, she's so small we can always just carry her somewhere, like a store -- much harder to do with both of them).

  19. I love this post girl! You actually did pretty well with your intentions! There were a few that I was a bit off on and some that I didn't do too terrible with! I'm right there with you through on the cycling part. I had lofty goals of riding my bike WAY more for cross-training and it just didn't happen....Oh well!!

    Happy Friday!!!

  20. Oh... your book club makes me LOL! My sister and I created a book club with our friends... most of the time we read the book, but when we got together to talk about it all we did was chat about everything other than the book. It was a lot of fun though.

  21. I know how you feel about the treadmill. I have embraced it for shorter workouts and hill repeats and when it's sizzling HOT here.

    My biggest intention of 2017 was to read a book called A Year of Daily Offerings. I missed many days when we traveled to the US (because I didn't take the book), but for the most part I took the time to not only read the daily passage but also a couple of supplements I found. And, I'm starting over in 2018!

  22. My intention was to increase my miles with an eye to run a marathon this year. Instead I ended up running a marathon in 2017.

    I also had an intention of reading more than I did. I'm going to try again this year but maybe I should count unabridged audio books!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.