
Weekly Wrap Jan 15.....While My Sister Sleeps

I'm excited to share something about my week this week. I finally did my first run of the year, but it was only a Saturday morning run on the treadmill so there was nothing too exciting about that.

However, I did start on something I wanted to do this year.  Previously in the post What Really Happened, I talked about things I wanted to do in 2017 and never did, and one of those things was for my sister and I to read the same books and discuss them. We did one last year but wanted to actually do more than that this year.  Well Monday I went to the library to get a book and by Friday I was finished with it.

The book I chose was While My Sister Sleeps by Barbara Delinsky.  Actually, I ended up picking this book by random. I was looking for another book (by a different author) but it was not there. However, this book was on the same shelf and the title caught my eye. I rarely read the inside of the book to see what it is about, so I usually do judge a book my it's cover (and title).

Turns out, this book was about a RUNNER! Perfect I thought.

I don't want to give too much away about the book in case you might want to read it, but here is the short version of it and my own thoughts.

Of course the book is about two sisters, Robin and Molly. Robin is training for the NYC Marathon and hoping to come in the top 3 female. She is actually hoping to make it to the Olympics.  At only age 32, Robin has a heart attack during a run and collapses. A fellow runner finds her laying on the road and calls for an ambulance to the hospital.

I did not like the mother's attitude in this story. She of course blames the sister, Molly for not being with her sister during the run ( I guess she usually tags along and holds her water), and then the mother starts to blame the fellow runner (a complete stranger) for not running faster and helping Robin sooner.

The sister, Molly, is sort of a head case herself. While her sister is in the hospital, she has to pack up both their belongings (they live together) because the landlord is having construction done on their rental because he is selling it. He gives her a date that she has to be out by (she knew this even before her sister's accident). Yet when the accident happens, she thinks her landlord is being unreasonable for not extending his deadline once again (this is a small part of the story but it really bothered me that Molly would act that way).

Anyone who is seriously into running could probably relate to some of Robins thoughts and secret feelings. I am certainly not into running as much as Robin is but I could relate to some of the running references.  However, I was a little disappointed the author did not let the reader have a stronger connection with Robin. Besides some thoughts on her running, we didn't really get to know Robin as a person (It would have been nice to have some flashbacks of her life up until that point).  I have been known to get very emotional while reading some of my favorite books, but during this one I felt like I was not as invested in Robin and whether she recovered from her accident or not.

If you decided to read this book (which is not a bad read for a runner), I would warn that it kind of drags on in the beginning but does become more interesting at the half way point.

Do you think you will read this book? What other fiction books have you read about runners? -M

We will be linking up with Wendy and Holly for their weekly wrap!


  1. Interesting!! I might have to find this. I don't think I've read much fiction about runners at all. All that's coming to mind is "A Bend in the Road" by Nicholas Sparks and that's not really about a runner... But every time I'm running and a car comes out of nowhere, I think of that book, haha.

    1. I've never heard of that one but I tend to stay away from NS books because they tend to be tear jerkers!

  2. I read that one. I’ll look for my list. It’s on my blog somewhere.

  3. I'm always looking for running books for my blog book club. Fiction books are hard to find. I may have to check this one out!

    1. here are some more -

  4. I used to like Barbara Delinsky a lot. But no, I haven't read that one. I'm not sure I've read fiction books about running.

    1. If you like Delinsky books you should dhave finitely check this one ou!

  5. Here's an old post about running books -

  6. I am always looking for fun fiction books to read. Had not heard of this one thanks for sharing and have a great week

    1. This books wasn't all that fun but it was intriguing!

  7. I joined the library a few months ago so I am ALWAYS looking for new reads - thanks for sharing! Congrats on your first run of the year!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I would have a ton of other suggestions for books too!

  8. How fun that book has a running theme! I read one running-centered, self-published novel the author sent me years ago for review and I have to say it was not quite ready for prime time.

  9. That sounds like a really interesting book. Luckily, anytime I've been on a course and seen something like that happen in real life, the response from fellow runners has been amazing (and all but one had a good outcome!). Things like that are crazy.

    1. I've never seen a runner down on a run but some to think of it I have seen several runners down during the rock n roll VA beach race. That race always takes a few runners down due to the heat .

  10. Sounds like an interesting book! I often find it takes a while for a book to suck me in, but it's better than one I wish I was done with long before I am.

    1. I agree! Sometimes it takes all I have to stick with a book until it becomes interesting.

  11. Oooh, this sounds so good! I just started a book club with some friends (lots of use are runners) so I will have to suggest this!

    1. This is actually a good book club book because it actually has discussion questions in the back of the book!

  12. Congrats on your first run of the year!
    I'm always looking for new books to read so thanks so much for the recommendation!

    1. Thanks, although the treadmill run was not that exciting! My legs certainly felt it afterwards though.

  13. I don't read nearly as much as I wish I did. Too much time devoted to blogging, social media, and TV. From the title, this sounds like a good book, but I'm not sure if I'd read it after your synopsis. It sounds a little sad and not so supportive.

    I like the goal of reading the same book with your sister, though! I look forward to hearing more about that as the year goes on.

    1. Actually, I use to read a ton of books before we started to the blog. Since then, like you most of our time is devoted to reading other blogs and not books. I hope we can keep up this book thing!

  14. Sounds like an interesting book. I have not read a book in awhile! Will try to find this one for my kindle!

  15. Unfortunately, most of my reading these days is via blogging (and my daily bible devotion LOL). I need to get more real books in my hands!

    1. I hear ya! Since starting the blog, other blogs is what we usually read.

  16. SOunds interesting for sure! I haven't been to the library in a while, I usually go in the summers when the kids are out of school so they can check out books too, I don't know why I don't go when they aren't along to argue. HA!

  17. I love books that happen to be about runners, even if they are not "running books". This one sounds interesting and Ill have to check in out. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I've been a reader all my life and I'm always looking for recommendations. I'm looking forward to getting to this one soon. It sounds good! Thanks for sharing.

  19. How surprising that you picked up the book not knowing it was about a runner! I like to read when I travel so I'll keep this one in mind. It's a great idea for you and Lacey to read and discuss the same book too! Thanks for linking!

  20. I'm always looking for a good book. I'd probably like the running aspects too. Hope you had a good weekend!

  21. I’ll have to add this one to my list! Thanks for the recommendation!

  22. A fiction book about running sounds like a very interesting read. Does the author share any of the inspiration that led to them writing this book? Do they have any experience as a runner?

  23. One thing I love about a new year is the books I've marked with 2018 publishing dates. There's a new book coming out tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to downloading it to my Kindle.

  24. I read so many running blogs that, for the most part, I don't choose books about running. The last book I read was Devil in the White City, a historical noval by Erik Larson. It was fantastic!

    1. I don't mean to jump on your comment, but yes!! Devil In The White City was fantastic!

  25. I find myself being too critical of fiction running stories. I read Emily and Einstein a few years ago, it had a dog in it and it was ok. You might enjoy it.

  26. I won a Barbara Delinsky book a few years ago about a mom and daughter in a car accident... it was pretty good. Sometimes I roll my eyes at runners in books -- I feel like they can be pretty unrealistic -- but maybe this would make a good, quick read! Thanks! :)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.