
Our 2017 Race Scrapbook

Every year we put together a "Race Scrapbook". It's a fun way to look back at the races we've done, although this year neither of us has done as many as years past. It's okay though because I feel like the ones that we did do were definitely worth it. We had a lot of fun races this year!

Maybe someday I will actually print all these pictures out and put them in a book.  I have Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop elements but quite frankly its pretty complicated to use. Can anyone recommend a free photo editing program online that I can use that will perfectly size my photos to a 4x6 size?  -M


  1. I love seeing all these races and pictures put together like this! You both had a great year of running and racing. I am terrible about printing pictures these days- everything just stays stored on my computer!

  2. I'm not very techy, so I can't help with resizing but I do love your scrapbook creativity! Plus you've had a fun year of running!

  3. I love the idea of a race scrapbook! This year flew by but you two had a fun one!

  4. Congrats to you both on a great year! I plan on creating race scrapbooks, I found a great post on how to do it by creating an iBook - It is time-consuming but a great way to look back on all you did!

    1. Thanks for sharing the link. Her book is pretty cool and I think I could do that with Shutterfly if I was patient

  5. You both racked up some serious bling this year! Fun to look back

  6. Nicely done! I love your format and know a lot of time went into making those collages! Like you, I didn't do nearly as many races as I typically do. It seems to be the theme for everyone this year. Quality over quantity. Here's to a great 2018!

  7. You are very creative. I love those collages.

  8. You did a lot of races! Somehow I don't remember you running that many, but you sure did.

    I think most of the online photo services do a good job -- at the moment names are eluding me.

  9. What a fun post, and what great memories!

  10. That's a great way to keep race memories. I don't use any program, but I'll order prints online if there's a good option.

  11. I'd love to do a race/running scrapbook, too. The digital thing totally messed with my scrapbooking "system" and all of my pics are digital and NONE are printed. I have never attempted to go to a site to create a book online, though I hear it's easy.

  12. These are so creative. I hope you find a software. Some of them look like they could be good Christmas cards. :)

    1. Haha, i've never been into the photo Christmas cards, unless they are of my dog of course!

  13. Would Canva be of any help?? I've never tried to do that before but they seem to have a TON of templates and sizes and things to use! I LOVE all of your pictures though!! What a fun racing year!!

  14. That's so fabulous you have all of these memories recorded! I'm no help with editing, but I love the idea!

  15. You all did have tons of fun race memories this year. I think shutterfly does the books and it's not hard to make one hope that helps

  16. awesome job with the "scrapbook"! I think you can make prints from the Walgreens app. Persnickety Prints is another source I used back when I used to do digital scrapbooking.

  17. Such a great scrapbook! I would definitely say you should print them, they're beautiful!

  18. How much fun is this???!!!! You girls are racing superstars! Loved following along this year. Have a wonderful week.

  19. What adorable pictures from your year - and I love this idea! I've used Gimp and PicMonkey before to edit pictures! :)

  20. Wow! You definitely had an awesome year. This is an astonishing race scrapbook, Lacey and Meranda! Hope you have an even better 2018!

  21. Fun post! I have been keeping a hardcopy scrapbook since I was a kid. I think some people think I'm crazy, but I love looking back on things and reminiscing :) I hope you find a way to print yours out.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.