
She's coming back...with some distractions

I mentioned previously that I was starting to run with my mom again.  Many of you commented that was great that we were running together.

However, those of you who have been reading this blog since the beginning may remember that my mom trained with me for my first half marathon and then ran it with me. She trained with me for my first full marathon, but than said that's where she draws the line, she wasn't running a full marathon!

She continued to run a few more half marathons with me, including Disney World, Disney Land, Las Vegas, and several races along the ocean front.  She then had to stop due to some nagging hip and piriformis pain. Last month was the first time she has run in two years so we started out slow.  We've been consistently running three miles the past few weeks.

This past weekend my mom took her run to the boardwalk.  When she got back I asked her how it went.  Her response was funny so she said I could share it here.

Just on those few miles of the boardwalk I had so many people distracting me.

First, I ran by a guy vaping.  As I ran by him, he looked me right in the face and decided to blow his vape at me. Rude much?

Second,  I had a guy on a bike jump of and put his phone in my face. I was startled. He said "here, take a picture of me".  What?  First of all, I didn't even know this guy, secondly, didn't he see I was running.  Of course I was polite so I stopped my Garmin and took the man's picture.

Lastly, I had a group of girls come up to me (while I'm still running) and ask me what time it was.  This time I was not stopping so I just said "I don't know," and kept running.  I'm sure the girls saw that I was wearing a watch, but since I had my Garmin set up to keep distance and pace, I didn't have access to see the time on this screen anyway.

When I was finishing up the last mile I ran by a cafe where I saw some of my friends having breakfast. They saw me too and waved their bacon at me as I ran by!

When she got back home she told me "Apparently the universe does not want me to be running, or at least these people on the boardwalk didn't think I should be running".

Do you ever have people distracting you on a run?  I've been annoyed a few times when I run through town and people stop me to ask for directions. I know it shouldn't bother me but when I'm in a groove I don't want to stop!    -M

                                           We will be linking up with the gals from TOTR.


  1. Too funny! I love how her friends waved their bacon at her! Yay for your mom getting back out there and running again! Y'all will have many fun adventures ahead, I'm sure! :)

  2. Wow, that's funny! You guys always have the best running stories. Its great that your mom is back out there! Hopefully no more distractions next time:)

  3. I hate running where there are lots of people and can avoid it if I can! I do get distracted by them even if they aren't talking to me and aren't in my way.

    1. That's why I usually run on the trails. Usually the only people there are running or walking too!

  4. That's awesome that your mom is running again! I'd be equally annoyed by those distractions. Like you, when people expect me to stop and give directions, I get pretty ticked!

  5. You're mom is a lot nicer than me! haha. I wouldn't have stopped and probably would have obnoxiously coughed at the vap guy. I mean, on easy runs, I don't mind "helping" but like, if I'm in a groove, this girl ain't stopping! Hope your mom sticks with it!

  6. Haha! Isn't that the fun part of running, all the distractions?

  7. I think your mom needs to start her own blog. :)

    Oh, I definitely had an annoying "run-in" just yesterday that will probably make its way into runfessions this month. I love people watching -- on the run and just in general.

    1. We definitely get to observe a lot on a run!
      I will tell her she should start a blog!

  8. I've had people ask me to take their pictures too - um hello I am panting and all sweaty, find someone else! Haha

    1. I wonder why they asked her because clearly it's not as if she wasn't busy!

  9. Those distractions just make for funny stories.

    I hope she continues to run!!!!

  10. I don't consider them distractions, I consider them the reason we run, you see and experience so much more of the world!

  11. That's a whole other level of interrupting. GEEZ. SO rude. I mean, if she was casually strolling, I could see it, but COME ON. A runner? People are so dumb sometimes.

  12. Wow, that's crazy that so many people felt the need to interrupt your mom on this run! The vaping one is especially rude.

  13. That's awesome! My mom and I have done a couple 5k's together, and it's just fun.

    1. I did remember that you ran with your mom too! I hope you guys continue to do more races together now that you live closer.

  14. LOL, your mom definitely had a busy run on the boardwalk!

  15. Too funny! I love the distractions. I can't believe she was asked what time it was while she was running lol. Someone once asked me for money while I was running - I was stopped waiting to cross the street and I just looked at him like Really? Do i look like I'm carrying money? and ran off. lately I don't have many distractions while running - unless I'm stroller running and have the whole pushing the stroller, picking up dropped toys, entertaining a toddler to keep me busy :)

    1. Someone asking you for money has got to be the crazies thing I've heard a runner say. When I did the baltimore marathon they actually had the red Cross red buckets set out for donations. I'm sure it was suppose to be for the spectators but I though "what runners are going to be carrying money on them"?

  16. You and your mom do seem to see the craziest things out on your runs! I need to pay more attention. Glad to hear she is feeling better and back to running

  17. What in the world?? This is hilarious! I would never try to stop someone in the middle of a run. I'm glad your mom get running. She showed the universe who was boss that day!

  18. Too funny! I don't get stopped often, but every once in a while someone stops me for directions. Drives me crazy.

  19. I can understand that! Does the child care center give you a beeper or something to get you if they need you?


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.