
Weekly Wrap June 4

I know in a previous post I mentioned how quickly I thought the weeks and months were going by.

This week was no exception and instead of wanting to savor the time, I was SO glad to see this week come to an end.  I had been going to work and hour early and staying an hour late each day. Needless to say, there wasn't much running taking place because I was exhausted. I don't know how those of you who actually work till 5:00 pm do it! I felt like by the time I got home, ran a few errands, made something to eat and then showered, it was time to go to bed and do it all over again. There were times I even went to bed before it was completely dark. I am So not use to getting up in the 5 am hour!  But now that I put my time in, I can just relax this week!

My runs were like book ends to my week. I had my one run on Monday, and my other run on Friday. Friday's run was not without incident though. I can tell I'm already struggling with the heat which is concerning. If I'm struggling now during the first week of June, I'm probably going to be dead by July!

It had rained the night before (I'm assuming) because the path along the island was pretty muddy and I about wiped out a few times. The water was up pretty high too . Not where it was covering the path, but it was about right up too it. Even on the part where it was dry land, I noticed that there were a lot more roots showing than usual. I caught my foot on one of them and literally went flying! It was a situation where I knew I was going to trip but I didn't know if I was going to fall on my face, so my legs were moving very fast to keep up with all the air I caught when I hit the root. Turns out I saved my self and I never hit the ground but boy I must have looked silly to someone who would have seen me from behind. Thank goodness no one did.

I was a little more cautious from this point on. So cautious that I watched every step I took and noticed that I almost stepped on a toad.

Hopefully this coming week I'll be able to get back into the swing of things on a more regular schedule. Looks like we'll be getting some rain that everyone else got last week for this coming week, so perhaps I won't get as many runs in as I hope to. -M

We will be linking up with Tricia and Holly and Mary Beth for their Weekly Wrap.


  1. When I started a new job in January, I had to start earlier & stay later, and it was exhausting! I think I'm just getting used to it now after 4 months!

  2. Its hard to adjust to longer hours. I used to leave work at 4 when I worked in a school, now its 5 or sometimes later and I have a longer commute so Im also going in earlier. Ive gotten used to it but I miss the shorter days!

    1. Yea, it's amazing how much that extra hour makes a difference!

  3. My job is like that every day! I never get to leave on time. There's always charts to finish, etc. My husband, who works a regular job, still doesn't get it.

    1. Ha, it's just the opposite here. I'm the one who works the "regular" hours.

  4. Oh wow, that's hard going in an hour early and leaving an hour later. My work hours are 7:30-4, so while its hard for me to get in morning runs unless I wake up super early, I'm happy that I get off at 4pm!

    1. Yea, I would never have enough time to run in the morning before work even with my regular schedule!

  5. I don't know if you are getting the days of rain that we had but I actually ended up liking running it bc I was a lot cooler. Hope you have a great week

  6. I think the heat can be more bothersome in June when we're not used to it yet. Be careful of those roots -- that's how I fractured my foot a few years ago, although I was just hiking when I caught my foot on a root.

  7. So glad you didn't fall and land hard when you tripped! Good save.

    I am having a hard time with the heat right now, too - maybe we're just needing to ease into it more? I don't know, but I'm ready to not have every run feel hard.

  8. So sorry about the slippery trail but I'm glad you didn't fall and hurt yourself! Have a great week! :)

  9. I work 7:30 until 4, and have worked early to 4 the past few years. I can't even wrap my head around staying later than that, but I'm such an early bird, and we can set our own hours. I like those hours because I'm up anyway, and getting home around 4:30 means I have a good chunk of the afternoon left.

  10. Running on trails is great until a root gets in the way! Happy you didn't get hurt.

  11. Hope you get to relax! I work 12 hour shifts and always look forward to my weekend. Glad you caught yourself and didn't fall! Hope it doesn't rain too bad! Have a great week!

  12. Good job on not falling! I hate that feeling where you just know you're going down.

    I often think about everyone running after work . . . and am glad I don't have to!

  13. Yikes! Sorry about the fall. The one time I fell running (knock wood there won't be more) it was a belly flop on a trail in mile 20 when I caught a root. Ugh. I'll never forget it!

  14. Enjoy your week off! I'm glad you managed to get in your hours. I bet Baylee is glad to have you home. :) Tomorrow is my LAST DAY but what do ya know, I have to get up at 5:30 on my first day of summer vacation anyway so I can workout before my PT appointment and piano lessons. No fun.

  15. Its definitely hard to fit it all in, especially when you're working longer hours than usual. Just do your best, and once things slow down a bit I have no doubt that you'll be back out there running on a regular basis.

  16. I laughed out loud at the "I don't know how those of you who actually work till 5:00 pm do it!"... I don't know how we do it! I work from 7:30-5 3 days of the week, and most days, when leaving work, I just want to crawl in bed and sleep! Not to mention that traffic leaving Harrisburg is always awful!

    I bet if somebody was there to see you stumble, they thought "Wow, what amazing reflexes and ability to stay up!" because I would have totally fallen to the ground!

  17. Thank goodness you did not get hurt! We will blame it on those extra hours you are putting in at work! I hope you are back to a more normal week! Thanks for linking up!

  18. Oh yes it rained all week long and it's still raining off and on here at the beach. I hope this week is going better for you so far!

  19. Knock on wood...we've had a bit of a reprieve from rain. It has been humid, though. I don't mind the heat of summer, but I do like a little bit of time to acclimate to it.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.