
Run Wild and Free!

The other day one of my students was wearing a shirt with an elephant on it and it said “Run Wild and Free”. The weather was gorgeous outside and I just thought to myself “Yes, yes I do want to run wild and free”!

 In fact, I couldn’t wait to get out and run on my trail and soak in the gorgeous weather.
I admit I daydreamed for a moment about really running wild and free and what it must be like to run on the African plains while seeing giraffes, zebras, and elephants in the distance.  Wow, that would be amazing. But truth be told, I don’t ever desire to visit Africa anytime in the near future, so where else could I run Wild and Free?

 Oh, how about Animal Kingdom at Disney?  I’ve done a few races here already and I don’t remember even seeing any animals along the course.  

So then I remembered that there were some Zoo Runs in the United States.  I would like to run one of these races one day but as of right now, there aren’t any near me but I thought I would share some popular ones in hopes that you might be able to run one and then report back to me.

These races are a combination of 5K and 10K races. Many of them offer kid races as well.

Run Wild for the Zoo  at Philadelphia Zoo, PA

Zoom Through the Zoo - Memphis, TN

Zoo Run Run - Lafayette, IN  (I don't think this race is actually INSIDE the zoo)

Run Wild - Detroit Zoo, MI

Lincoln Park Zoo - Chicago, IL

Fort Worth Zoo Run , TX

Zoo Run Run at Columbus Zoo, OH

Run for the Wild at Bronx Zoo, NYC

Make tracks for the Zoo, St. Lois Zoo, MO

Are any if these races near you? Would you run one? -M

We will be linking up with the gals from TOTR.


  1. If it was safe and of course if someone would pay for me to go to Africa I'd love to run there. Oh and hopefully this rich person will throw in one of those week long safari's, LOL LOL

    Hope you can get your wild and free run. When I first read it before seeing the image I thought you were talking about the races that promote that where you run naked and free, LOL LOL I was glad to know you meant a zoo, not all natural in the buff, LOL

    1. Haha, No nude races! Although I did read about one of those in Runner's World magazine. I think it was in California.

  2. There's one in Pittsburgh too--ZooZilla 5K in November. It's in the zoo. That's where I got my 5K PR but was working so hard I did not look at a single animal!

    1. Oh cool. I did not come across that one in my search. Would you do that race again just for the experience?

  3. I had no idea there were zoo runs, this looks like a lot of fun! The Philadelphia one isn't so far from me... I might need to look into that

    1. I hopes you get to do that one and than report back!

  4. Way back in the day, I did the Lincoln Park Zoo Run a couple of times! I don't remember much about it tho. I may have to do it again.

    1. Yes, should definitely do it again as a fun run! Perhaps your boys can do it with you!

  5. I don't think we have a run through the DC zoo but it's so so hilly not sure I would do it!

  6. Our local zoo 5k was last weekend -I always forget about it... I did it once & the traffic was a NIGHTMARE... & I know they have all the roads shut down around for construction - I can only imagine the nightmare it was this year. I think its cute because that zoo race is always the Girls on the Run race where the girls run their first 5k. They have medals for them... its fun to see those girls & the joy on their face finishing.

  7. I didn't know Fort Worth had one. I should've know so I could do it before I moved last year. I haven't heard whether the Denver zoo has one.

  8. Do a zoo run, by all means, but don't reject a trip to the African safari out of hand as a separate matter. Greatest trip of my life seeing lions and elephants and leopard and zebras and giraffes and wildebeest and gazelles and hyenas and buffalo and rhinos, etc. up close and personal. I recommend visiting a private game reserve in South Africa. No words can describe it.

  9. We've got the zoo run you mentioned here in Chicago and a few more I think. I've never run one because the dates don't seem to work but I would. They're quite popular.

  10. Zoo runs sound fun. And you saw animals when doing the Disney Marathon, outside of Animal Kingdom before we entered into the park. They brought out animals for us to see.

    1. I remember a turtle and maybe a goat or something. I do know there were some animals there that first year but honestly I really don't remember much...haha

  11. Cool! But I would LOVE to visit Africa! We don't have a zoo here, though.

    1. I though there was a zoo near Albany. Where is your closest zoo?

  12. Last fall my son, daughter-in-law and I ran to the Lincoln Park Zoo and then walked around a while to cool down. We thought about running back, but ended up Ubering home. My friends and I have run from Maryland down to DC and past the zoo. On those runs we go right by the monkeys!

  13. Those all look like fun! I know people run through the DC zoo all the time, but I'm not aware of any organized races.

    1. Are they allowed to run through the zoo without it being an organized race? Those would be some great training runs.

  14. I'd be too distracted by the animals and stopping to take pics. Lol

  15. My very first 5K was in the Philadelphia Zoo - it was a different one from the one you linked too though. I will say that the "odors" of the zoo isn't the most appealing while on a run!

  16. These races seem spectacular! Such an informative post, Lacey and Meranda!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.