
Another Shamrock Marathon Race recap

On Sunday I ran my 13th marathon and my 3rd Shamrock Marathon. There isn’t much to say about this race except for the fact that the whole thing just sucked! From the time I got up and saw it was rainy and cold out, I just wanted to crawl back underneath my covers and go back to sleep. I thought I didn’t pay over $100 to run this race to just go back to bed. So I forced myself to get dressed and headed out the door. Luckily the start was close to where I live so I didn’t have to leave super early.   

I arrived at my friend’s house around 7 am which was only a few blocks from the start that was at 8:30 am. While I was walking into a hotel to wait for the start I ran into a friend that I work with. I asked him what he was doing here and he said he was running. After he told me that I felt bad because a few weeks ago I asked him to pick up my class at the gym on Monday morning (which would be the next day). I didn't want to teach the class because I knew I would be sore from the race.   He said that he would teach the class for me so I wouldn't have to.  Until right now, I had no idea he was running this race too!    

I was dodging puddles the whole way to the hotel so my shoes and my socks were completely wet. I am glad I brought an extra pair of socks. They were supposed to be for AFTER the race but I needed them now BEFORE we even got started

Soon enough it was time to time line up at the start. My friend had asked me what time I was planning to run and I said around 3:30-ish. He said oh good I’ll try to stick with you. I wanted to line up by the 3:30 pace group but unfortunately they only had 3:15 and 3:35. So I stayed back with the 3:35 group for a bit. My friend and I ran together for about 6 miles then he had to stop to use the port-o- potty and then we never met back up.  

Right from the start I was miserable. It was rainy and cold! I tried to go as long as I could before I needed to put my headphones in. I got to about mile 11 and it was time to get some motivation with my music. The wind got even worse than before and the rain turned into a snowy mix. I had passed the 3:35 group for a bit by this time and then I saw the group coming up to pass me. I thought this may be a good thing. Now I am in a pack of runners. I will stay behind someone tall so they can block the wind. This plan worked for a bit until I started knocking elbows with others since we were so close and people in front of me would step right in puddles and water would splash up on me. By now I was coming up on mile 18. I knew despite the weather I still had some left in my tank and I wanted to pick up my pace. At this point I wasn’t really thinking of a specific time I wanted to finish in, I just wanted to finish because I was so cold and miserable!  

I rounded the corner to another military base and there was a bunch of sand blowing since it was so windy. There was even a car that had gotten stuck from the sand blowing so much in the middle of the base. I knew there was only about 6 miles left from this point.  Only a 10k I thought, less than an hour. I was dodging puddles the whole time while running through the base. Finally I exited and was on the home stretch, less than two miles to go.  By this time I was so over this race and I wanted it to be done. Luckily some of my favorite songs came on my ipod and that helped me reach the finish line. 

The only fun part about this race was when it was over! Despite the awful conditions I still managed to BQ. However, I still did better in Chicago. Either way, I was just happy to have finished. I didn’t even stick around for the after party since it was so cold even in the tent that was supposed to be heated. I got my complimentary beef stew, said hi to my friends that had finished the half earlier, and I was out! -L


  1. Congratulations on the BQ! Especially in a miserable race :)

  2. A bunch of our MRTT group was down there running too it was a tough race this year. Congrats on pulling out such a fabulous time!

    1. Thanks! It was probably one of the hardest race conditions I ever ran in!

  3. Oh no!! What a terrible time! So impressed you still pulled out a BQ!

  4. Congratulations on an awesome time!! Is this typical weather for this race? I remember seeing that it rained last year too! You are awesome!!

    1. It is typical weather for this race, so I don't know why I put myself through it. It usually rains and is windy, but I think this may have been the first time it snowed in a while during the race.

  5. I have chills just thinking about being cold & wet.
    Congrats on another awesome race despite the misery.

    1. Yes it was! I could not get in a hot shower quick enough!

  6. Congrats on the BQ, and congrats on running such a strong race under absolutely terrible conditions that were well beyond your control. You showed the weather who was boss!

  7. Awesome job on the BQ!! Sounds like awful race conditions, way to keep it going!

  8. Too bad the race weather was so miserable, but dang, you are a fast runner to BQ in those circumstances! Congratulations!!!

    1. Thanks! I kept thinking how much faster I could have went if the weather was better!

  9. Congrats on the bq!! Every BQ us earned but I feel like you doubly earned this one!

    1. Yes I did! I was only 40 seconds slower than when I ran in Chicago!

  10. Great job on the BQ! There's nothing worse than wet shoes and socks. I'm sure it felt great to get home and warm up.

    1. Yes it did!I can't believe I didn't end up getting blisters.

  11. I am terrified of having to run a race in the rain or any unfavorable conditions. :( You still did great though!!

    1. The only other race I ran that it rained the whole time was an 11k. So far from a marathon!

  12. Honey Bunny??? No you should have immediately went back to sleepo. Your never happy when you have wet socks. Then you should have got up at 1:00 and called Domino's Pizza for a nice hot pizza on a rainy day. Then you should have spent the rest of your day watching movies and talking to friends on the phone. Why are you making life tougher than it should be?

  13. Wow, congrats on getting another BQ, even in those tough conditions! Great job getting out there even though you didnt feel like it!

  14. Thanks! I was definitely a challenging race!

  15. congrats on that great finish and for sticking out the miserable race- no fun running in the rain!

  16. Ugh, it's bad enough when a race sucks and the weather's SO much worse when it's a marathon! But you pulled through and ran a strong, fast race. I hope you feel very proud of your effort in the face of bad conditions and low motivation! Congratulations on another marathon under your belt!

  17. Wow, you are amazing! Congratulations for getting out of bed and sticking it out! :-)

  18. Oh my gosh, amazing job getting another BQ in such horrid conditions, sounds miserable.


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