
The Week Unwrapped

Happy New Year folks!

I still have another two days of vacation but I guess this post will officially wrap up our holiday season. I thought I would do something fun today for the weekly wrap, I'm going to share some of the things I unwrapped this week!

Every year my family asks us all to make a Christmas list and I rarely do it. In fact, I don't think anyone should be making a list (That's not what Christmas is about). At this point in our lives we don't need anything and as adults we usually buy the things that we want. If its something expensive, we save up, we don't expect someone else to buy it for us. To me, Christmas is about showing appreciation to those you love and by giving something that makes you think of them. I personally feel that is all the fun of the gift exchange, being surprised at what someone picked out for you!

With that being said, I LOVE that my friends and family know me so well. Every gift I received was absolutely perfect for me! But then again if you pick something running, Disney, or Labradors, you can't go wrong. I'm a simple gal!

gifts for runners

Here are some of the running goodies I got. The most exciting gift was from Scott and it was a race registration! To go along with that he got me a new pair of Mizuno Wave Riders and two pair of Reebok fleece lined running tights (one black and one grey).  I also received my first pair of Smartwool socks which I am excited to try them out on a cold run. I got a few new running headbands and my sister made me an Are We Running Today shirt from Chicago (it has my name on the other side) and bought me a water bottle for my Flip belt ( I did kind of hint I wanted to try that. Thank you to Judy from Chocolate Runs Judy for letting me know these bottles existed.) oh, and even though I mentioned this in a previous post, my Secret blogger Tricia (from MissSippiPiddlin) gave me a wrist wrap.
                                       A close up of my shoe charm and runner earrings.

Disney christmas pajamas and disney christmas blanket

And for my Disney side, my sister gave me some Disney Christmas Pajamas, this extremely soft Disney blanket and a new wallet. I had planned to get a new Mickey wallet (I have an identical one that is falling apart) when I visited Disney for Wine n Dine but we ended up being so busy that I never got to do any shopping! My friend Heather (from Heather' Spin) sent me the Mickey earrings!

No holiday is complete without a few Labrador gifts. Baylee made me a 2017 calendar of pictures of herself. Wasn't that sweet of her??? I got a few other Labrador goodies but the calendar and this flag were my favorite.
Scott and I actually designed the flag together as a gift for us down by the pool. Since the pool is basically for Baylee we wanted to get a sign or something for it but when I saw we could make a flag I thought it was perfect! 

I also got some clothes, a winter coat, some jewelry, houseware items, and bath and body products.

What did you Unwrap this week? -M

          We are linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippiPiddlin for the Weekly Wrap!


  1. I love that Bailey gave you a calendar of herself! Cocoa doesn't sit still long enough for pictures. The whole thing would be a blur!!

    I received a lot of running related gifts too! So fun!

    Happy New Year!


    1. We made the flag from a site called They have door mats too!

  3. What a fun post! I love the calendar! I have one I put up to easily glance at what day it is and this would be so perfect for it!
    You got some great gifts and I'm very glad you liked the wrap. Cheers to a wonderful 2017 Meranda!

    1. Yes, thank you so much for the wrap. I love the color!

  4. Thank you! I do NOT like knowing what I'm getting for Christmas. I thought I was the only one. You received some very lovely gifts. I always like to pick up kitchenware at Disney -- I don't know why. LOL. I adore Baylee's Pool flag. My husband gave me new clipless bike pedals and cycling shoes. For safety purposes, I'm waiting until after the marathon before trying them out. Happy New Year! Thanks for linking, Meranda!

    1. Yup, I always think gifts should be a surprise cus if it's not, we'll then I could just buy the thing

  5. What great gifts - your peeps definitely know you!! :)

    Love that calendar, and the flag. Now Paco is giving me the stinkeye, wondering why HE doesn't have a special flag.

    1. You must certainly get Paco his own flag. It's!

  6. My parents do ask for a list, and my rule of thumb is I don't put things on there I wouldn't buy myself. Some things are a splurge, but it's never pricey. I have some gift cards to spend, but I've already bought a pair of compression socks with one.

    1. Gift cards are always nice! I got a disney one this year. You know they always come in handy!

  7. Glad you had a great holiday! Happy new year!

  8. You got some great gifts! Everyone always gets me running stuff which is completely fine with me!

  9. CUUUUUUUUTE Labrador gifts!!! I love the calendar idea! I think maybe the kitties will make Paul a calendar next year. :) You got some really nice, thoughtful gifts. And the running ones are very useful, too!

    I sometimes like lists if the person is "hard" to buy for. But I would definitely prefer to surprise someone. :)

    1. Haha, define "Hard to buy for". I had a family member like that but I found away around that. Buy consumable products they will use no matter what!

  10. You got some great gifts! I'm struggling with how to hand Christmas presents. I generally feel the way you do (and definitely do about myself) but still want tons of presents for my "kids" to open on Christmas. I did scale back a bit this year ...

    1. I'm sure it's fun to buy lots of presents for your kids!

  11. Oooooh, I LOVE SmartWool socks!!!!! That's all I ever wear for long runs (10+ miles) or races. They are the bomb ;-)

    1. Currently the Balega are my favorite but i'm excited to try the smartwool!

  12. What fabulous gifts! We are Wave Rider twins!

  13. You got quite the haul! I especially love the Baylee gifts. :-D

  14. I just got my first smart wool socks recently, so far, so good but not sure if they are anything special.
    We do partial list and partial surprise... I am pragmatic and hate it when I buy something for someone that they don't like / need or want, so I usually have them steer me in the right direction.

    1. I heard the smartwool are a little warmer so i'm anxious to see.

      Yes, I agree, having direction when buying gifts is always helpful.

  15. I love this post! I, too, am a lab lover! Our black lab, Chester, would make a great "centerfold" for a lab calendar :)

    I got a Nuun stainless water bottle (love!), a "bar" necklace with my initial and the "Fixer Upper" book by Chip and Joanna Gaines (favorite HGTV show) big gift was my birthday weekend to Savannah this past weekend!

    Happy New Year Meranda!

  16. Wowzers! those are awesome gifts! That calendar is adorable!

  17. What great gifts!! The calendar is awesome!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.