
Weekly Wrap Oct 9...Race Day

Hello everyone! Today is race day for everyone running the Chicago Marathon.  As you know, Lacey is there running it.  I can't wait to hear how the race was.

Until then, I'll wrap up my less than stellar week.

It is less than 30 days from my own race day and I don't know if I'm quite ready or not. Mentally I am ready and I know I can do it. Physically, there are just too many niggles that have been coming up lately. I'll be running a Disney race so of course an unexpected injury is par for the course, right ( insert eye roll here)

Sunday I hiked the PA Grand Canyon.

Can you see more from my Friday post here.

Monday I took a rest day from the gym and from running. This has started to become a trend because I'm always so exhausted from the weekend. However, I DID take Baylee to the island to walk since I felt like I didn't give her enough attention over the weekend.

Wednesday I went to the gym and then attempted a long-ish run afterwards. I wanted to take advantage of the beautiful weather.  Turns out I couldn't go more than 2 miles. I didn't think this bruise would affect my running but it has.

My plan was to skip my long run planned for Saturday and just let the bruise hopefully heal. I thought about waiting till today to run but my calf still hurts so I don't think I will attempt it. I looked up how to heal bruises and I came across an article that mention getting Dermend Moisturizing Bruise Formula Cream from CVS.  It is said to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.   Most articles I read on bruising where more concerned about the visual factor of covering up the bruise rather than helping it heal.  I'm more concerned about the pain aspect of it.

The articles I read say that when the bruise is starting to turn to a yellow/brownish color that it is healing.  It's been over a week now and mine in still purple.  Even though I have been icing, there doesn't seem to be any healing going on and the pain seems to be getting worse.  I've also read that I should have bandaged it right away to help with blood flow and I didn't do that so perhaps that is why it is still purple.

Okay, so I didn't realize this post would turn in to all about my bruised calf, sorry.

In other news, I had to make an emergency vet visit with Baylee on Thursday.  Turns out she has Bronchitis. Poor Baby.  The frustrating part is that I knew something was wrong and mentioned it to my vet months ago. She just chalked it up as the dog's air ways getting more narrow as they age (which can be common).

 X-rays were finally taken on Thursday to determine the diagnosis. I generally have a hard time getting her to take pills but this time I am crushing them up and putting them in Vanilla Ice cream so she seems to be happy about that!  The vet said that this is now a chronic condition and if the pills do not work, Baylee will have to have an inhaler. A dog on an inhaler, can you imagine?

Even though my calf is hurting and Baylee is under the weather, it was still a great week. I am thankful that things with Baylee weren't worse than they were or life threatening. I am also thankful for the beautiful weather we've been experiencing but bummed I haven't been able to run while it's still so nice. Perhaps I'll get a walk in today.   Enjoy your day folks!  -M

We are linking up with Tricia and Holly (who is also running the Chicago Marathon today) for their weekly wrap!


  1. I'm sorry the bruise is hanging around and interfering with your running! It does look painful. I hope it starts to heal soon!

    Poor Baylee...I can't imagine trying to get a dog to take an inhaler! I hope the pills work!!

  2. Thats really frustrating that your bruise isn't healing and has caused you problems with your running! I hope it gets better quickly. Sorry to hear about Baylee too!

    1. Thanks Lisa. I soaked my calf in Epsom salt tonight so hopefully that will help soothe some of the pain.

  3. I cannot imagine a dog on an inhaler so I hope it doesn't come to that. You are a good dog mama giving Baylee her pills in ice cream - Paco is giving me THE LOOK right now, telling me that I need to follow your lead next time he needs medicine. Hopefully Baylee will start feeling better soon, poor pup!

    Your bruise is interesting - maybe you bruised really deep and that's why it's taking so long to heal. It'll be all good in time for your race, I'm sure.

    1. the vet also gave be a syringe in case I need to shoot the pills in her mouth that way! Thank goodness Baylee's still falling for the ice cream bit!

  4. I'm sorry about your leg and Baylee. An inhaler for a dog? I have a good dog, but I can't imagine that working out!

    1. Baylee is a really good dog too so I don't think it would be a problem. I hope she doesn't need it though.

  5. I am so sorry your calf still hurts and is bruised! I forget, how the heck did you do that? Are you sure you are not bleeding internally? Not to be an alarmist... Poor little Baylee! I am glad it is nothing worse and I am glad she has a mommy who WOULD get her a doggy inhaler. :) I hope you were able to get a walk in today. It is gorgeous!

    1. Sadly I did not walk today. It was warm but super windy. I know, I didn't want to use the wind as an excuse, but I did.

  6. I bruise really ugly. It sucks when something like that is keeping you from running. I hope Baylee is feeling better soon too!

  7. that bruise looks intense! Does it hurt to the touch, or is it on-going achy? Hope your dog is feeling better soon!

  8. I don't know how we missed Lacey--but we did!

    And that bruise? Yikes!

  9. Hope you calf heals quickly and you can get back to running.

    Poor Baylee!

  10. I missed how you said you hurt your calf, but it certainly looks painful. Poor Baylee, and no, I can't imagine trying to get a dog to use an inhaler.

    Can't wait to hear how Lacey did at the Chicago Marathon today!

  11. Praying that bruise starts dissipating soon! Please no clot. Omg poor Baylee. So sorry it's taken so long for a proper diagnosis. I'm so bummed we missed Lacey coming through at the race today. She must have flown through!

  12. Man injuries seem to be the theme of the week. I know a ton of people working on healing - I'm just getting over being sick and some foot pain myself. Hoping both you and Baylee have a speedy recovery! I am so jealous of your upcoming Disney race - I'm hoping to do W&D next year :)

  13. So excited that Lacey punched her ticket to Boston. We had fun meeting up for a few meals during the race weekend too. Hopefully your bruise is gone soon and Bayley covers quickly.

  14. Sorry about your bruise, that does look painful. Runners don't care how it looks, we just want to know when we can run! I hope that clears up for you soon so you can get back at it. and a little prayer for your doggie, I hope he feels better soon too.

  15. I hope the pills work for Baylee. Poor girl. I had bronchitis in high school and it was no fun.
    You could try Rock Tape for your bruise. My Arrosti guy did a special technique when I had a huge bruise from all the work he was doing. It lifted the skin to allow blood flow and the bruise was gone in a few days.

  16. Oh, I'm sorry about your bruise and I hope you heal up soon! Hopefully Baylee's bronchitis will be treatable with the pills.

    Your hike looks gorgeous! Love the fall foliage :)

  17. Some people use arnica cream for bruises. I'm not sure if target might carry it?

    Poor Baylee. We considered inhaleable steroids for Chester at one point but didn't do it. Luckily he was great at taking pills until,the very end. He was the easiest dog in the world to medicate, which was good cause he was on a lot of mets.

    I get upset with vets when YOU know there's something wrong & they poo-poo you.

  18. I did see this nasty bruise last week. You were lucky to make your run right after it but Im not surprised it is causing you some issues, but I think it will heal just a little longer than expected. :( Blows like that are odd sometimes. I hope Baylee does well on the meds. Poor baby!
    I had fun following your sister in Chicago, she posted her bib number so I tracked her along with several others! Thanks for linking up with us!

  19. poor baylee. I hope she feels better soon. That bruise on your leg looks nasty. Love those beautiful views of the trees.

  20. Oh man, I'm sorry the bruise is lingering and that poor Baylee has bronchitis :( I hope it gets better with the meds and doesn't come to the inhaler.

  21. I think you were also going to do the half marathon (or marathon?) in the PA Grand Canyon. Did you do that too? I can't remember! I've been hiking there once and it's so cool!

  22. Sorry about your dog and your calf. Neither are fun. That is a major bruise.... hope you are feeling better.

  23. Before I forget.... I used to hide pills for my god in peanut butter or cheese. By the time she figured out what she was eating, the pill was gone!

    I hope Baylee gets better, a doggy inhaler sounds interesting!

    Did anything else help with your bruise? I would recommend putting icy hot around it and wrapping it in a bandage. My mom did that for me for a bruise and it helped so much! I smelled like icy hot for a whole day, but it was great help.

  24. Hope your bruise heals soon! Sorry to hear about your dog too! The PA Grand Canyon looks nice!

  25. That bruise looks nasty. No wonder it's causing you pain.

    Sorry to hear about Baylee. Let's hope the pills work, I can't imagine what a doggie inhaler would look like!

  26. I have to admit I don't know much about treating bruises either. But after my nasty fall in Chicago, I am concerned. I hope yours is better soon! I also hope that Baylee responds well to the medication. I didn't know dogs were put on inhalers! How does that even work? Are you running Wine & Dine? Thanks for linking, Meranda!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.