
Just Ridiculous!

The other day I went to the rail trail to do a long run. I have to have my music for my long runs (if I'm running by myself), so I bring my ipod. As I started my running playlist I got about 30 seconds into the first song and then it just stopped. Hmm, that was weird. I didn't think the battery was going dead yet because I had just charged it the night before in anticipation of this run. So, I started it again and it started right up. But again, 30 seconds into it, it turned off.

Okay, I decided that maybe it was just that track. I changed to a different song and low and behold the same thing happened. It would turn off every few seconds or so. Okay, I can not be restarting my ipod every few seconds during my long run. This is not going to happen. In my mind I had already made plans to go shopping after my run to buy a new ipod. This one has served me well for several years and I use it pretty hard so perhaps it is time to retire it. This was one particular run where I did have my phone so using that for music was my back up plan.

Just on a whim, I decided to see if I could get a radio station to come in on my ipod and see if that worked. Turns out, it did. I know listening to the radio always slows me down because of the excess talking that happens instead of a constant pace of my own music, but I planned this run to be longer and wasn't in any hurry.

So all this stuff with my ipod was NOT the ridiculous part.  The ridiculous part was the stuff I heard on the radio. This stuff just baffled my mind and I want to say WHAT? Are you kidding me???

Walking my Baylee is one of my favorite activities.

1. First off, the dj was talking about whether or not kids should earn an allowance for doing chores around the house. She then mentioned the going rate for common chores. For example $1 for taking out the trash, $6 for mowing the lawn, etc. And THEN she said on average kids earn $2.50 for walking the dog. WHAT?  Kids should NOT get paid to walk their dog. That is a PRIVILEGE. That is a family member that they are taking care of. A dog is not a business deal. I would never want a child to see a dog as a chore.  I get that kids need to learn responsibility but perhaps I am just too sensitive on issue.

  2. The next thing that baffled my mind was a big fancy study that was done that showed people who had large weddings (as in a larger guest count like 200 or more) had stronger and happier marriages than those who had small weddings (smaller guest count).  The reasoning behind this was that those who had more guests at their wedding were seen as having many more friends and family which equated to a larger support system for when they went through rough times. I'm sorry but this is just a RIDICULOUS thought.  I know people who had large weddings (over 200 guests) only because their parents invited everyone of their own friends (and everyone they ever made contact Several of these marriages have already ended (one didn't even make it a full year).

What Ridiculous stuff have you heard lately? Do you have any idea what's wrong with my ipod? -M


  1. Hahaha my kids get the privilege of doing so many chores around the house. My daughter does have a business though called "The Kickback" where she charges us for foot and back massages and hair combing etc, she does pretty well ;)
    I had a small wedding and huge reception. I think I also heard that really expensive wedding meant more likely to divorce and if you were nice with the cake feeding thing you were more likely to stay married.
    Most ridiculous thing I have heard lately is that Hillary and Donald are really our presidential candidates. I kept hoping it was a bad joke.

    1. We were nice with the cake thing so hopefully that's a good sign!

  2. I didn't give my kids allowance. Helping around the house was just part of living here. I did reward them for things above and beyond their usual chores.

    Most ridiculous thing? Trump justifying not paying taxes for 18 years? Hello?

    1. Oh another thing on that list was an allowance for cleaning their room. Umm, isn't that their responsibility anyway???

  3. Paying a kid to walk the dog???? That kid is LUCKY to be have a dog in their life!!

  4. So funny about the wedding because I've always heard the opposite- the bigger the wedding the higher chance of divorce. That always made sense to me, but I guess you can get a study to say whatever you want if you pay for it to be done ;) Growing up I didn't get money per chore, I had to do all my chores to get $5 a week and had to save half of it! Then we had to get jobs when we turned 14, so I would agree with the WTF on that.

    1. I never heard any statistics on weddings before but my first thought was the same as yours!

  5. Sorry, no idea what's wrong with your ipod, but my sympathies!

    A big wedding definitely does not equal a happy marriage. I wonder who sponsored that particular study, hmmm?

    The last ridiculous & aggravating thing I heard was the guy hanging around outside the pet food store with his german shepard off leash, who got ticked off when I approached him & nicely asked if he had a leash for his dog.

    He started saying I should worry about my own dog (well, yeah, that's why I approached you) & that he was a trainer blah blah blah.

    In fairness to the dog, he wasn't doing anything. But how could I know how well trained the dog was? He could have eaten both my dogs for a snack. And I'd do the same if it were a lab or golden, it had nothing to do with the dog's breed, just that he was off leash where he shouldn't be.

    My husband figures he got kicked out of the pet food store for not having his dog on leash, as when his girlfriend/SO arrived, they did walk off. Probably true.

    1. Yea, the dog should have been on a leash in a public place. I wonder if he just forgot it?

  6. That wedding stuff is nonsense. My cousin got married in a much more lavish, larger wedding than mine and five years afterward, was divorced. Sometimes you just marry the wrong person, guest list be damned. I probably couldn't have continued to listen to that radio station with that kind of drivel.

    Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your iPod?

    1. "Guest list be damned" You are funny!

      IDK what was wrong with my ipod since the radio worked but the playlist didn't. I used it yesterday and it was fine.

  7. that study sounds like the opposite of what I have heard before-I wondered if it was sponosred by the knot or something?
    as for your ipod, i would take it into the apple store. my ipod stopped charging on my computer and i took it in and they fixed it

  8. That's funny about the getting paid for chores. I always thought that was weird because I feel like chores around the house are everyone's contribution to the household, not something you get paid for! The payment is being able to live in the house, being fed, etc. I could see paying kids to do extra things above their usual chores though. And we had a really big wedding but a lot of them were definitely people that were my parents' friends! I wouldn't really call them a support system. That study sounds like it was funded by someone who's part of the wedding industry.

    1. I hadn't thought of that at the time but yes, the funding probably came from someone in the wedding industry!

  9. Wow-- that is a whole lot of ridiculousness! Kids these days are SPOILED!!!! And that wedding stuff is nonsense. There were 20 people at my wedding and we are hitting 5 years in December and stronger than when we started.

    1. Kudos to you! See it goes to show you don't need large and elaborate weddings to make a happy marriage!

  10. Going rate for each chore? I got a rate per week, and it didn't matter how many chores I did each day. I started with $1 a week, which increased to $2, and it increased again as I was doing more chores. If I wanted more money, I needed to get a job.

    1. I think most kids who did chores got paid weekly too!

  11. I can't tell if that's a Shuffle or a Nano? But, I've worn out the switch on several Shuffles. They would charge but since the switch was worn out, they would never really turn off -- thus continual dead battery. There's only so much sweat I think they can take. LOL.

  12. That wedding stat is absolute nonsense. Where did they get that data from? And I'm sorry, but most large weddings I've been to have had almost every possible member of the extended family in attendance as opposed to a high number of friends. We had just over 100 people at our wedding and we felt like that was a large wedding.

  13. I love when you rant! I am sorry your ipod is being weird! Can you contact customer service? I never got paid to do chores, it was just EXPECTED of me. I didn't have something set I had to do each day, but if my parents asked me to do it, I had to do it. I suppose my payment was that I got 3 meals a day and a warm bed at night! :) Also I agree that wedding study does not make sense!

  14. My ipod did that exact thing on my half marathon. I stopped middle the race & tried ot figure it out for 10 minutes. SCREW RACE TIME _ I NEED MUSIC!!!!
    I ended up turning it off & leaving it off for 5 minutes & turning back on & then it was fine. I have no idea what caused it.

    I CALL BS on the wedding thing. I have photo'ed 2 HUGE weddings that are already divorced couples. SAD. & most of my smaller weddings are people that seem to be so much more content & happy in their relationships. I have my own theories on the brides that need these huge weddings.

  15. Hope your Ipod gets fixed!!! I would get a couple bucks a week for doing extra chores like washing my Mom's car etc. I don't pay my kids allowance, but I do pay for their cell phones etc. so I figure that is a fair trade off. We all need to work around the house, it's expected and not something I feel needs to be paid allowance for.
    We had a very small intimate wedding, and are going on 12 years of marriage. I have a friend who paid more for her dress than I paid for my entire wedding and she is completely miserable. I feel like people who have those huge weddings often times are hiding behind something...just my opinion.

  16. Ugh! I hate when things stop working for no reason! Hope it cooperates next time. I always liked the idea that kids are part of the family and pitch in with age appropriate chores which offsets all the things parents buy them for school, sports, friends' bday parties (endless with 3 kiddos!!) and things they want. When they are old enough to babysit, mow lawns, paint, etc they can start earning money from neighbors and family by offering their services. Then they can get a real job ;)

  17. So frustrating that your iPod was being so finicky! The radio is definitely better than nothing, but it does get annoying having to listen to all the incessant talking and ads. I actually heard there's an app to determine the going rate for what the Tooth Fairy should leave for your child's teeth. Can you believe that? Also, I am apparently pretty doomed because I had less than 100 people at my wedding, LOL. Completely agree with you that the larger weddings tend to just be the parents wanting to invite everyone they know, usually for political reasons. Sheesh.

  18. Some of the stuff on the radio is so ridiculous! Thats very strange about your iPod, I have no idea what could be wrong with it!

  19. Wow!! #1 is absolutely ridiculous and I agree with you - pets are family members and walking the dog is a privilege. What kind of world are these kids growing up in now? Sad times.

  20. Kids get paid to do chores? I never got anything, it was just what we did to help out. I totally agree that kids shouldn't get paid to walk the dog though.

  21. Sorry to hear about your ipod but my kids will neer get paid to walk our dogs...that is crazy!!! And we had a smaller wedding too and we will be hitting the 10 year mark this May:)

  22. Oh gawd, walking the dog was totally a CHORE in our house growing up, but no one got paid for it. That was back when I wasn't a fitness fanatic. We were all very sedentary and walking the dog was terrible! Actually, I think it was a relationship thing too because it was my dad's dog, but he pawned off all responsibility on us kids. Oh, nerve hit. LOL! But this has nothing to do with getting paid for it and more about our family dynamics. I think tooth fairy pricing is out of this world! My kid thinks $1 under his pillow is ridiculous. Oh help us all! ~Jessica Marie @

  23. My siblings and I had chores that we were paid for, including picking up dog poop. Walking the dog wasn't part of our chores, though. We were paid one flat amount - half our age until we were 13, then $20 a week. I know we made a LOT and we were very lucky. My parents matched our allowance amount and put the same into a bank account for us.

    I think I read the opposite about big weddings - that those more concerned with the wedding were getting married for the wrong reasons and ended up unhappy in their marriages. But I can see why spending a ton on a wedding might make you work harder to make it not all be for nothing!

  24. Allowance is always a hot topic for sure! Motivating kids to help out can be tough for some families. I would never pay my child to walk a dog although after my daughter moved out I would pay her to stay at my house and house/dog sit while I was on vacation.


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.