
It's the Wicked!

Running Wicked is one of the fun runs that I always look forward to. This year I wanted to do it but I was having trouble finding someone that had off work to be able to run with.  One of my friends volunteered herself and said she would, but said, “I am much slower than you, so I don’t know if you’d want to run with me.” I replied back, “what’s the point of a fun run if you are running by yourself?” Of course I would stay with you.  So that settled that, we would be running the Wicked 10k together.

We were discussing what outfits we wanted to wear because we did want to match, but when it came down to it we decided we did not want to spend money on silly costumes we would never where again.   We went through one my friend’s Halloween boxes to see what our options were. It was almost like going to the Halloween store, she had so many.
                                                  We found ones that fit each of us and called it a day.

The morning of the race, parking was very easy at the Convention center (not like Rock n Roll). I met my friend with plenty of time to spare. This was her first 10k so I was super excited for her. Her only goal was to not walk any of it. I told her if my pace begins to get too fast to please tell me and I will slow down. We started at a good pace, but then we eventually slowed down.
I kept asking how she was doing and she would give me a thumbs up and we continued on. Throughout the race there were cheesy signs that where up, such as Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the party? And a few yards ahead the next sign would say because he had No Body to dance with. 
 We were almost at the half way point and she said she might have to walk because she was getting a side stitch. At this point I was feeling bad for her because I know what that’s like. A few minutes later she said she was feeling better. But about a mile later she wanted to walk so we did a few blocks so she could catch her breath, and then we were back off. We were turning on the boardwalk at this time where there was about a mile left and they were handing out Krispy Kreme donuts…..yes please! I normally wouldn’t take that in a race, but heck I wasn’t racing it so why not. It was only a piece anyway. My friend looks at me and I could see it on her face like how are you eating that right now? Another half a mile down the boardwalk they were handing out candy corn. I kindly passed that up(I just hate candy corn). I could finally see the finish line so it was appropriate to tell her not much longer, we are almost there. I hate when people say that a mile into the race when clearly we are not almost there!

We both crossed the finish line with smiles on our faces but happy to be done so now we can enjoy the after party. Usually I am “racing” at races and I am so exhausted by the end that I grab a quick picture and I am on my way back home or to the hotel. I never seem to stay for the entertainment for after the races. But this time it was different. She said her husband was in charge of taking  all their kids to their games this morning so she could stay here and have fun!
 J&A Race Series really know how to put on a good race. There is always a great band, finishers swag, and food and drinks.
These folks won the costume contest.

We received our medal and a Wicked 10k ball cap and made our way to the beach where the festivities are. We had one soup ticket and three beer tickets. The soup was tomato basil and you had the choice of beer between blue moon and grapefruit shandy. In the past the soup was always given in a bread bowl, but not this year, so I was kind of bummed about that, but it was still good.  We grabbed our soup and beer and listened to the band play. The band this year was a 80s tribute band named The Doloreans. If you are a local you know that this band is super popular in the area and always packs a full house when they play at restaurants, so it was nice seeing them play on the open beach. After enjoying some adult time, it was time for my friend to pick up her kids from their games. She thanked me again for staying with her, and I thanked her for signing up so I had someone to run with.  It was a fun race, with an even better after party.  -L

 Happy Halloween All!  -L
We will be linking up with the gals from TOTR.


  1. sounds like good run. Do you have any tips on how to better your pace? (beginner)

    1. I am probably the worse to give any advice because I never follow any plans but if I would say one it'd probably be run more often. The more you run the more your body acclimates to it. I hear incorporating speed work helps too but I usually never do, but probably should.

  2. Sounds like fun! How great that you ran with your friend at her pace!

  3. This sounds like such a fun race! That's great that you ran it with your friend and had matching costumes :) It's impressive that she's got such an extensive costume collection. I'm impressed you were able to eat that Krispy Kreme during the race too!

    1. I know I can always find one in her box. It helps that we are about the same size.

  4. Yums! donuts on the run! that sounds delicious! sounds like an awesome race!

  5. Yay for free costumes! I too have difficulty with the idea of paying lots of money for a Halloween costume. I've been pulling out the same black cat ears and tail since I bought them back in college.

    1. Oh I have them too, but I thought this time was time to finally switch it up.

  6. I'm sure your friend appreciated you sticking with her more than you realize - it's hard when a side stitch happens to recover and get running again, but with you there, she got through it and sounds like it was a great finish!

  7. that sounds like a great race! I love all the costumes it's fun to take it light hearted sometimes isn't it?!

  8. Did those two in the bed RUN in that thing??!?!!?

    1. Yes. There legs were out in the back, so basically it was just the bed that was in front of them.

  9. What fun!! Super cool for your friend to have the morning off from kids to do something good for her soul!

    1. I'm sure she appreciated her husband for taking over the parent duties that morning.

  10. Sounds like a fun run!!! I wish I had a running buddy sometimes!!

  11. This sounds like a really fun race! Congrats to your friend on her first 10K! It was so nice of you to run with her - I agree, a fun run is no fun alone!

  12. It sounds like you and your friend had a great time! It's nice to not have to worry about racing sometimes, right? And you were able to be a great running buddy. :)

  13. What a fun race! Races with friends are the best!

  14. Cute costume! I love Halloween races because they're just fun. I did one 4 years ago, and it was so much fun seeing all the kids in costume and guessing what they were.

    1. Sometimes I feel like if I have to guess what they are, they didn't do a good job...haha. But now I don't know much of what little kids are into these days so that could be one of the reasons too.

  15. Lacey, I love your outfit!!! It is super cute!!! The Wicked race sounds like it was an amazing time and how cool that you got to enjoy the entire course and all of the post-race festivities with your friend. It means a lot to a newer runner to have someone there at their side to motivate them!!! Very cool that they served tomato basil soup at the post-race party, that would be a wonderful treat! I would totally have taken the Krispy Kreme, too. =D YUMMY!

  16. I think it's so wonderful that you ran with your friend during this one - I'm sure it made for a fun race for you both. And lol about the donut - I also would have grabbed one if not racing!

  17. Sounds like a really fun run... how nice to run it for fun and help out your friend!

  18. Sounds like a fun race! I'm sure your friend really appreciated your sticking with her - side stitches can be no fun!

  19. How can you hate candy corn??? :) That sounds like a great race. I love themed races so much! Sometimes it's nice to run for fun, (oh hey there, runDisney).

    1. I don't know I just never liked it..too waxy..haha. I much prefer gummies over chocolate too

  20. Sounds like a fun race. J&A seems to have a good reputation. I bet your friend really appreciated your encouragement!

    1. Yes they do! I am debating to sign up for another one this month. I really don't want to spend the money, but I don't want to miss out either.

  21. Sounds like a great race and a nice after party too. I want to know how did the people in the bed run? It must have been really difficult and I wonder if they did any practice runs. Wouldn't it be funny bumping into someone dressed like that during your normal morning run?!

    It was good that you had someone to run with but I'm with your friend, i can just about drink and run, let along eat a doughnut. Give me all the doughnuts aretreads and id be happy!

    1. I'm sure it was more of a shuffle than a run. They did have the back open so there legs were free.

  22. It was only a piece, don't know if I could down a whole donut even if I was running it just for fun.

  23. I love running first races with people!! Even if I don't do well, there's so much joy and excitement in it! Of course, you did VERY well; congratulations!

  24. That looked like a good one! So glad you were able to provide some support to your friend for her first 10K. I'm sure that meant the world to her.

  25. That costume, tho! LOL! Who can run like that?! Congrats on the run!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.