
It's the Little Things

So, between Lacey recovering from her awesome BQ at the Chicago Marathon and me still recovering from that HUGE bruise on the back of my calf (are you sick of hearing about that yet?) you can say there hasn't been a lot of running going on here this week.

For that reason, I thought I'd take a different twist and mention some of the "little things" that I am thankful for this week because yes, sometimes it is the "little things" that make us smile or just make our day!

Thing 1: This one isn't just THIS week, but has been ongoing. I am extremely grateful for the gorgeous weather we are having. Yes, it rained that one weekend, but other than that, the skies are blue and the sun is shining! I have been able to wear my skirts and dresses every day since school started. In fact, there has only been two days were I even needed a jacket in the morning.  I figured i'd mention this now because as we enter the middle of October I suspect the chilly weather is going to show up.  Although I am loving this weather, i am kind of bummed that I am not out there running in it while it's still nice!

Thing 2: I am Thankful to Judy from Chocolate Runs Judy for suggesting Arnicare bruise cream. I was able to find it at my local CVS and have been applying it since Monday.  It's always hard to tell if that "something"you apply is actually working or if it's just "time" that is doing the healing.  Either way, the purple color seems to be dissipating and it didn't hurt AS much when I did a jog around town on Wednesday ( even though I shouldn't have).

I highly recommend Halo!

Thing 3:  This seemed to be the week that people were getting sick.  People at work and even in my own household were all coming down with something. I thought for sure I was next. I had the sinus pressure, the sniffling nose, and the sneezing. I nipped that in the bud right away by taking Alka-Seltzer Cold and by constantly spraying HALO down my throat.  I HATE missing work. I think teaching might be the one job where it takes more work and planning to miss a day than it does to actually show up!

Thing 4: If you are a teacher you will know why I am thankful for this next thing.  I got a new student yesterday and his last name is at the end of the alphabet. How convenient that alphabetically he is now the last one on my list.  This means that I can write his name in my grade book without disrupting the sequence of the class.   Like I said, it's the little things! Now if his last name began with an "M",  that would have just stressed me out...haha.

Thing 5: EVERY weekend since school started I have been busy with plans. It's either been birthday parties, anniversary parties, races, traveling, or something. This weekend i am thankful for NO plans. I just want to veg out with Baylee (who seems to be getting over her bronchitis by the way).  Maybe I'll do a little more decorating for fall around my house.

Have a good weekend all!  -M

P.S Since I believe this is the last Friday 5, We want you to know that we will be adding you all to our blog reader so we can continue to read your posts on Fridays! We would love if you would do the same. Lets continue to connect!


  1. If you can be thankful for the little things, that makes the big things that much better! I'm so glad everyone is getting better. I came down with that really nasty ... I'd call it a "cold," but it seemed so much worse than that! Next time I'm going to try that Halo! You'll be out there running soon - promise :)

    1. I really try to stay positive in all aspects of life. Sorry the cold got the best of you. Definitely pick up some Halo for next time!

  2. Sometimes it is so nice to have a weekend with no plans. I have a very long run on my agenda this weekend, and something pretty much every weekend for the next 6 weeks. So, enjoy that down time when you can !
    And congrats to Lacey !

  3. Haha! The gratitude over your student's last name is SO FUNNY. I completely relate. It's frustrating when you have to reprint ALL your rosters, re-assign student numbers,'s so much easier to just add a name to the end of the list!

  4. See, I was nodding when I read that statement about the student at the end of the alphabet. I think all of us have a little OCD...

  5. Harvey Dent looks so forward to weekends too because he knows he gets more attention :)
    HOLYYYYCOWWWWW - I had no idea that germ mist thing existed - I'm going to Amazon right now to order!!!!!
    & had no idea that Bruise stuff existed either!!! The things you learn on blogs :)

  6. Oh lovely arnica, how much do I love thee? Let me count the ways...... SO glad to hear your mutt is doing better!

  7. Oh arnicare really is the best! Hadn't seen the bruise specific one before. Looks awesome. Hope both of you have an amazing weekend.

  8. LOL @ your elation for a new student with a "Z" last name. That is just perfection and as a fellow teacher, I GET IT. It is definitely a "little thing" that saves time!

    1. Actually his last name began with an "S" but he was still the last on the list alphabetically!

  9. So great to stop and look at the little things. Actually, when you said fall decorations, I thought about how happy my fall decorations are making me right now. Some of them light up and they just make my home feel so warm and homey, which I'm hoping makes my kids feel the same way. All the fall things are so comforting right now. ~Jessica Marie @

    1. Oh fall decorations sure are cozy aren't they? I got a fall candle and I feel cozy every time I light it!

  10. Oh I'm totally with you on #4. The number of schedule changes that happen at the beginning of the school year drive me nuts. Its one of the reasons why I do assign seats in my classes until the 2nd or 3rd week of school.

    1. Glad to see you do assigned seats too! I do it and kids hate it! Of course I have my reasons though.

  11. It IS the little things :) Thanks for linking up with this for the final week!

  12. I'm glad the bruise is getting better! I had never heard of Halo before but I think I need to look it up since a lot of people around here seem to be getting sick. And yay for a weekend with no plans. Those are so necessary at times.

    1. I think Halo is necessary if you work around lots of people!

  13. Bruise cream?! I had no idea that was a thing, but awesome! Bruises are the worst -- I hate when it gets to that gross yellow-gray colored stage.

    1. I had no idea this existed either, thank goodness for blog friends. I think I am actually missing the ugly yellow/gray stage.

  14. Glad you're getting better! I've never heard of Arnicare... might have to look that up.

  15. I'm glad you are getting a free weekend!!

    A week of all good things is awesome!! Have a great weekend !

  16. I love to appreciate the little things! Added you to Bloglovin! I just wish it were easier to use.

  17. The little things can be great. I'm purposefully not doing much today so I can unwind after my trip to Boulder. I boarded Allie at the vet, and I owe her snuggles.

  18. I am loving this weather too! i know some people want the fall chilly weather, but I am all about sunshine and skirts! Plus, the leaves are still changing here so it looks pretty, but feels great! ;)


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.