
It Happened On An Ordinary Monday

A while back I wrote a post about when an ordinary training run turns into a memorable one. You know there are runs that are just your average 4 miles (10 mile or 20 mile) run (depending on who you are). You run it, and then the following days, weeks or even months there isn't one thing that can set that run a part from any other 4, 10, or 20 mile run you've completed. And then there are those runs in which something happens that you'll never forget.  I have quite a few of those that come to mind, my first snowy 22 miler on the trail and my deer encounter at the island.

I only have a few places that I run, so all of my good and bad memories are mostly associate with the same trails.  The other day I headed out to my favorite rail trail since the first time after Baylee's "accident".  I have to tell you that as soon as I got out of the car I felt a pit in my stomach and my heart felt heavy. I could vividly remember how I felt during that afternoon and how frightened I was. All these emotions came back to me and I wondered if I would ever see this trail as a happy place again?  Well, This is the best running trail I have so I needed to just shake it off so to speak and get down to business.  I put my music in and off I went.

My only goal was 4 miles. 2 miles up and 2 miles back.  I was feeling good.  By the time I got to mile 2 my calf was hurting (but that's been nothing new lately), and I felt I sort of needed a potty break.  (There is a public restroom at the library near the end of the trail so my goal was to finish the 4 miles and then head right there since I wanted to get a book anyway.)

I think that third mile I was like lightening because I just couldn't take it any longer. I NEEDED to get to the end of the trail ASAP.    At the end of mile three I did a walk run and then just a plain old walk. I even thought of going off the trail into the trees. Okay, now I hate to ask businesses to use their restrooms when I know they are probably not public and I am not a customer but this was an emergency.  I knew there was a Health Food store off the side of the trail so I was going to cut through the trees and run down to the store.  So I did.

 Turns out my direction was a little off and the building off to the side was Allergy Partners building. I didn't care, I was going in.  My gosh I was just hoping I didn't wet myself as I stood in the lobby.  OH no! There was was a sign that they were on vacation!!!!!  Okay, so I ran to the next building along the highway, it was a rug outlet.  I got to the front door and saw that they didn't open till 9:00 am.  Okay so I run to the next place which was finally the Heath Food store, but they weren't open either. This is getting serious now.  My only option was to just run back to my car and hope that one of the business in the parking lot where I parked was open. The first one I came too was a Hearing Aid place and she graciously let me use the facilities!

Okay, so why did I tell you all that? Well I think it's Gods why of giving me a laugh. That event certainly didn't erase the memory of what happened with Baylee on the trail, but it definitely kept my focus on something else. Yes, this run became quite a memorable run and I can add it to my collection of ones that I will remember for a long time.  And to add to the funniness of it all. I only needed to run or walk a mile back to my car and because I deviated off the trail to find a restroom I ended up going about a half mile out of my way anyway!  Oh, and the entire time I was running/walking I kept thinking how fortunate I was that this kind of stuff never happens to me during a real race!  Fingers crossed!  -M

Tell me I'm not the only one this has ever happened too?

                                         We will be linking up with the gals from TOTR.


  1. Oh dear. Memorable for sure. Where/when I run there's usually nothing open. One time behind a bush was the best I could do.

  2. Oh no! That sounds like a memorable run for sure!

    1. And not a fun memory either. I can laugh about it now though!

  3. One time I had to heed nature's call and I headed into a neighborhood convenience store. The owner told me he "didn't have a bathroom". Yeah, right, and I'll never darken your door again. I ended up at a tire store. Sometimes I go to the gas station, where they are always happy to see me. I buy most of my gas there. The convenience store? He's out of business.

    1. There is a convenient store close to the end of the trail and my sister and I went in there during an "emergency" one evening and they too said they didn't have one for us to use. Such

  4. Oh my goodness, that is a memorable run! I think you're right, it was a good way to focus on something other than the bad memories.

  5. oh my god! that is funny! You need to listen to the Another Mother Runner podcast on how "to go" on a run, when you can't find a bathroom. I just about peed my pants laughing when I was listening to it! Sarah says that she goes on a rock... while wearing pants, because you already stink anyway!

    here is the link, it's a really useful podcast.

  6. Not the bathroom, but I couldn't use a good series of trails because it was where I got hit with ITBS, then struggled through my runs. It was no longer a fun place to go, and I've only been back a couple of times in those 3 years.

    1. I can understand that as well. I have a spot that I don't run because I think that is where I first got ITBS!

  7. ohhhh man... that is the WORST trying to find a spot that has a bathroom. But you are so right - you now have a fresh new memory for your path... & now you know even better about bathrooms being around you :) haha I am such a weirdo about needing to know where bathrooms are at, anytime i go anywhere, running or not - so I'm all about discovering bathrooms. Hey - I heard there was an app for that too :) Seriously.

    1. OMG, I'm gonna have to share that app with my husband. I think he started to rate public restrooms. He tells me who has the "nice" ones..haha

  8. Ha! Yeah, I am always worried about being able to find a place to go in an emergency. Because, seriously, what do you do if you can't find a place?! And yeah, I think races/routes where something bad happened are sort of like the scene of a crime and I don't want to go back. Glad you were able to get back to that trail and focus on something else!

    1. Actually, I've had a lot of memories on that trail. For every negative one, I have about 5 happy ones!

  9. I hate when you really need a bathroom, whether its when you're out running or on a road trip, and you feel like you've looked everywhere to find one. This will definitely be a memorable run for you, that's for sure.

    1. At least now I know which ones open early and which ones don'

  10. a few weeks ago after riding my bike, I knew I couldn't run without using a bathroom but there wasn't one around. I had all of my friends stand in a circle and I just went right there in the parking lot. Gotta do it sometimes!!

  11. Yes,that is the time. We were on the trail and I thought she was suffering from heat stroke. I wrote about it near the end of June.

  12. I ran into a brunch place on a really fancy island last weekend dripping sweat and high tailed it to the bathroom before any one could say anything.

  13. Girl, it is time you just peed behind a tree and got it over with!!!!!

  14. Distractions can be a good thing! Glad you found a restroom in time!

  15. I'm glad it all worked out for you! I don't run on trails very much but I would imagine it can be bad when you really need a bathroom!

  16. How frustrating (but in a funny kind of way....looking back, that is). I did a half marathon a few years ago that went through a couple of parks (on trails). There were NO "facilities" after the porta-pots around the half way point. I had been on medication, and my tummy was on fire and major distress. Thankfully, nothing happened, but I felt like I was on the verge of a major accident for the final 5-6 miles of that race.

  17. Bathroom emergencies are the worst!! If I'm running more than 4 or 5 miles, I usually try to plan a route where I know there are bathrooms. I've only ever had to go behind a tree once, and I hope it never comes to that again!

  18. I am sure after you posted this you laughed about it but in the scheme of things you probably couldn't wait to find sweet relief! Glad it worked out and you were able to use a bathroom!
    I am not sure what happened to your dog but I hope everything is okay.

  19. I couldn't help but laugh reading this--I'm glad you can find the humor in it too (although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time). I'm sure there's a story like that in my future! Luckily, when I need to go, there's been a bathroom around somewhere.

  20. hehe, I've had to go behind many a tree/bushes before because where I run facilities are scarce. LOL! Hope your pup is ok!!!

  21. Oh no!! I'm so glad you found a place to let you use the restroom! I love your take on the whole thing and I agree with you about God's way of making you laugh about the situation!

  22. I usually plan my runs near the park so I can use the bathrooms if necessary; they unlock at sunrise. But one morning, they stayed locked even though the sun was up!! I tried every bathroom and they were all closed! It was seriously stressful. I've popped a squat in a bush before but I feel bad doing it because I don't want to mess up the park. Luckily now there's a 7-11 not far from the park and I don't feel bad using their restrooms!

  23. God certainly makes life interesting. LOL And I'm not afraid to make an emergency stop when needed. ;)

  24. Lol! Well, that's one way to turn a bad memory into at least a laughable one!

  25. LOL, totally BTDT. Thankfully I do most of my runs near my house, so if I'm truly desperate, I run home.

  26. funny story and yes, something new to think about! On our long runs on Saturday I always stop at McDonald's- can't tell you the last time I have every eaten there- but the restroom hits the spot!

  27. I've had to make an emergency stop behind a bush before... sometimes there aren't a lot of places to "go". Glad your story ended well!


Fairytales and Fitness is a personal blog authored and edited by us, Meranda and Lacey. The thoughts expressed here represent only our own and are not meant to be taken as professional advice. Please note that our thoughts and opinions change from time to time. We consider this a necessary consequence of having an open mind in an ever changing society. Any thoughts and opinions expressed within our out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those we may express today. Some links may contain affiliate links. Some links are just to pages we'd like to share.